Tuesday 31 October 2017

7 Things You Need to Know to Live Your Best Life and Make a Better World

You know those “moments of truths”?

When what you hear, or come to realize, turns your world around. When one or several things turn out to be exactly what you needed to hear at the exact right time. Bo-boom.

For the past couple of years, I’ve had several ah-ha moments that have made my life better. Here are seven of those realizations. Some were harsh to come to terms with (like #1), while others brought me the greatest relief and hallelujah moment (like #7).

Read them, ponder them, and let them move in with you. See if they can alter your life and perhaps amp up your awesomeness even more.

1. You’re 100 percent responsible for your life.

First time I heard this I got a tiny bit uncomfortable, to say the least. Did that mean I had to take responsibility for everything? Even areas in my life where I had felt mistreated, misunderstood, and clearly had my reasons as to why things weren’t ideal? Like my financial situation and why I wasn’t working with something I love.

At first, I didn’t like the idea of taking full responsibility for everything. But, then it hit me: If I want to own the solution, I have to first own the problem. This doesn’t mean that what someone else did to us was okay; it just means that we accept what happened (because, let’s face it, it did happen) and then take responsibility for how we let it affect our life onward.

We can’t change a situation in our life that we don’t take full responsibility for, because that means that the power sits with someone or something else. Excuses, blames, and reasons might cushy-comfort us for a while, but it won’t change the game.

Try this: Look at one area of your life that you’re not fully satisfied with. Then, choose to take 100 percent responsibility for it, no matter what has happened or how things are now. (If you find it difficult to start, just imagine that you do it for two minutes).

Taking responsibility means taking your power back to where it belongs: to you.

2. The thing that annoys you about others is a reflection of you.

What really pisses you off about others? What frustrates you and makes you go through the roof? Yeah, that’s all a mirror of you.

Realizing this for me gave me so many ah-ha moments (after I passed my denial phase). For example, I was frustrated with one person who always interrupted me and others. Why wasn’t she capable of listening? Why did she always have to interrupt people half way through?

As you might have guessed, this was also something I did. (Now I’m aware, so hopefully I don’t do it as much anymore.) Realizing this was powerful. Not only could I reveal sides of myself I wanted to work on, it also allowed me to practice compassion instead of judgment with others' behavior. Win-win!

Look at things that annoy you about others and then turn the focus toward yourself. What’s the message here? How can you grow and develop from it?

3. What you admire about others is a quality you long to express.

Here’s a simple exercise that can reveal some pretty cool things about yourself. Who do you admire? What qualities in them do you look up to?

What you admire in others—or perhaps secretly envy—is also a mirror. It shows what qualities or desires that longs to be expressed in you.

If you admire Oprah’s way of connecting with people, know that you also have that ability. If you admire Richard Branson’s bravery and positive outlook on life, know that these also exist within you.

I always get really inspired when I see someone talking in front of other people, while looking really relaxed. So, I figured that this was a side of myself that wanted to play out more.

Since then, a friend and I started organizing workshops in Stockholm so we could practice speaking in front of others. Now, those events are a place to meet and connect with others who also wants to grow, learn, and create their ideal life.

Think about someone you look up to and become specific in terms of what you love about them. Then see if you’re currently expressing this quality. If not, what can you do to start expressing it more? Take small steps forward to play with those qualities.

4. You can’t drive out darkness with darkness.

In today’s world we’re constantly exposed to attacks, shootings, and other tragedies. It’s everywhere—in the newspaper, on TV, and social media. We can’t ignore it, but what we can do it decide how to deal with it.

Either we can react to these situations with the first impulse that comes up, or choose to consciously respond to them. Those are our two options. But, here’s the thing: We cannot react to frustrating, fearful, or stressful situations with frustration, fear, and stress and expect a position outcome.

If we’ve learned one thing throughout history it’s this: War feeds more war. Anger triggers more anger. Fear leads to more fear. Simply, we cannot drive out darkness with darkness—only light can do that.

This applies to all situations, big and small. So, next time someone cuts you in traffic or arrives late, try to step into their shoes. Maybe they were in a hurry. Maybe their partner had just broken up with them. Maybe they’re having a really crappy day.

Or next time you hear about a terrorist attack, send love to those affected, and love in action by helping in whatever small way you can. After you’ve processed what happened, try to even send healing energy to the person who did it. Who knows what this person has gone through, or what their mental state is like? Who knows his pain, threats, and beliefs about this world?

Hate, anger, and resentment only create separation between us and others. They don’t lead to a better world; they lead to more pain for one person in particular: yourself.

What we all need right now isn’t greater separation; it’s greater connection. So focus on giving light where there’s darkness. Simply, put love where you can’t find it.

5. People are always doing the best they can.

Now, you might not agree here, but stay with me. What if everyone, including the most greedy, hurtful, and ill-tempered people on this planet, are doing their best at all times? That is, based on their experience, mood, and beliefs.

If this statement is true or not, we’ll never know. But, acting like it is will save you time, energy, and frustration. Maybe the slow waitress has severe sleeping problems. Maybe the guy who’s not meeting his deadline has family issues. Maybe the criminal had parents with drug problems and the only way he got attention was by breaking rules and causing pain.

We never know what someone else is going through. We never know their thoughts, experiences, or what caused them to do something. All we can know is that if we were in their shoes, we might do the same.

Replace judgment with curiosity. Use your empathy and try to imagine life as the other person. Just for a while, be them, act like them, and think like them. Things tend to look completely different from another perspective.

6. You have to accept what you don’t like about your life to move forward.

Some things are hard to accept. Maybe it’s a situation, a limiting belief, or your own or someone else’s behavior.

For a long time I tried to ignore the fact that I didn’t like my job. I tried to numb my feelings by focusing on party weekends, alcohol, and friends. But, I was never able to create change by pushing away what I didn’t want. It just gave more power to the unwanted. Eventually, I had no other option but to accept what I felt. To realize that it was okay not to feel satisfied where I was.

Once I had accepted what was, I was able to change it. Then I could paint out an ideal situation and take small steps forward in that direction.

Work with what is—see things exactly as they are and then act.

7. You matter immensely.

You do. And knowing it to be true will make you a better person. You matter to those around you, to the society you live in, and to this world.

Not one person has the same set of interests, skills, and experience as you. Your talents, curiosities, and qualities aren’t random—I believe they were given to you for a reason.

Put them to use. Let the world see what you’re capable of. Let others take part of your gifts and caring. When you thrive, you give permission for others to do the same. Playing small or staying stuck in worries or fears serves no one.

Act, speak, and believe that you matter immensely—because you do.

About Maria Stenvinkel

Maria Stenvinkel is on a mission to help people get a career they truly love. Download her free worksheet Get a Clue to Your Calling With These 10 Powerful Questions.

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The post 7 Things You Need to Know to Live Your Best Life and Make a Better World appeared first on Tiny Buddha.


25 Best Books For Starting An Online Business

There are millions of reasons to start a blog, a landing page or a website. Whatever your goal is, you’ll need the right strategy to stay ahead of the game. That’s exactly why I recommend that you check out best books for starting an online business. These books won’t just answer your question but they can also immensely improve your knowledge.

Are you ready to feel inspired and encouraged? Let’s press on!

eBooks for Blogging

Trying to find eBooks that can guide you in the right direction can be overwhelming. No worries, though. Today, I’m listing down my compilation of the best eBooks about blogging, creativity, and inspiration you’ll need in running your own blog.

  • Content Marketing 101: The Must-Know Essentials

content marketing 101 ebook

Why do some bloggers get the lion’s share of attention while others end up writing posts that virtually nobody will ever read? This eBook is aimed at both the novice and experienced blogger who are suffering from low traffic on their blogging websites.

If you’re eager to present work that creates a reputation and builds businesses, then this eBook is just the thing for you. With this, learn the three essential principles of content marketing: how to produce the right content, how to find feedback and analyze and measure the content performance.

  • A Simple Guide to Blogging for Business

a simple guide to blogging for business ebook

If you are convinced that blogging can catapult your business to greater heights, then this free eBook is a perfect choice for you. Whether or not you already know, companies that blog on a regular basis gain 55% more traffic to their websites.

Can your blog do the same?

This simple guide can help you to learn why blogging is important to your business, how to find and create great content and how to promote your blog. Remember, every time you blog about your company or brand, you put it in a positive light and convince people that your offerings are better.

  • Who’s There?

whos there ebook

If you’re looking for a silver bullet, then I may have to disappoint you. The free eBook I suggest here will not help you write compelling posts. Instead, it will help your blogging website work better.

This eBook aims to showcase how to create a spectacular impact as a blogger. This will be a great surprise for curious people who underestimate blogging or are not doing it well. With the simple idea of helping people get a jumpstart into online marketing, this freebie can dip your toes deeper into the water.

You’ll like the way this book explains things. It’s a great choice for both bloggers and non-bloggers. Seriously, you should read it.

  • How to Make Money Blogging?

how to make money blogging ebook

With this comprehensive free eBook, even a newbie can learn how to blog. It includes step-by-step instructions and links to point you in the right direction.

The best part of this eBook is that it’s full of information necessary for anyone starting out. It covers so many topics, from knowing the importance of a customizable WordPress theme, how to make money from your blog, SEO tips, a set of helpful tools to increase your earnings and much more. If you want to launch like a rocket, get started with this book.

  • How to Start a Blog? The Beginner’s Guide to Successful Blogging

how to start a blog ebook

Here is the perfect beginner’s guide to help you learn how to start a blog. Step-by-step, this will teach you all the necessary information on how to avoid pitfalls and missteps that hinder some novices. It will also help you decide on which platform to choose and install, how to grow your audience, find your niche and more.

  • Business Blogging 101: How to Promote Your Business

blogging 101 how to promoteyour business ebook

Want to take your business to the next level?

With this interesting free eBook, it’s simpler than you think. It’s not a secret that starting a business is a challenge. The good news is this eBook can guide you and help you get your business blog up and running.

Simply put, I think this eBook is worth your attention. Learn the correct ways to promote and spread your blog on the web, how to generate engaging topics, how to increase website traffic and bring new leads- this can teach you that and more!

  • MeetEdgar’s Secret Blogging Formula

meetedgars secret blogging formula ebook

Looking for help? Don’t fret.

Here’s a wonderful opportunity to learn everything you need to create a killer blog post. Get ready to enjoy this free eBook and be inspired to write amazing posts, discover your voice and drive traffic. With this, you’ll get a collection of high-quality free photos, social media guides, and useful social media promotion tools that can generate conversions.

Ready to explore the secret side of successful blogging? Let’s do this.

eBooks for SEO Improvement

If you’re interested in developing and converting an audience, boosting SEO and expecting sales to come flooding you, then this is for you. By reading these wonderful freebies, you’ll surely win.

  • Mobile SEO Tips

mobile seo tips ebook

How many times a day do you check your phone? Did you know that an average person does it about 110 times a DAY or nine times an hour?

If you’re a serious blogger, you want to be sure you’re getting the most traffic possible. Now, how can you accomplish that?

One sure way is to make your website responsive. With this engaging eBook, you’ll learn how to make your page rock on mobile devices of any kind. You’re going to love it.

  • SEO Best Practices for a WordPress Blog Post

seo best practices for a wordpress blog post ebook

Waiting for readers to come to you? That’s not the way to go. The longer you wait, the more competitive your niche gets.

Grab this free eBook to figure out where your readers are, go there and drag them back to your site. Magic happens when you choose the right path. Explore the importance of an SEO-optimized WordPress website that can make your visitors’ lives easier and more enjoyable. It will surely make you win over the world.

  • Everything You Need to Know About Long Tail Keywords

everything you need to know about long tail keywords ebook

Do you ever wonder if there are any helpful strategies to increase the specificity of keywords? Looking for advice on how to arrange long tail keywords across your unique content?

Let’s just say that this free eBook has all the answers to that question. Get this eBook now unless you have a very good reason not to.

eBooks That Will Improve Your Writing Skills

The best way to improve your business or personal writing skills is to read more, write more and study your idols. Let’s look at these free eBooks below.

  • Storytelling That Doesn’t Suck

storytelling that doesnt suck ebook

Written by Catherine Crayon of TemplateMonster, this handy free eBook illustrates the main rules for business storytelling that work.

You can turn your passion into a thriving business, but you need to learn how to tell a story to market yourself first. Learn how to tell your unique story to tease your readers and flirt with them. Sounds intriguing? Try it.

  • How to Make an eBook That Rocks?

how to make an ebook

Raise your hand if you want to make an eBook to sell on your blog or website.

If you do, then this powerful eBook will be useful for you. Written in a straightforward manner, this is a truly step-by-step guide full of brainstorming ideas, defining concepts and designing layout ideas.

  • Author2.0 Blueprint

author2.0 blueprint ebook

If you’re passionate about writing, this free eBook will help improve your talent and make you unstoppable. It’s not only about encouraging you to start writing, but also about giving you smart tips on how to write different types of content.

It will teach you how to draft fiction and non-fiction books, how to market your work and even how to make a living with your unique writing.

  • Writing with Style: Three Concepts and Two Stages

writing with style three concepts and two stages

Grab this freebie and learn the three most important concepts every aspiring writer needs to know. Full of real-life examples, this eBook is a great option for every serious writer/blogger who is eager to improve his writing skills. It will help you become a key player on the web.

  • EBook: 365 Writing Prompts

365 writing prompts ebook

Waiting for inspiration? Need a little push?

Well, you can’t wait for inspiration to come. You have to go after it.

Get this interesting eBook written by The Daily Post team to have an entire year of writing inspirations at your fingertips. Written in an easy-to-read manner, it offers a whole host of fantastic ideas on how to get started with your writing projects. Perfect for honing your writing craft, it will inspire you to get started.

  • 10 Steps to Becoming a Writer

10 steps to becoming a writer ebook

Do you want to become a writer? There’s nothing stopping you from writing, so just write!

This free eBook covers smart ideas on how to become a writer and it will surely keep you busy.

  • How to Turn Site Visitors into Leads? 3 Actionable Strategies

You may think that you already know everything about optimizing your website. However, with this free eBook, you will learn how to create a personalized brand that will last and to make more than just money. Find the best way on how to create landing pages that convert, how to set up a webinar, attract natural traffic and achieve your goals. Remember, a little mindset change and this book can make all the difference.

  • Write Good or Die

write good or die ebook

Don’t miss out on a huge opportunity to learn survival tips from best-selling authors like Kevin J. Anderson, Heather Graham, Gayle Lynds, and more. Don’t leave money on the table with your blog. Explore the power of storytelling. Learn how to develop your writing skills, promote your work and use your imagination. As long as you recognize exactly what you are telling, you’re ready to get the attention you deserve.

eBooks for Social Media Marketing

  • 20 Instagram Post Ideas to Overcome Creative Blocks

20 instagram post ideas to overcome creative blocks ebookDo you want to make your Instagram environment awesome and engaging for your followers? Then you need to read this free eBook to grab some of the coolest Instagram post ideas. Get it, open it and learn from it.

  • Social Media Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

social media mistakes ebook

Sometimes we have an idea but don’t exactly know how to express it.

If this is your case, you will definitely find this free eBook useful and beneficial to your business. It will help you understand the world of social media marketing. It covers all possible bumps in the road and potholes an average business owner faces.

It’s a great choice for everyone who wants to learn the difference between personal and business profiles, how to react correctly to comments, attract more natural traffic and more.

  • How to Build an Audience on Social Media?

how do i build an audience on social media ebook

Not sure where to start building your unique brand or how to find your target audience? Is your website getting as many visitors as you’d like? I’ll tell you the secret:

This amazing freebie can be a source of inspiration for you. With the best practices assembled in this free eBook, you’ll be able to easily attract readers and build a loyal audience.

  • 21 Easy Tips to Create a Powerful Presentation For Your Business

21 easy tips to create a powerful presentation for your business ebook

To create a powerful business presentation, you need to use a strong visual language. It will represent any information and reduce the time it takes to convey your message. Get more information on how to build high-impact content that will captivate and inspire your audience.

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Visual Content

How can you win your prospect’s attention? With tons of information at our fingertips, how can you create the web content that is both useful and aesthetically appealing? I’ll tell you.

This wonderful free eBook will help you learn how to create eye-grabbing things, like high-quality photos, images, charts, infographics and other visual representations for your consumers.

  • How to Create Infographics for Your Marketing?

Imagery is the key to draw in your visitors and tell them the story of your mission. But, how do you create eye-grabbing images worth thousands of words? This free eBook covers the basics of creating and using beautiful infographics in your marketing.

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Shareable Infographics

a beginners guide to creating shareable infographics ebook

With this great eBook, you will be able to create effective and impressive infographics in a way that appeals to customers. The sooner you start reading it, the better.

Starting a blog or making a career online is not that easy. But, with the help of these best books for starting an online business, you will surely be one step closer to achieving your goals.

The post 25 Best Books For Starting An Online Business appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Series: Get Pumped, Get Planned! | Accessorize to Maximize

Now that we have covered the basics and got you on the path to CRUSHING your goals, let’s talk about accessories! Its time to add the jewelry to your outfit…the whipped cream to your dessert…your signature on the artwork. Accessories are a fun way to make your planner reflect your personal style, but can also take scheduling to a whole new level! 
Our favorites are the Bestie notebooks and notepads. Our Besties are the perfect little helper to use along with your main planner. These cute little 4” x 7” notebooks are filled with lined pages just screaming for all of your ideas throughout the day! Keep one on your nightstand for those middle of the night a-ha’s! They tuck right into the inside pocket of your planner too. And check out our Gym Pal and Business Partner notebooks! They are filled the perfect cues for maximizing your health and business. The Gym Pal holds you accountable to your workouts and diet while the Business Partner will keep your business life on track by monitoring your expenses, marketing, and other notes. Whether you are using a Bestie Notebook to jot down ideas or to-do’s on the go, or our Gym Pal Notebook to meet your fitness and health goals, you will love these perfect little tools to make the absolute most of every single day. 
Notepads…you need these little beauties in your life! We know we spend less at the grocery store when we stick to a list so let our Fuel notepad help! This is the perfect accessory for those Sunday meal planning sessions. We have given you space to plan out your meals for the week and then a checkbox grocery list area to help you stick to your budget. We like the Delegate notepad for chores lists for our kids! It is a great way to assign tasks and give a little pat on the back when they are done. The Master Plan and Think Tank notepads are a little more generic for tracking your to-do’s for any project or journaling ideas on the fly!
TIP: Tear your notepad pages out and use our washi tape to stick them into your big planner! Its a great way to keep track of your lists while also adding a little pizazz to your pages. 
And don’t worry…we’ve also got you covered with pencils, the coolest Sidekick Zipper Bag to keep them in, stickers, postcards, and more! Be sure to check out our BLING page for all the goodies you need to make the most of your STARTplanner!

from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/series-get-pumped-get-planned-accessorize-to-maximize


Series: Get Pumped, Get Planned! | Mapping It Out

We planned the work, now let’s work the plan! Let’s be honest, scheduling is probably most of the reason you got yourself a planner, right? You want to work more into every single day. You want to do more, be more efficient, and be more organized. Yes! Yes! Yes! Girl, we get you. But before we start going hour by hour, we want you to take a step back and think about the year, the month, the weeks, the days. Think about the things you need to remind yourself of throughout the year. We have given you the “Schedule It Out” pages with some reminders of those tasks that sometimes get forgotten. This is a convenient checklist to help you stay on top of your year. At the beginning of each month is a an overview where you can write in important dates, events, reminders. We encourage you to use the overview to jot things down for the months ahead too! 
Let’s start on a Sunday. At STARTplanner we love love love Sunday planning. Set up a weekly routine where you allow yourself a nice chunk of time to plan your week. Get yourself a nice big cup of coffee, some of our favorite Tombow pens, and your planner and get started. Maybe you start with your appointments for the week. Pencil (or pen) the things in that you know for sure will happen and/or have a definite start and finish time. Next write in your reoccurring tasks. For example, maybe you like to block time for answering email every day between 6 and 8 am. Or maybe you pencil in some personal down time every day between 9 and 10 pm. 
TIP: Try making a task list that has the things you want to do the least first on the list. Give yourself a block of time that will require you to hustle through those dreaded tasks and then reward yourself with some extra time on the things you love. Kara told me she cleaned her bathrooms in record time last weekend knowing that any extra could be spent planning her vacation! We also love color coding. It can be as simple as work tasks in one color and personal tasks in another. Or if kids activities rule your world, try a color for each kid! While we think colors have a great way of helping to keep us organized, we also love how pretty our planners look when they are loved up with some great pens!
One of our favorite scheduling activities is MEAL PLANNING! Meal planning saves time, money, and frustration when done consistently. Sunday is the perfect time to get ready for the week. We have given you space for your monthly groceries in your planner but have also created our Fuel notepad to take with you to the store. Tear off your list for the week and get your shop on. Stick to your list and watch the savings roll in week after week! 
There are a million good reasons to keep your life organized with a planner and scheduling your days, weeks, and months are at the top of the list. Keeping yourself on task and making strides toward your goals is why we do what we do. We want to see you succeed! We want to see you HUSTLE!

from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/series-get-pumped-get-planned-mapping-it-out


Series: Get Pumped, Get Planned! | Project Projections

Our goals are sorted and squared away, so now let’s talk about projects. What is the difference between a goal and a project? Well, start with linguistics. You REACH a goal and you COMPLETE a project. Perhaps a project might help you reach your goal. A goal might involve a series of projects. Or a project might just stand alone as something you want to complete but needs a little more thought than a task or action step. For example, I might be training for a marathon but I would still really like to finish sorting through this year’s photos. The sorted photos won’t help me finish the marathon, but still has an unrelated importance. Whether it is a goal or a project, the important thing is that it holds enough weight to require dedicated time and action, and that it is moving you in an overall direction that you feel good about. 
The “Projects” pages in your planner are there to help you think through, organize, and complete the things that maybe you have put off for a while. Projects take action to complete. Use the provided spaces to list your action steps and due dates. It also calls out the budget and actual money spent which might give you insight into how you estimate your projects. If your actual spend always comes out higher than your budget, its probably time to reevaluate how you to your estimates! 
Here is a visual for how vision, goals, projects, and action steps (tasks) all work together:

from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/series-get-pumped-get-planned-project-projections


Series: Get Pumped, Get Planned! | What are your vision and goals?!

This is your year! You’ve already taken the first step toward your goals by purchasing the tool to get you there. Well done! Did you get a planner to help you reach your goals or did you get a planner to help you figure out what your goals are? Good news…we can help with both. This big step can be scary and we get it. There is the risk of missing your goal. And what if your goal changes midyear? Are you reaching too high? Not high enough? Defining your goals, writing them down, and sticking to them is huge but also so very doable. 
We have given you a page called “The Big Picture” and we want you to think about what your long-term life goals are. Where are you starting from? What do you want to do with this life? Do you have a personal manifesto? What is YOUR big picture? 
Let’s go a little deeper and talk about defining your goals for the year. Get yourself some blank paper and go to town. Start by jotting down the goals as they are in your head right now. Here is an example goal as a frame of reference as we move through goal setting together: 
GOAL: Finish the Chicago marathon in under 4 hours.
Now ask yourself these questions about your goal and write them down:
  1. Why is this goal important to me?
    I promised myself I would run a marathon before I turned 40.

  2. Is my goal SMART?
  • Specific: Is it clearly defined? I don’t just want to run a marathon. I want to FINISH the Chicago marathon within a specific time allowance. 
  • Measurable: Is the achievement of the goal quantifiable? If I finish in under 4 hours, I will have achieved my goal.
  • Attainable: Can I actually achieve this goal? Many people finish the Chicago marathon in under 4 hours, and there is no reason I can’t do it too. I am in good health and have been a runner for years. 
  • Realistic: Based on actual time and resources, is this goal within my means? Based on my work schedule and social life, I can fit training into my evenings and weekends. I can pay my entry fee and have the money for the gear I will need.
  • Time-based: What is the deadline for my goal? I will complete my goal on the day of the race.
  1. Who will keep me accountable and push me toward my goal when I need it?
    Jenny will be my accountability partner. 
We have also given you prompts for categories we feel are essential to living an organized, goal-driven, purposeful life. Starting with the words, “This year I am going to…,” consider your home life, relationships, spiritual life, physical health, finances, career, education, and travel. But remember, this is YOUR planner so if those categories don’t work for you, cross them out and make it your own! 
Next we “Break It Down.” Lets get specific here…how am I going to make this all happen? Who is going to help me make it happen? What actions do I need to take so that I can celebrate my achieved goal? When we break down our example goal, we might have actions steps such as:
  • Select training schedule
  • Buy new running shoes
  • Join local running club
  • Register for race
Each of those steps rolls up to our bigger goal. They get us closer to our desired end result. And don’t forget to map out these action steps over on your daily or weekly planning pages so you can ensure you are completing each step by its due date. 
Now that we have our goals established, thought out, organized, and broken down into action steps, let’s talk about vision. I have read definitions of the word “vision” that include things like “concept,” “ability to perceive with eyes,” and “very beautiful thing.” Lovely, right? We have given you a big, beautiful page to create your own vision board, with very little instruction, and that is on purpose. Your vision board is very personal. It could be a visual representation of what it will look like when you have reached your goals. It could be a pretty picture of what motivates you. Maybe it is a photo of your dog. We left out the instructions because we can’t tell you how to do this. But whatever you create, make it yours and make it inspiring! 
*Need more Goal Setting pages? At the bottom of the “Break It Down” page, you will find a link to download additional goal setting pages from the STARTplanner website!

from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/series-get-pumped-get-planned-what-are-your-vision-and-goals


Series: Get Pumped, Get Planned! | New Planner? Start Simple!

Before you dive into that new planner, let’s talk for a minute. Let’s plan the plan. [wink] There are a few things to consider as you get ready to use your new planner. While we might be slightly biased in thinking you have made the best purchase EVER, we are also aware that it can be a little overwhelming. There are so many amazing parts and pieces and we want to see you dive right in knowing this tool can change your life! 
Where to begin? First, we want you to allow yourself a nice chunk of time to really settle in. It’s like a lunch date with your new best friend. You wouldn’t rush out, now would you? Next, I am about to say something painfully obvious, yet missed by so many. READ THE INTRODUCTION. That’s right! Introduce yourself. It’s good manners. Consider it the friendly small talk, the get-to-know-you exercise, the nice-to-meet-you. There is so much good information in the first few pages and we want you to have it. We can’t stress enough how important it is to have all of the information before you dive in. 
Next, take the time to look through the whole thing…every section. Now that you’re done with the small talk, it’s time to dive in a little deeper and discover the true potential of your planner. Jot down ideas on sticky notes as you walk through the pages and come back to those right away. By doing this you can channel your ideas without rushing through and making mistakes. 
There are two trains of thought about what to do next. If this isn’t your first rodeo then you can flip on over to the GOALS section and start hashing out your goals for 2018. If this is your first STARTplanner, then you might want to start small. If you’re a little timid and afraid of messing up your beautiful new planner, then break the ice by writing in a few important dates. For example, write in the birthdays of the people you love. Those don’t change. This step will help you develop your personal style. Birthdays are fun and you may want to reflect that in the way you write them in your planner. Do you want birthdays to have their own color? An all-caps font perhaps? How about a fun sticker like our birthday cakes, which are included with the Social Butterfly Stickers?
The important part is, you are taking ownership of your new planner and making it yours. You will look at this lovely little book many times every day and you want it to reflect your personal style, how you work, and what you want to achieve. Congratulations on taking the first step to living a more organized, goal-driven, purposeful life!

from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/series-get-pumped-get-planned-new-planner-start-simple


20 Things to Remember When You Feel Anxious

Your heart races. Your body temperature rises. Your hands may shake. Your stomach may churn.

Your thoughts start spiraling to the worst could that happen, and suddenly you feel so unequipped—like everything’s going to fall apart, and you won’t be able to handle it.

It can feel so powerless when anxiety takes over, almost like your brain and body are being hijacked, and there’s little you can do to feel safe or in control.

Except that’s not actually true. Though anxiety can have both physical and mental symptoms, and we can’t just will it away, there are things we can do to calm ourselves.

I know because, like most of us, I’ve been there many times before, and I’ve coped both poorly and well.

I’ve panicked about panicking, believed every anxious thought, judged myself as weak, and tried to numb my feelings with alcohol—these are things I’ve done more often than I care to admit.

I’ve also breathed deeply, observed my thoughts, treated myself with compassion, and chosen to embrace my feelings—more and more often as I’ve gotten older.

Since I know we have a lot more power than we think when it comes to managing anxiety, I recently asked this question on the Tiny Buddha Facebook page:

What’s one thing you try to remember when you feel anxious?

More than 1,000 people responded, which I appreciated both because their thoughts were comforting and also because this reminded me just how common anxiety is. It’s natural. It’s human. But we don’t have to let it control us.

Next time you’re feeling anxious, remember what these Tiny Buddha community members shared:

1. This will pass, and more quickly if you don’t resist it.

It's a wave I must let hit me and ride until it passes. Fighting it prolongs it and turns it into a riptide. ~Lori Craven

If you just let the current carry you to where it will for a little while, the river will eventually spit you out. Just go with it and it's going to be okay. ~Renee Breuer

2. You can and will get through this—and this can make you stronger.

I verbally acknowledge and remind my inner child that it's okay, and “Adult Doug” will take care of it. That's where the anxiety arises from. I know as an adult that my success rate of surviving any crises I've faced is 100%. My little inner “Doug” gets scared and feels anxious, afraid, and insecure, so I just tell him that I have it in control. ~Doug Marcum

I can handle whatever happens. I always have, one way or another. If things don't work out the way I expect then that's okay too. The anxiety will pass and I will be stronger afterward. ~Suzy Wedley

3. You are safe.

I breathe and repeat to myself: “I'm safe. I'm okay. I can take care of myself. I am powerful. I am significant.” Repeating it helps me refocus. ~Ida Zakin

The situation isn't life or death. I'll live to see another day despite the outcome. ~Claire Denney

My mantra: “It's just adrenaline. It can't hurt you. It will pass.” ~Chuck Striler

4. Your body is trying to protect you.

I’m not a dying zebra! I watched something that said stress is a natural part of our fight or flight response, which is helpful if you’re on the savanna running from a hungry lion. ~Jenn Miles

Anxiety is my body's way of trying to protect me. My body has good intentions. It's just a little misguided. I'm grateful for my body's protection. ~Jenny Britt

5. The past and future cannot hurt you in the present.

I try to think about what is causing me anxiety, and it is typically a thought or thoughts about the past or future. I remind myself that I am okay in this moment, and all we ever have is this moment. It helps me. ~Angela Regan-Storvick

6. Thoughts can only hurt you if you give them power.

Since mine stems from thoughts that then spiral, I remind myself that thoughts are just that. They do not have to have meaning attached to them if I do not let them. Let them come in and out and give them no power, no meaning. Do not fuel them but let them come and go. They do not have to be reality, and most times they are not a reflection of reality or my true self, just plain old thoughts, and I do not have to react to every single one. ~April Rutledge

7. Worrying will not change the outcome.

I remind myself that my worrying will not change the outcome—never has and never will. Then I focus on what I'm grateful for, things that are beautiful and wonderful in my life right now. And lastly I repeat this: “I let go and I trust that I am being taken care of.” ~Joie Kreze

8. What’s worrying you is temporary.

I try to remind myself that whatever is causing my anxiety is temporary and if I'm patient, it will be resolved. ~Jess Swanson

I try very hard to remember that for most situations, they will pass whether I get all stressed out or not. ~Karen Jane Lehman

9. You have everything you need.

I try to remind myself that I have what I need: air, water, food, clothing, shelter. Then I remind myself to keep things in perspective and that I can choose how I am. ~Lorna Lewis

10. You’re stronger than you think.

I get anxiety over little things and I have to remind myself of how much I have overcome. If I can get through two brain surgeries, four different types of radiation treatment, Thyroidectomy for Thyroid Cancer, and a left neck dissection, I can get through the little stuff. Sometimes you just have to push through the discomfort of the situation and see it will be fine. ~Sara Ruggiero

11. There's a lot going right.

I concentrate on what positive is going on right now this minute. I am safe, I am not hungry, I have a good job, a husband that loves me, my family is safe and healthy. I keep going until I feel the tension fading. Then slowly but surely I can clear my head enough to take on what lies ahead of me. ~Birgit Gerwig

Things could be worse. I have my health. I try to count my blessings. ~Colleen Tayler

12. You are loved and supported.

I think of all the people who love me. I picture their faces and I imagine myself surrounded by a bubble of love, and as I'm breathing deeply I'm breathing that love in and out. ~Conni Wrightsman

13. Things often aren’t as bad as they seem.

Four by four, how will I feel about this? Will it still seem huge and overwhelming looking back in four days, four weeks, four months, four years? It helps me to put things in perspective . ~Jacqui Learmonth

I ask myself, “Am I, or is someone I love in danger right now, in this moment?” 99.9% of the time, the answer is no, so I do some breathing and relaxation exercises to calm my mind and deal with the situation from a healthier perspective. ~Celeste Rothstein

I ask myself: What are the most important things in my life, and then focus on that. What I am stressing about usually isn't one of the important things. ~Nicole Neubauer

14. You can calm yourself by focusing on your breath.

Give your brain a simple task. Sit and breathe. Stare at a wall. Put yourself in time out and inhale slowly. You are not wasting your time. Thoughts will float into your mind. Let them keep floating. Re-align your spine as you sit. And breathe. Take ten minutes if you can. If you can't, even a minute is better than nothing. ~Dabe Charon

Inhale for four counts, hold for seven counts, exhale for eight counts. ~Lisa Martinez 

Breathe. If that doesn't work I run. It forces me to regulate my breathing. This will calm my body down forcing my mind to calm down as well. ~Carolyn Stennard

15. Trust can sometimes be the antidote to anxiety.

Trust and anxiety are mutually exclusive so focus on trust, whatever you can trust at the moment, and anxiety moves out. ~Alexia Bogdis

16. It helps to focus on what you can control.

“One step at a time.” I tend to become anxious because I worry and overthink things that I can't control and may or may not happen in the future. So I started to think this in my head whenever I notice the feeling creeping up. To take action one step at a time on something that I can control and let the rest run its course. ~Adelia Benalius

17. You don't need to have everything figured out right now.

Sometimes it's not enough to take it day by day. Sometimes, it's hour by hour, or even minute by minute. And if I breathe and stay calm, I can make better decisions to effect positive change with the situation with which I'm dealing. ~Susan Stephenitch

18. Getting it out can help you let it go.

Write it down, get it off your chest, relax, make a plan of attack. Do something instead of worrying. Don't let it take away today's peace. Nothing stays the same! ~Lisa Marie Wilson

19. You deserve your own love and compassion.

Anxiety can often come from a place of judgment of the self. Stop, breathe, and surrender to self-compassion. ~‪Christine Strauss‪

20. You are not alone.

Know you're not alone. Others are struggling with something as well. We're all in this together! ~‪Melanie Rn‪

What helps you when you feel anxious?

**Most responses were edited for spelling and grammar, and some are part of larger comments not included in full.

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha and Recreate Your Life Story, an online course that helps you let go of the past and live a life you love. Her latest bookTiny Buddha's Gratitude Journal, which includes 15 coloring pages, is now available for purchase. For daily wisdom, follow Tiny Buddha on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram..

Get in the conversation! Click here to leave a comment on the site.

The post 20 Things to Remember When You Feel Anxious appeared first on Tiny Buddha.


Monday 30 October 2017

How To Organize Your Gmail In 20 Minutes (And Keep It That Way)

Do you feel overwhelmed every time you look at your Gmail inbox? Well, you’re not alone. A lot of people actually struggle with this and they spend a lot of time searching for tips on how to organize Gmail inboxes.

If you are doing the same thing, stop and check out these easy and fast strategies on how to keep your email more organized.

Archive Emails You’ve Seen But Don’t Want to Delete

One significant thing that’s probably making your Gmail inbox seem a little scary is that you aren’t using the Archive feature. It’s ideal once you’ve read an email and want to save it for reference.

Archiving a message removes it from your inbox but makes it searchable in Gmail. It’s a great method of stopping your inbox from getting out of control and losing an email you don’t want to get rid of.

With your inbox open, click on a message to highlight it. Then, look for the icon that looks like a file drawer with a downward arrow. That’s the Archive button. Simply click it and you’re done.

Get Organized With Labels

Gmail also has a cool labeling feature that groups all current emails into categories that appear on the left of your screen.

Open a message in Gmail and notice the button on the top with an icon that looks like a tag. Click it to add a label to your message or create a new one.

You can use broad categories like Work or School or use very specific ones like Receipts For Online Orders or Emails From My Sister.

Create Rules for Email Management

email management

Consider those emails your sister sent you. You can create a Gmail rule or filter that automatically sends her messages to that label so that you can read them all at once.

First, type her email address or name into the search box at the top of the Gmail interface. Then, click the downward triangle at the right corner of the box. It brings up other search parameters to try.

See the Create a Filter With This Search option in the right bottom corner. Click it to bring up a dialog box that offers various filter-related preferences. The Apply The Label option near the middle of the options relates to what you’ve just learned.

Notice how the first option (Skip The Inbox) relates to archiving. It’s useful if you want to keep emails but never see them.

To apply a filter to a certain message in your inbox, click the checkbox to its left. Then, choose the More option along the top. Click Filter Messages Like These and enter your specifications.

Use Aliases to Manage Future Junk Mail

Ever sign up for something online and feel sure you’ll get a slew of unwanted emails later? Take control by using Gmail aliases. They also work for blocking emails you receive after registering at a site and getting your details sold to a third party.

Gmail ignores emails with plus signs and periods in them. In other words, if your real email is JohnDoe231@gmail.com, you’ll still get an email addressed to JohnDoe+231@gmail.com.

That’s why it’s a good idea to use an alias and then set up a filter to automatically delete any messages addressed to that email. To keep track of what you’re doing, register at a site and provide an email alias with the [Gmail user name] + [Name of website] structure.

Make sure to keep the plus sign between the two portions. Then, immediately make a filter that deletes emails associated with that address.

Receive All Subscription Emails in a Daily Bundle

If emails you subscribe to overrun your inbox, there’s an app for that. It’s called Unroll.me. The free service compiles all subscription emails into one message, allowing you to read them at your convenience. Even better, you can also unsubscribe from the lists with one click, taking a step further in the quest to make your inbox more manageable.

unroll me

A message from the app is called a Rollup. It groups subscription-related messages by category for easier perusal. Also, you can look more closely at individual emails by going to a dedicated, secure Unroll.me folder in your inbox.

As you can see from these efficient tips, knowing how to organize Gmail inboxes is within your reach. And yes, you really can make progress in only 20 minutes.

The post How To Organize Your Gmail In 20 Minutes (And Keep It That Way) appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Sunday 29 October 2017

Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire

This post contains a giveaway. If you're reading this in your inbox, click here to participate on the site.

“Niceness is the psychological armor of the people-pleaser.” ~Harriet B. Braiker

I used to think that being kind, gentle, and agreeable was guaranteed to win me love and acceptance from others. I’d tiptoe around destructive people’s behaviors, no matter how uncomfortable I felt about it, believing to my core that if only I could be nice enough to them, they would one day lead a better life.

I lived my life constantly avoiding anything that might make me look like a bad, imperfect, antagonistic, or unlikeable person. Because as every people-pleaser knows, being disliked or disapproved of feels worse than ignoring your own feelings—at least at first.

Some people were easy to please; a kind gesture or smile was all it would take. Getting their approval so effortlessly made me happier than a kid at Disney World. But with other people, it seemed the more I tried to please them, the more likely they were to treat me like an old dish rag; and the more this happened, the less I liked myself.

Eventually, my efforts to please others left me feeling disrespected, violated, and disconnected—from life, from other people, and from myself.

For many years, I silently endured the ongoing, relentless invalidation of who I was based on how others treated me. When someone close to me was feeling unsatisfied, negative, or in search of someone to blame, there I was, ready to take it.

But no matter how unhappy I was, I still wanted to make them feel better. I wanted to see them happy, even at my own expense.

At the core of these one-sided relationships I maintained with some of the perpetually dissatisfied people in my life was an enduring belief that if only I could solve their problems and make them happy, I’d finally receive the love and acceptance I desired all my life.

I never stopped to think, “But what about me? What will become of me if I keep trying to satisfy people with an unquenchable thirst?” I couldn’t see that no matter what I did, it would never be enough. In fact, it wasn’t about me it all. I didn’t realize that no matter how good I am at solving problems, or how perfectly I can handle things, if someone wants to find fault with me, they will.

Instead of seeing other people’s dissatisfaction as an issue for them to resolve on their own, I internalized it and interpreted it to mean I wasn’t good enough.

But one day, I finally started asking myself some important questions: “What will become of me and my self-worth if I keep basing it on unhappy people’s perceptions?” Who will love and respect me if I’m not even taking a stand for myself?”

My conception of who I needed to be in order to gain love and acceptance was slapping me in the face over and over again like a flat tire driving on uneven pavement. But still, I wondered why my formula wasn’t working. I truly believed that living selflessly was a surefire way to get love, appreciation, respect, and lots of hugs in return.

It took me a while to realize that living this way was actually having the opposite effect. My constant selfless giving and kindness didn’t automatically earn me a pass on the eternal acceptance subway. It actually seemed to be an invitation for people to take advantage of my generosity, allowing them to feel less anxious about their own lives.

I set myself up to be other people’s emotional dumpster, personal life fixer, and convenient source of blame for their misfortunes.

What I came to learn the hard way is that pleasing others isn’t the way to win their love and respect. I finally realized that if I kept taking on other people’s anxiety as my own, they would never change. And why would they, after all? They got lots of relief from me stepping in and resolving things. But at what cost?

All this pleasing had left me feeling inadequate and stressed out as I watched the recipients of my pleasing play out the same problems and drama, over and over again.

Love At All Costs

One night I had a dream that I was standing in a field with nothing but the clothes on my back. I felt weak and tired, like I needed someone to come lift me up and ask me how I was doing.

Slowly, my family and friends started to join me in the field. But they weren’t there to rescue me; they were there to bring me their troubles.

One by one, they started pulling me in different directions. They wanted me to solve their lives for them, even though I was alone, tired, defeated, and left with nothing.

The dream was showing me the truth about how I was living. When my life and health started to collapse around me like a burning building, I had to take a hard look at my perspective and decisions. I started to question my beliefs about what it meant to be a truly good person, and what it took to receive the love and respect I so desired.

That dream helped me understand that my people-pleasing behaviors weren’t getting me what I desired; they were getting me the very experiences I spent my life trying to avoid.

Back then, it would have been easier for me to blame others for their ungratefulness and neediness; but deep down, I knew that blaming would have been another way to avoid taking a look at myself.

I was sick of exhausting myself trying to help and change other people, only to find that it didn’t work. I knew I had to change myself and, as cheesy as it may sound, give myself the love and respect I so desired. Because the truth is, no one can give you what you should be giving yourself from within—especially not those people who need the pleasing you so easily offer.

After much reflection, I came to see that my pleasing behaviors were a way for me to get the validation from others that I wasn’t giving myself. Of course my efforts backfired, because I alone was responsible for my happiness; other people’s happiness wasn’t my responsibility, and just because I was overly nice to someone didn’t mean they had to treat me the same way.

I was trying to please other people so I could feel worthy of love. In reality, my kindness wasn’t coming from a place of vulnerability, honesty, or acceptance; it was rooted in anxiety and fear.

In my attempts to make everyone else happy, I lost control of my own identity, and they lost their ability to solve their own problems. By changing myself to become who everyone wanted me to be, I made myself less desirable and implicitly invited people to take me for granted.

Pleasing Yourself

Do you find yourself people-pleasing and wonder how you can get the love and respect you desire? Well, the answer is pretty simple, but the actions it takes aren’t quite as simple. The first step involves changing your perceptions. Once that’s done, changing your behaviors will follow naturally. Here are some things to remember:

1. You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you regularly do things for others that they’re avoiding doing for themselves.

2. You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when people violate your boundaries and you don’t speak up about it.

3. You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you say yes to something but really want to say no.

4. You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you internalize others’ dissatisfaction and take it on as your own problem.

5. You aren’t treating yourself with love and respect when you hurt yourself in order to make others happy.

Over time, I came to understand that my efforts to make other people happy were like deposits made in a piggy bank with a giant hole at the bottom.

If you’re stuck in a people-pleasing cycle, chances are you’re subconsciously attaching to people who need you to soothe their discomfort, because they can’t do it for themselves. Since they don’t know how to manage their own emotions, they’ll continue to reach out to you whenever they’re in crisis—and, on the occasions when your pleasing behaviors aren’t sufficient for them, they’ll blame you for their discomfort.

If you want to make changes in your life, it’s time for you to see this pattern clearly and stop basing your sense of worthiness on other people’s approval of you.

Change your perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors. Make contributions to a bank that pays interest. Receive the love and respect you so desire by celebrating your freedom from the longing to be accepted by others.

Editor's note: Ilene has generously offered to give away two free copies of her latest book, When It's Never About You: The People-Pleaser's Guide to Reclaiming Your Health, Happiness and Personal Freedom.

If you put other people’s wants and needs ahead of your own and end up feeling ignored, disrespected, and disconnected, this book is for you. Using real-world examples and activities to help you break your people-pleasing patterns, When It’s Never About You can help you get what you want and need—while earning even more respect from others. To enter to win one of two free copies, leave a comment below. You can enter until midnight PST on Sunday, November 5th.

About Ilene S. Cohen

Ilene S. Cohen, Ph.D., is a psychotherapist, blogger, and professor. She’s a regular contributor to Psychology Today, with her most recent release of her self-help book entitled, When It’s Never About You. Her work is fueled by her passion for helping people achieve their goals, and lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. To learn more about Dr. Ilene visit www.doctorilene.com.

Get in the conversation! Click here to leave a comment on the site.

The post Why People-Pleasers Don’t Get the Love and Respect They Desire appeared first on Tiny Buddha.


Friday 27 October 2017

Simple Yet Effective Tips To Win Online Slot Games

Who doesn’t like to win in an online casino game with a huge winning potential?

Everyone wants to do good with online slot games and earn the maximum while dreaming about what to spend their winnings on. Online slots are full of fun and excitement, even for those who are not interested in winning them. They’re one of the best pastimes and once you get on a winning streak, there’s no way you won’t develop a liking for them.

Let’s look at some of the simplest yet effective tips that can help you win big at top online casinos like EuroGrand Casino.

Understand the odds

It’s important to understand slots odds before strategizing to win. For instance, a 20-symbol 5-reel slot game has 1/3.2 million winning chance whereas a 20-symbol 3-reel slot game has 1/8,000 winning possibilities.

This is because a 5-reel slot game has comparatively more winning combinations than the 3-reel version. Hence, there’s a considerable difference in terms of odds in these types of online slot games.

Play only at reliable casinos

reliable online slot game casino

Though you may find various online casinos to play at, it’s important to sign up with a licensed one only. Look out for a casino that offers high-quality games. Make sure that you like its atmosphere and enjoy playing on its platform.

A good online casino should offer a wide range of slot games, should be fully licensed and should process withdrawals quickly. Furthermore, it should also offer other prominent online casino games, like poker, blackjack, roulette, craps, bingo and so on.

Money Management

It is very important to manage your money well while playing these online games. At times, people get so confident that they bet everything on a single spin; there’s no bigger folly than this. Please note that there is no guaranteed outcome in online slots or any other online casino games.

The game’s outcome can change anytime and cause you losses. That’s why you should always be prepared for the unexpected. Be cautious while placing your bets. Winning from a spin is just a possibility and there’s no certainty in it. There are various ways you can place your bets and use your money to play these games.

Before making any deposits, it’s important to know which would be the best currency to play online games.

See Also: Top 5 Strategies To Maximize Your Online Casino Profits

Have Fun

online slot games fun


You should play online slot games not just to win but to have some fun! Hence, it’s important to never take any losses to heart and stay relaxed while playing casino games. Although it’s important to pay extra attention while playing jackpots or tournaments where you’re expected to play quickly, you should never let it get to you.

Furthermore, never take your wins too seriously. These games are for your entertainment and enjoyment alone. The moment you start playing them for a livelihood, they lose their charm and lead to an unhealthy gambling behavior.


A lot of people play online slot games regularly. If you are one of these people, knowing and implementing the above-detailed tips can be immensely helpful in gaining an upper hand over the casinos.

The post Simple Yet Effective Tips To Win Online Slot Games appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


8 Good Reasons Why Change Is Hard

Change is hard. In fact, it is one of the hardest things one has to go through in life.

They say the secret of life is to grow. And growth needs constant changes and improvements.

People constantly struggle with changing their habits and making their lives better. Take, for example, the norm of life.

The norm is where you go to work or school, spend around 8 hours there, go back home and repeat the process the next day. These things don’t reflect your purpose or even change.

I have lived life as I saw fit and that was not enough. I traveled the world before I was 25 and finished university at 22 with great grades.

Ultimately, I accomplished what the society demanded and I even worked as a professor at the university that I graduated from and at other consulting offices. I did my masters at 24 and explored Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The more I did these things, the more I felt that I’m still far from what I really want to achieve. I wanted to become great.

My perfectionist mind constantly tweaks and criticizes my accomplishments. It tells me that I am not there yet and I accepted it. I wanted to change because I felt my life was ordinary.

Honestly, I was not the perfect image of myself back then. Motivated, I devised ways to change. But, even after several months, I still find myself drowning in the same life- planning and wishing to change.

Then, I discovered why we are not firm with our plans and why we struggle in changing our habits and lives.

Below, I will share with you 8 of the reasons why change is hard.

You base your plans to change on “motivation”

I know lots of people who become runners on athletics season. Unfortunately, only a few of them continue until the end of the season. Lack of follow-through is usually one of the reasons why.

People get extremely motivated after watching TV shows they like or after listening to an inspiring story. However, they get back to their normal selves as soon as the excitement wears off.

Motivations are great. Declaring “I am great, I can do it” could make one inspired to do something worthwhile. The problem with motivation is that it’s only an emotion. It can inspire one for a short time but it will soon be forgotten.

This is because motivations are not drawn in terms of purpose. They lack vision and don’t provide the energy and the tool for change. Mel Robbins, one of the top-selling authors, says “motivation is garbage.” She argues that our brains are not designed to do even the smallest things in life that could change us for good.

A simple motivation doesn’t change the way the mind is hard-wired. The brain is designed to keep us away from a problem.

Instead, she advises using the technique she calls the three-second rule. The rule is to decide within three seconds.

If you plan to get up in the morning and you hesitate, take your hand round your head and count 1-2-3 and jump out of bed. The technique teaches you to snap out of it in three seconds and force your mind to do what you need it to do.

3 second rule

See Also: Time to Break the Cocoon! 5 Great Tips For Finding Motivation

You don’t have something else to replace the previous habits

When you decide never to repeat your tasks, you should see in detail what you should do instead. For the drunk to never drink, he should plan to do something else on specific times that he feels the need to drink. He can go see a friend or go out with someone.

If you don’t plan on what to do instead, you will surely find yourself in the same position you were yesterday.

Your mind is wired to keep you from wasting energy and to avoid danger. The way it does that is by blocking you and discouraging you from taking risks.

I once found a guy who hated to see his girlfriend who was abusive to him. Each night, he would meet her only to get verbally abused and criticized. His addiction of seeing her could not let him break up with her even though he wanted to change. The only advice I could give him was to learn to replace what he does each night with looking at the large scratches on the left side of his face. And I didn’t realize my simple advice would impact him.

Weeks later, he came back a new man. He smiled at me and nervously shouted “It worked!”. He started taking cooking classes in the evening, which soon helped him forget visiting the girl. She obviously didn’t call him so he was free at last.

Replace your bad habits with a good habit. Don’t just run away from them.

See Also: Spiritual Pointers for Quitting a Bad Habit

You don’t use punishment and reward system

Schools and parents teach children about what is good and what is bad by associating them with punishments and reward systems. “Good deeds” are rewarded while “bad deeds” are punished.

As adults, we learn to associate what we like with what we want to do and what we hate with what we should avoid. We perform certain tasks and we avoid others. This is due to these positive and negative associations where the mind regrets, catches in flight or enjoys the process.

When you overeat, you feel bad. Why?

Because the marketing, culture, and image of being fat punishes you and make you feel guilty. Even though the food you ate does not have much effect on your weight, you still feel sorry for yourself.

Another reason why people struggle to change habits is that of the absence of gratification. To change yourself faster, learn to associate what you want to do with reward. Make your brain believe that eating within your calorie limit is good and that the reward is that perfect body you dream of. This means that instead of associating overeating with punishment, associate eating responsibly with the prize.

You don’t break your life pattern

“Breaking the pattern” is a technique that I used a while ago. I was not satisfied with the life I was living. I tried to change but I could not.

One day, I accidentally followed my guts and wrote a fiction-like character based on my ideal life. I followed it for a month. I changed where I stay, with whom I stay with, and even where I sleep. Also, I refused to eat where I ate the day before and learned to wake up at 5.

It was hard but my subconscious picked it. All of a sudden, I found myself waking up at 5, writing for an hour, reading for another hour, exercising, eating breakfast, and leaving the house before 7. I go to bed at 10 and close all my laptops and phone at 9. The more I do them in a certain pattern, the more they became automatic.

The whole idea of breaking a pattern is to identify and change your routine until you forget your current life. You can take a month-long vacation somewhere without your computer or other means of communication. You can meditate there to find your real self and emotions or you can explore new places there. Rewrite your perfect day and live it for at least a month.

breaking the pattern

You get despaired easily

“Life is a progress”, some say. It is being better than yesterday.

The Japanese have a culture of not examining kids at the beginning of elementary school. Instead, they evaluate the performance of the students based on their progress. Well, that is different from the west and the rest of the world where getting the top spot is always the requirement.

The world is much more associated and information is available than what it used to be 10 years before. The world today gives us much more choice. We can easily get answers to any question we have.


We are people of dreams and enemies of progress. We change jobs as frequently as we can and we change decisions fast.

The reality is life is a progress. It demands constant change and tweaking of what exists. There is no perfection. What exists is change and change needs time. So, be patient.

You solve the problem without a different perspective

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

To solve a problem, you should see it in a different perspective than how you see it now.

For the depressed, it is hard to solve their problem and for the poor, getting rich is hard. This is similar to being an addict. The addict vows every morning not to drink anymore. However, every night, he still goes out for one drink only to find himself regretting it the next morning. He wants to change but never does.

For change to come, you should be willing to change your current position in life. Change starts with your mind.

You should have a stronger character that believes that solution is possible. Teach your mind that you are greater than what you are.

Your debt, for example, does not define your capability or potential. It only shows your current position in life. And that could change only if you believe that you are better than the situation you are in.

You don’t have purpose

Your mind follows a certain purpose and that is to survive.

If you base your actions on a certain purpose, the friction of doing and not doing becomes easier. Without purpose, your efforts won’t be successful since success is measured based on what you achieve.

Finding your purpose is a tough task. It is a lifetime job. There is no ultimate answer for what your purpose is because it grows with age and maturity.

Finding your purpose is your personal responsibility.

People usually wait forever just to find their purpose. But, if you figure out what you like and what you want to do the rest of your life, change will be easy.

You don’t have goals

You need a goal or set of goals to achieve your dream.

Your dream could be changing your life or being great at one thing. To achieve your dream, you need to set small goals. They don’t necessarily have to be grand but they must be something that’s easy to achieve and realistic.

Only wanting and deciding to change your life won’t do anything. You should be able to understand these things, so you can turn your life around.

For example, your general problem is that you need to stop drinking. You won’t achieve that just by promising yourself or by telling people that you plan to stop drinking.

Instead, you should realize that stopping or changing needs constant work. You need to set certain goals.

Days before, I met a woman whose problem was her body image. She was somewhat overweight. She told me she wanted to change her body since she was 20 and she couldn’t. The thing I asked her was about her goals.

She was surprised.

“What goals? To be thinner?”, she said.

After a few more minutes of discussion, we set her daily calorie intake and gym schedule. She was surprised.


Change is hard but it’s necessary.

You often fail because you’re not fully aware of how you should change. Another reason is your own mind, change’s worst enemy. Learning those tips above and applying them in your life can help you change faster than you can imagine.

The post 8 Good Reasons Why Change Is Hard appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
