Thursday 31 May 2018

About Dementia: The Silent Epidemic

Despite the notable dips in life expectancy in the United States in recent years, humans’ overall life expectancy is up. A hundred years ago, life expectancy in the U.S. was 48.3 for men and 51.1 for women. That is, of course, factoring in the exceedingly high rate of infant mortality people experienced back then.

Today, most people live well beyond childhood, their childbearing years, and even retirement. With this uptick in life expectancy has come an uptick in age-related illnesses. This makes it important that you do your research about dementia well.

What Is Dementia?

Part of the problem with treating and even diagnosing dementia is that it is not just a single condition with a single cause. The three most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to tell which kind of dementia a patient has until after death when the brain can be examined.

Common warning signs of dementia include:

  • Memory impairment
  • Difficulty with speech and communication
  • Loss of focus or attention
  • Decreased vision
  • Poor judgment
  • Decreased reasoning skills

Dementia Is Incredibly Common


Between the ages of 65 and 74, your chance of developing dementia is only 3%. Once you make it to 75, your chances increase dramatically. That’s 17% between 75 and 84 years of age. When you hit 85, your chance of developing dementia jumps to a staggering 32%.

There are currently at least ten different known forms of dementia and post-mortem studies suggest that only 49% of diagnoses are correct. To make matters worse, any form of treatment is incredibly complicated, thanks to the blood-brain barrier which keeps foreign objects and organisms out of the brain.

New treatments seek to circumvent this issue using ultrasound technology. For now, making patients and their families as comfortable as possible is the greatest concern.

We Need Better Dementia Care Now

If we can’t cure or even treat dementia effectively, then we should exert more effort in making sure that patients can live a life as dignified as possible. We all know that dementia care is expensive. One study found that it was 80% more expensive than caring for someone with cancer.

Unfortunately, many people don’t plan for their life once they become older. This can leave loved ones scrambling to figure out how to care for them with a limited budget. The most basic care can cost $70,000 per year.

Higher quality care can lead to better patient outcomes for dementia patients. Choosing a facility with a lot of green space and residences that appear normal can encourage independent behavior. Those green spaces can even cut down aggression, a natural reaction of a dementia patient when he can’t make sense of the world around him.

Making the patient’s surroundings as familiar as possible can also cut down on confusion and make them feel more at home. Some nursing homes even make their patients’ door look like the ones they have at home.

A nursing home in Germany did something ingenious to help their residents who suffer from dementia. They carefully studied patients who tried to run away and realized one very important thing: they all headed to the bus stop first.

Their solution was to build a fake bus stop in front of the nursing home so that when a patient couldn’t be persuaded not to leave, they would have a place to go and calm down. Oftentimes, staff would accompany them to the bus stop and escort them back into the building.

See Also: Exercise Your Mind and Reduce Your Risk of Dementia With These 10 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp

Humane Treatment Is Imperative

Dementia has to be a very frustrating experience for a patient. Could you imagine literally being locked up in your old age? Encouraging greater independence and trying to give the patient something familiar to cling to are very important steps toward giving dementia patients greater peace of mind.

Learn more about the need for better dementia care from this infographic!

The post About Dementia: The Silent Epidemic appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Wednesday 30 May 2018

Top 5 Signs You Might Need Help with Alcohol Addiction

America is facing an addiction crisis much larger than any generation before. Now, the drugs are harder and smarter but some old ways of getting high seem to continuously plague the human population.

Alcohol has been used for hundreds of years as a relaxant and a depressive drug. For some people though, it isn’t just about having a good time but it’s something they end up living for and throwing away their lives for.

Here are the top 5 symptoms of drinking problem you need to know about:

Day drinking

If you need a drink before the drugstore is legally allowed to sell you a six-pack, it’s generally a good sign you might need to look into your decisions. Vacations are fine but when you feel the need to drink outside of traditional lunch and dinner hours, you might want to take another look at your habits.

It’s not just a solo cup but a solo night

Drinking alone is one of the biggest tips that you might be bordering on a problem. Social drinking is something that many consider as healthy. If you find the need to drown your sorrows in a bottle of tequila while watching Grey’s Anatomy, you might either be a very devoted Grey’s fan or you might have some soul searching to do.

You change your plans to drink

Canceling on people at the last minute and bailing on plans is a sign that you prioritize your bottle of beer over social engagements. If you find yourself doing this consistently, then it’s worth a second look.

You’re using money you don’t have for your beer budget

When you can’t pay for something but choose to buy it anyway, know that you have a problem with alcohol. The truth is that many alcoholics build up their debt and money troubles this way. It can only steamroll into other issues down the road.

People tell you there is a problem

If someone stops and asks if you have a problem, then you probably have a problem. The occasional drunken night is not the same as an entire week with you passed out.

All kidding aside, addiction is a serious problem. It should be addressed and treated with the help of a trained medical professional.

See Also: Can You Curb Alcohol Addiction In Its Early Stage?

The post Top 5 Signs You Might Need Help with Alcohol Addiction appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


6 Important Things You Need to Do After Buying A Lemon Car

In a list of expensive purchases that are supposed to last, a car tops the list. It’s supposed to be a lasting purchase. So, when your newly bought car spends more time in a mechanic’s garage than on the road or even in your own garage, then you’ve landed yourself a lemon.

No one likes going to the mechanic and it’s worse when you just bought your car. However, there comes a point when the repairs are too constant and you’re left needing to act. You have the power to advocate for yourself when it comes to seeking a refund or demanding the dealer to buy back the lemon.

Here’s a list of strategies that can help you when buying a lemon car:

Ask yourself if your car is a lemon

Just because a car breaks down and annoys you doesn’t mean it’s a lemon. For it to be classified as one, it needs to regularly fail a set of standards covered by the warranty. You’ll also know that it’s a lemon if you continue to bring your car to a mechanic and he’s unable to make a lasting repair or find out where the issue is coming from.

Know why lemons occur

Lemons occur because it’s not a financially sound business strategy to make a line of cars that never break down or need to be replaced. This is a regular occurrence.

In 2018 alone, there were reports to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration about lemons. The list included the following:

  • Jeep Compass with faulty dash backlighting
  • Chevy Equinox with faulty gear shaft and driveshaft reports
  • Honda Accord with malfunctioning breaks
  • Toyota Camry with acceleration issues

The list isn’t an exaggeration and it isn’t a matter of your budget being at stake, too. It’s more about your life or the lives of your family being compromised.

See Also: 5 Important Questions And Tips For Buying A New Car

Know the law

Simple aggravation doesn’t count. If your car annoys you, that doesn’t make it qualify as a lemon. There are specific conditions such as repeated failing repairs, excessive time at the mechanic and other conditions that your car must meet to qualify as a lemon. And these criteria vary from state to state.

Be aware that cosmetic defects aren’t covered by the lemon law. Any surface damages from negligence, abuse or vandalism that is not directly connected to the manufacturer aren’t counted as well. It also doesn’t cover any additions or alterations you made to your car, like adding a spoiler or a new sound system.

Support your case

Time is against you in the case of owning a lemon. You need to act fast if you want to make sure that your case is processed and you receive compensation. While this varies depending on the state you are in, this usually gives you roughly two years to make a claim.

Be careful because some states will look at the odometer as an indicator of responsibility. So, it’s always better to take care of this sooner rather than later. Record any cost of repairs, keep receipts, and make a journal illustrating the days your car was in the shop.

Once you are fed up with the repairs, approach your dealer and request a refund, buyback or replacement. If the dealer refuses, make another request in writing. Remember to be polite as this will benefit you in the long run. If they still say no, then it’s time to think about an attorney.

Understand the compensation

There are generally three options dealers must do to rectify the situation according to the lemon law:

  • Replacement: Here, your current lemon is replaced with a new car. If you decide to seek the help of a lawyer on this, the fees for the lawyer are paid by the dealer directly.
  • Return: In this case, the dealer purchases your car from you, allowing you to buy a different car. Again, if you seek the assistance of a lawyer, the dealer pays the arbitration fees directly.
  • Cash: If you’re okay with owning a lemon but believe a cash payout would be more beneficial, then the dealer can award you a sum. In this case, the lawyer fees come out of that compensation.

Seek legal support

While anyone is capable of seeking compensation via the lemon law alone, a lawyer will help expedite the process. You are able to complain to the government, go to court, or even sue without a lawyer but having one will streamline the process. Remember, there are dealers out there that will drag this process out.

Having a lawyer, especially when the fees are covered by the dealer, will help make sure you are justly rewarded for your troubles. Plus, they’re able to tell you right away if you have a strong case.

Lemonade instead of just a lemon

Lemon law is not widely known. Most people think that if you buy a bad car, you’re simply stuck with it. The reality is that there are laws in place to protect consumers and make sure that businesses don’t take advantage of them by intentionally selling defective products or products that could potentially be deadly.

These laws vary from state to state but are designed to be encompassed in the protection they offer to consumers. And while it is possible to go at it alone, there’s no downside to hiring a lawyer. At worse, you get support through this process and at best, you come out with a better deal than you had going in, all with barely, if any, fees.

The post 6 Important Things You Need to Do After Buying A Lemon Car appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Tuesday 29 May 2018

What Not to Say At Work: 5 Phrases You Should Totally Avoid

You can never overemphasize the importance of effective communication. In both your personal and professional life, communication skills can either walk you up the ladder to success or drive you down into the abyss.

You have to communicate on a daily basis to stay in sync with your co-workers and be on the same page with your boss. Knowing what not to say at work is crucial, particularly when it comes to talking with your boss.

What you practice and how you talk on a daily basis builds your personality and your reputation at your workplace. You don’t want to sound too informal and yet you want to be approachable. You don’t want to seem to act over-efficient but you want to come across as an out-of-the-box thinker.

So, how do you go about it?

The list of the right things to say can be never-ending. The key is to understand what not to say at work and here are some of them:

“I don’t know.”

what not to say to your boss

It’s good to be honest. However, giving up on a task right away because you feel you lack the knowledge may come off as an easy escape. For this reason, even when you are not aware of something, you need to show your willingness to learn and complete the task.

This is especially true today when you can use technology anytime and anywhere for educational purposes. Settling in with an “I don’t know” doesn’t exactly put you on the “most promising employee” list. Instead of saying you don’t know how to continue with a task or have no ideas to give, try saying “Let me explore this,” or “I’ll try to find out.”

“I can’t.”

Just like you shouldn’t let lack of knowledge become an obstacle, you should not think you cannot do something without trying it out at first. If your boss asks you to do something, it means he or she has faith in you and feels you have the ability to do it.

Take on the task, experiment with it, and see how it goes. Grab the opportunity and let practice take care of the rest. Instead of saying “I can’t”, try saying “I’ll give it a shot!”

“That’s not my area.”

If your boss delegates a task that you think goes beyond your scope of work, don’t immediately give up on it. Take this as an opportunity to explore new angles to work unless you’re swamped with work already. In that case, try to arrange for more time to complete the task.

This approach will prove you to be a professional who isn’t afraid of exploring new tides. It also builds trust and dependability.

Therefore, try saying this instead: “I would love to grow in this area. Any tips on how I can go about it?”

“At my last job, we did it this way.”

what not say with your boss

It’s understandable to become accustomed to a certain way of working, especially if you spend a number of years at an organization.

Everyone likes to find safe and effective ways to get work done and more often than not, these ways are adopted as best practices.

However, different tasks and organizations call for different work processes. If your boss introduces a certain process that you think is different from what you did before, give it a shot before informing your boss that earlier practices were better.

Instead, say this: “Sure, I can try to do it this way.” This will serve as a hint to your boss that you are experienced in the task and that you are willing to try new ways.

“I can’t work with him/her.”

This is the professional world and you cannot just dismiss working with someone because you feel you won’t get along.

If your boss asks you to be a part of a certain team, chances are he or she has already weighed out the pros and cons in terms of employee skill set and project requirements. When you object to be a part of a team due to personal or professional bias, it may depict you as intolerant and uncooperative.

Instead, say: “We can try to figure out a plan.”

When working in a professional setting, keep these five phrases out of your mind. Do you have any other phrases you think should never be used with your boss? Share them with us below.

The post What Not to Say At Work: 5 Phrases You Should Totally Avoid appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Monday 28 May 2018

4 Simple Steps To Landing Your Dream Job

Aaron is a fresh college graduate looking to land his first full-time job. He studied Finance in college and has been researching companies in the Phoenix area for available entry-level finance positions. Aaron worked as a server throughout college but he doesn’t have much relevant experience in the financial industry. He’s new to the job hunting process and doesn’t know where to begin his search. What can Aaron do to increase his chances of landing a great job? This is a very common problem for many fresh graduates across the nation. In a recent survey administered to over 500 graduating students for Door of Club’s “College Graduates’ Views on Job Prospects” segment, over 67% of students did not have a job lined up after college. This is a big problem considering that the average college graduate has over $37,000 in debt. In this article, I hope to shed some light on how to land your dream job.

Utilize LinkedIn

linkedin This is probably my favorite social platform today. With over 450 million active users around the world, LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for professionals. Not only do many companies post job openings on LinkedIn, the site allows you to connect with professionals from wide range industries and backgrounds. One of the best ways to learn about positions you may be interested in is to reach out to professionals. They know what it takes to succeed in the role. Asking them about their experiences can give you a better understanding of what to expect. When I was looking for my first job back in 2014, I consistently reached out to professionals on LinkedIn to ask questions related to various roles I was applying for. Not only does speaking with these individuals give you a better understanding of what to expect from a role you’re applying for, it also helps build rapport with the individual. On 3 separate occasions, the professionals I spoke with forwarded my resume over to their hiring managers. These interactions resulted in 3 separate in-person interviews. Although you shouldn’t expect your connection to forward your resume along, it’s a possibility if you impress them with engaging questions and show interest in the company. I’ve provided an article I wrote on how to best approach these professionals here.

Come up with S.T.A.R responses

You might be wondering what gives with the silly title? The acronym S.T.A.R refers to Situation, Task, Action, and Result. This is an approach that has been used by many hiring managers across the nation to evaluate job candidates on their aptitude for a role. Given that on average 118 applicants apply for any job opening, you’ll need to develop sound responses to an array of behavioral questions to ensure that you distinguish yourself from the pack. Start by thinking of 5 to 10 stories of times you exhibited skills such as leadership, technical ability, teamwork, adaptability, strong judgment, and ethical behavior. One of the things I did to come up with these stories is to look at a list of 70 to 100 commonly asked behavioral questions. Then, I asked myself if those stories covered the desired outcome of the question being asked. If the answer was yes, I’d write down the story. Once you’ve come up with a list of at least 5 to 10 stories, walk through each part of the S.T.A.R technique formula. For a great article I wrote on how to develop your S.T.A.R responses, check out the link provided here. Now that you have your responses written out and ready to go, utilize the next technique to become a true interviewing rock star!


Have you ever heard the phrase “practice makes perfect? Although it does have many sports applications, it also applies to landing your dream job. As part of your interview prep, compile a list of 50 to 100 behavioral questions you may be asked. For a list of these questions, I’ve provided a link to help you get started. Once you’ve compiled your list, read through each one and practice delivering your S.T.A.R responses in front of a mirror. Dr. Albert Mehrabian, Professor of Psychology at UCLA, popularized the idea of the “7% rule”. The rule illustrates how 7% of your perceived credibility comes from verbal communication while a whopping 93% of perceived credibility comes from non-verbal cues (38% – vocal tonality and 55% – body language). This just goes to show how important projecting confident and assertive body language can be to performing well in an interview. I remember the first time I tried delivering my S.T.A.R responses in front of a mirror. It was a frustrating and lackluster experience. I constantly messed up and was forced to start over on multiple occasions. However, I eventually got into a rhythm and I was able to deliver my responses effortlessly. Practice your responses until you feel extremely comfortable delivering them. Now that you feel comfortable delivering your responses, set up a few mock interviews to practice your responses in front of others. It’s amazing how different of an experience it is to have someone ask you questions in person. Repeat this cycle as many times as you need in order to feel comfortable. The goal is to be able to deliver a clean and polished response to each of the questions on your list.

Interview day

job interview You’ve prepared tirelessly, you’ve done your research and now it’s time to make it happen! On the day of the interview, make sure you have a healthy breakfast and then go about your normal routine. Eating breakfast has been shown to improve overall cognitive performance and increases alertness in the morning. Leading up to the interview, be sure to validate the location of the interview and the time you need to be there. To be safe, I always recommend you show up between 15 to 30 minutes prior to your interview. This will allow you to get a lay of the land and will show that you’re a punctual individual. When it’s your turn to be interviewed, be sure to shake your interviewer’s hand firmly and begin the interview process. You’ve prepared extensively for this moment so be yourself and have fun. Once the interview is complete, thank each interviewer individually for their time. They’ve taken time out their busy schedule to interview you so it’s important to show appreciation. When you arrive home from the interview, begin crafting your “thank you” emails. These emails should be short, concise, and highlight why you’re a good fit for the position. For a great article on how to craft a solid thank you letter, check out the link provided here. Although the process of preparing for an interview can feel stressful, it can become an extremely worthwhile experience. What are some of the strategies you’ve implemented in your interview prep? Do you have any other suggestions that you feel would benefit our readers? If so, I’d love to hear from you.

See Also: 6 Interview Hacks That Are Sure To Land You The Job


My book recommendation for this article is “Winning” by Jack Welch. Although this book doesn’t have to do with the interview process, it does provide great insights on how to perform well in your career. In the book, Jack shares his insights on management and how you can apply his “winning” strategies to advance your career. This book is one of the best ever written on the subject of management and career advancement and is definitely worth the read. I’ve provided a link to the book below:

The post 4 Simple Steps To Landing Your Dream Job appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Friday 25 May 2018

Building Trust in Your Relationship the Right Way

“Without communication, there is no relationship; without respect, there is no love; without trust, there is no reason to continue!” – Anonymous Trust. Why do they call it the key to your partner’s heart and soul? Why is it that when someone cheats, lies or hides something, the only thing that’s damaged between the two is trust? Above all, why is it the rock-solid foundation of love and relation between two people? Trust is a vault that saves all the good things we have in our relationship. It is the faith that you have in your partner that they will remain loyal to you. And without it, there is no true relationship but a shaky wood bridge that can break anytime. But why isn’t it always there? Why do we have to build it from scratch? Trust cannot be demanded and it cannot be bought. You need to build it gradually and slowly. That’s the only way you can create a lasting relationship.

How do you work on trust in a relationship?

rebuilding trust after cheating Nobel Laureate Ernest Hemingway once said, “The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” How long it can take to trust someone is a question that doesn’t really have a definite answer. Why? Because we are all so different. We all have unique perspectives on life and relationship. Particularly in an age when people are living longer and experiencing changes over their lifespan, building trust has become all too different and dynamic. How long it takes to build trust depends upon how honest you are in a relationship and how effective you are in channeling your feelings into someone’s heart. It will also depend on how reliable and committed you are as well as how quick you are in admitting and rectifying your mistakes.

Trust is not gifted

Buying an expensive gift won’t earn you someone’s trust. Trust is not gifted; it is earned. The best way to earn it is when your actions are in harmony with your words. When you make a commitment, whether big or small, have the intention and authority of following through. Trust can be established quicker if you are impeccable with your words in all that you do. You cannot see into another person. You can only offer who you are authentically and the other person will be able to relate to you through what he believes. If you are in a volatile relationship, then pay extra attention to your relationship dynamics. Your perspective might be different from your partner when you are trying to build a relationship. In those murky times, consistency is the key to build a lasting trust. Remember, sometimes one letdown can be enough to reverse all your efforts. Like other things in a relationship, there are no rules to follow before someone trusts you. Earning trust is a long, slow process of good decisions and actions every day. There are no shortcuts. If anyone is looking for a quick fix, then they are not living in the real world.

Can we rebuild trust?

They say that trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose and the hardest thing in the world to get back. Living in a world where technology has taken over our lives, building trust can be tricky. Our experiences are changing drastically and we are becoming more vulnerable. The glam of social media and dating apps may sometimes lure anyone to infidelity. But the day you are caught, your whole trust comes crashing down.

See Also: How to Rebuild A Relationship After Cheating

Rebuilding a trust after a breach could be a daunting task. But if you are willing to rectify your mistake and if the person means a lot to you then you have to work hard to build the trust back. Take note that the process takes time and it won’t happen in an instant. You have to rebuild and repair it. Establish the root cause and do some introspection to find out why the infidelity happened. Communicate this to your partner and try your best to ease the paranoia in your relationship. It’s a long healing process but if you care about the person, going through the process won’t be that hard.

See Also: Three Ways to Build Trust In Your Life

How to consolidate trust in a relationship?

trust in relationship Those of you who are in a relationship can find inspirations in couples who have been together for a long time. Following are some tips that can help you.

  • Focus on how you can take care of one another rather than keeping score of what the other is not doing in a relationship.
  • Embrace the differences in your relationship. Acknowledging and appreciating will build respect and confidence.
  • Reciprocate. Even if it takes you some time to trust the other person, reciprocate with trust and love.
  • Learn to work through the issues and don’t hold a grudge.
  • Stay intimate physically, mentally, and emotionally with your partner.

In Conclusion

There isn’t one right way to build trust in a relationship. Sometimes, you may have to recalibrate your relationship. Remember this: Successful couples aren’t ones who have no issue in their relationships; they are actually not oblivious to those issues. They recognize the differences, embrace them, and commit to working things through.

The post Building Trust in Your Relationship the Right Way appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Thursday 24 May 2018

5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids about Responsibility

If you want your children to grow up into capable adults who are strong and independent, it’s important that you work on them and start in time. Molding young minds and teaching kids about responsibility is not something you can take lightly.

Now, considering that talking won’t help much (it’s not that they don’t want to listen – it’s their attention span), you need to come up with different ways to make this fun. Here are some suggestions you might find helpful.

Let Them Help Out

helping in the household chores

Many parents I know are putting their finest effort into getting their kids out of the way when doing chores. Instead of trying to explain that they will have enough time to deal with housework in the future, you should indulge their curiosity.

Teach them how to do household chores at an early age and be patient with them. They can take longer than you to complete the chores but practice makes perfect. Soon, they’ll find the tasks a lot more enjoyable.

See Also: Top 10 Tips to Help Children Develop Useful Habits

Adopting a Pet

This is every kid’s dream and you should try and make this happen for your children. Taking care of another being can teach them some of life’s greatest lessons.

You can get a dog or a cat. You can even get your children a bird or a fish. Just make sure to ask for their opinion when deciding on a breed.

Collecting Coupons

Cutting colorful pieces of paper can be fun for kids, especially if they get to eat their favorite cereal and get a toy as well. There are a lot of websites that offer great discounts for practically everything. You can join forces with your child, browse through fun items, and save money together.

Earning Pocket Money

kids responsibility

Sure, you can simplify things by just giving your kids money. However, if you’re planning on teaching children about responsibility, encourage them to work hard for their money.

It can be a valuable experience for them as they get to learn how to work hard, be frugal, and be responsible for their earnings.

Reward System with Consequences

The best way to prepare your kid for the big bad world out there is to teach them how hard work is always rewarded and that there are consequences if you are lazy. If you want this system to work, make sure that you explain everything in detail. That way, your children understand and know exactly what to expect.

For a chore completed carefully and properly, you can take them somewhere cool, award them with a few bucks or come up with an activity you both enjoy together. This will have a positive effect on your relationship with your child.

Don’t forget to set an example.

Children are like sponges. They’ll notice if you’re taking shortcuts and they will most definitely copy your behavior. So, act like you speak, be disciplined and persistent. By doing that, you can be sure that you have done your best in teaching kids about responsibility.

See Also: 8 Ways To Nurture Your Child’s Self-Motivation

The post 5 Fun Ways to Teach Your Kids about Responsibility appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Wednesday 23 May 2018

8 Genius Fashion Hacks for Men

Dressing sharp and looking smart doesn’t always mean having to burn a hole in your pocket with brand names. It’s actually useless without the proper know-how on how to style and carry yourself. Check out these very simple and doable fashion hacks for men that will have you looking extra dapper in and out of the workplace.

Love the Blazer

Although a suit is always a good choice, a blazer is an essential piece to any wardrobe because it’s so versatile. A well-fitting blazer is a fast way take a plain outfit to business casual, and the dark blue, smokey charcoal, or gray blazers are perfect for sitting and doing desk work. You do want to make sure you have a good fit and that your blazer’s shoulders align with yours.

Pro Tip: Make a fist and put it between your buttoned blazer and your stomach. If it fits properly, you shouldn’t have any problems. If it’s too large, you’ll have a lot of extra space, and if it’s too small, you’ll have trouble making a fist.

Shoes Make the Man

The wrong pair of shoes can derail a well-put together outfit very quickly. The trick is to strike a balance between good-looking and comfortable. After all, you’ll wear them for hours at a time. Depending on the environment, a boot can be your go-to if you’re not wearing your dress shoes. A good boot can handle different weather conditions, and it pairs very well with most business attire.

Pro Tip: Make sure that your boots don’t have scuff marks in them. Contrary to popular belief, people do look at your shoes. Take a few minutes and condition your boots with shoe conditioner or leather conditioner if they’re made of leather. It’ll remove the scuff marks and make them look new.

Use Moisturizer Instead of Hair Gel

Gel works wonders for helping your style your perfect hairstyle, but it comes with two pitfalls. It’s very easy to use too much and get hair that feels crunchy and looks unnatural. Gel can also strip your hair of natural oils leaving you with a dry, damaged mess. Swap it out for hand or face moisturizer. It’ll still give you styling help and holding power while protecting your hair’s natural oils.

Pro Tip: You may be tempted to use a handful of the moisturizer to get it to hold, but less really is more. You need a pea-sized amount or a dime sized amount at most, and you want to rub it between your palms and then apply it to your hair for a frizz-free, natural look.

Don’t Underestimate a Good-Fitting Pair of Pants

good fitting pair of pants

You may be tempted to live in jeans, but most business professionals have to have several different pants styles at this disposal. Whether it’s a pair of dress slacks, green chinos, or a wool slack, a good fit is essential. Your pants should fit snugly around your thighs and hips and end short enough so you can show off most of your shoe. They should also fit snug to your groin area without constricting you.

Pro Tip: When you’re shopping for pants and you’re not sure if they’ll fit well or not, measure with your elbow. If you can fit from your fist to your elbow inside the waistband of the jeans without them being too large or small, they’ll most likely be a good fit.

Use a T-Shirt

Did you know that a t-shirt with a blazer tossed over the top is considered casual business wear and it’s suitable for a lot of offices and professional settings? Make sure your t-shirt’s bottom falls between the middle of your belt and the middle of your zipper and that the shoulder seam lines up with your shoulder.

Pro Tip: If your t-shirt shrinks, you can restore it to it’s original fit quickly and easily. Take the shrunken t-shirt and place it in a bowl or bucket of warm water and a few teaspoons of hair conditioner. Wait five minutes, take it out and stretch it back to the original size.

Have a Power Tie

men fashion hack tie

We recommend having several different ties on hand, but if you only want one or two, go for darker colors with subtle patterns or a solid color. It’ll work well with anything you match it with, and this includes busier or brighter patterns. It lets you dress it down by adding a leather jacket over your dress shirt, so it’s versatile as well.

Pro Tip: Your tie should reach your belt buckle and go no lower when you tie it. Also, be aware of your tie’s width. If you want to be safe, go with the modern 2.5-inch width. However, it has to be proportionate to your lapels, so if they’re wider, your tie can be as well.

Match Your Socks

Yes, your socks are mostly hidden for view. Yes, it’s rare that anyone will see more than a flash of them as you go about your day, but that small flash can undo all of your fashion-conscious efforts. Pick out socks that complement what you normally wear, whether it’s in everyday life or at the office.

Pro Tip: When you’re trying to decide what color socks to wear, consider your pants and what color they are. Generally, you want to match your pants or go a shade darker or a shade lighter. If you’re good, a contrasting color that compliments your shoes and pants is a safe bet.

Stay On Top Of New Styles

new styles

Sign up for a men’s clothing subscription. Box subscriptions have been flourishing awhile now ranging from beauty products to sweet treats to meal deliveries. In similar manner, you get a box of clothing goodies especially curated for you. You’ll get clothing items ranging from shirts, jackets, pants, and accessories. On one hand, you’ll get clothes that fit your style, and on the other hand, probability is high that you’ll stumble on a new style you’ll like. It’s win-win.

You can also discover new styles that fit your taste and lifestyle by keeping an eye on social media like Pinterest and Instagram. These two platforms are an excellent source of styling inspiration.

Pro Tip: Use hashtags to come across new ideas. Want to try out a navy blazer? Try searching with the #navyblazer hashtag.

These eight fashion hacks for men are easy and quick ways to keep you looking sharp and well-dressed. They can help you make a good first impression and give your confidence a boost all in one go.

The post 8 Genius Fashion Hacks for Men appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


HSA or FSA: Which One Do You Really Need To Maximize Your Savings?

If you have an FSA, chances are you just had to use it or lose it before tax season was up. If you have an HSA, chances are you have no idea why anyone would put money into an account that they couldn’t get back.

So, what’s the difference? Should you get an HSA or FSA?

About FSA

tax savings

FSAs are incredibly common since anyone can qualify for them. They can help you save money on your taxes by taking money out of your paycheck pre-tax so you can spend them on qualified healthcare expenditures.

You have to spend 7.5% of your annual income in order to be able to deduct your medical expenses from your tax bill otherwise- that is if you are itemizing at all.

Taking the money out pre-tax to pay for these things can save you the stress of doing additional paperwork. They can also help you save hundreds of dollars on your tax bill, too.

Unfortunately, you have to be pretty certain how much you plan to spend on healthcare in a given year. You can’t change that amount after the start of the calendar year. If you get a cancer diagnosis in February, there’s no way to go back and add more to the account.

The amount you can contribute without paying tax is only $2650. If you do end up spending 7.5% or more of your income on healthcare expenses, you could end up paying more taxes than if you had not used an FSA at all.

Your FSA covers things like medical, dental, and vision exams. It can also include glasses, prescriptions, many medical devices, addiction treatment, and more.

About HSA

HSAs, on the other hand, allow you to deposit $3400 per person or $6750 per family per year. If you are over the age of 55, you can add $1000 a year to that. That money rolls over in perpetuity for the rest of your life, even earning interest in certain accounts.

You can continue to accrue money to use toward your elder and end of life care. When you die, that money either rolls over to your spouse or becomes part of your estate, which is taxable at that point.

Unfortunately, only about 19% of Americans can qualify for this type of account. You must have a high deductible health plan in order to qualify to put money into an HSA, though you can still use the money in your HSA if you get different insurance.

An HSA covers all the same basic things that are covered by an FSA. However, the advantages of being able to roll that money over in perpetuity and the fact that anyone can contribute to the account make this type of account very appealing to those who qualify.

How Many People Use These Accounts?

Because so few people have high deductible health plans or HDHPs, only about 19% of Americans are currently enrolled in an HSA account. FSA plans, however, are a little more common.

According to The Street:

  • Around 20% of employees sign up for FSAs
  • Many don’t fund them or fund them very little because they are afraid of losing their money
  • You can only roll over $500 at the end of the year, which is a fairly new provision
  • 85% of large companies offer an FSA as part of their benefits package
  • 62% of small to medium businesses offer an FSA

Making The Most Of Either Account

In order to get your money’s worth from an FSA, you should tally up your expected medical expenses for the year and contribute that amount or up to $500 more than that. Keep careful track of your expenses and be sure you are being reimbursed.

If you have an HSA, you can start saving for your senior healthcare needs now.

With a properly managed FSA or HSA, you could save hundreds of dollars on your tax bill every year. Learn more about the differences between HSAs and FSAs from this infographic.

HSA and FSA Infographic

The post HSA or FSA: Which One Do You Really Need To Maximize Your Savings? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Tuesday 22 May 2018

Top Security Ideas for Businesses You Need to Implement ASAP

A thief walks through an unlocked door and manages to steal valuable property – money, fixtures and intellectual property.

A security guard, working a double shift, falls asleep and fails to prevent a violent crime on the premises.

An office employee wanders into the wrong area of the building and suffers an injury due to lack of proper safety clothing or equipment.

Off-shift vandalism shuts down a factory line for days, costing the organization thousands of dollars.

These are all examples of poor physical security systems and procedures and they should never happen.

When things are under control, the organization operates smoothly and its people are kept safe and comfortable.

But when security systems fail, results can be disastrous.

How effective are your organization’s security measures?

A physical security assessment can tell you a lot about how “under control” things are in your organization or facility. If you’re unsure of that, check out these security ideas for business you can start using today.

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late

organization security

Get a straightforward assessment of your organization’s security systems before disaster strikes.

Start with a consultation with a qualified and experienced security firm. They know what to look for and what to recommend to keep your operation running smoothly.

A comprehensive assessment will evaluate the following:

  • Access to the facility and to various areas within the facility of the right personnel at the right times
  • Compliance with codes and regulations as well as with current best practices.
  • Preparedness for a variety of contingencies- from fire to natural disasters and other emergencies.
  • Risk management across a range of potential vulnerabilities- from personal injury liability to asset protection.
  • Environmental responsibility and security of materials and equipment, which could pose risks to safety and health.
  • Problems which might exist within an organization’s current security systems and procedures, including gaps and vulnerabilities, which may not have been previously considered or “caught.”
  • Vulnerabilities to the security of the organization’s data and intellectual property.
  • Appropriateness of the organization’s security program, given such factors as the location of the facility, the type of business, or the amount of foot or vehicle traffic anticipated at peak times.
  • The effectiveness of the current security program

Maximize Your Security Resources

security cameras

A great security firm not only knows how to find gaps and vulnerabilities but is sensitive to the limits of your organization’s resources.

It’s one thing to have the best security money can buy but most organizations have to maximize a limited budget. They need the most efficient and effective security program for the money they can afford to invest.

A professional assessment will not only show where the operation might be vulnerable but also reveal possible redundancies.

In Conclusion

Make sure things are under control in your organization. Call a security professional, and walk through the operation right away to learn what a potential thief or vandal might already know about your organization’s vulnerabilities. After all, the time to know about a gap in your security system is before a disaster strikes.

The post Top Security Ideas for Businesses You Need to Implement ASAP appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Monday 21 May 2018

5 Things to Let Go If You Want to Be Happy

There are some things in life that have us convinced that life without them would be terrible or uncomfortably weird.

In reality, however, life generally gets better without those things. Nothing in life should create a dependency.

I recently let go of a lot of junk, including material possessions, and I’ve never felt better in my life. If you want to experience the same things, here are the top things to let go so you can start living the life you’ve always wanted.

Checking Facebook Daily

checking facebook daily

Value your time and emotions.

What tangible good comes from Facebook? Ask yourself that and be critical for a moment.

Are you feeling uplifted and motivated by what you see there? If not, it’s time to abandon ship. If scrolling through all the baby, house, and vacation photos makes you jealous of your “friends,” it’s time to let go of Facebook.

You’re not going to “miss out” by not checking Facebook. If someone needs you to know something, they’ll text or call you.

Studies show that Facebook makes us feel bad about ourselves. That’s enough reason to leave it. Jealousy isn’t something you want consuming your emotional life.

I caught myself getting upset by the lack of engagement on my posts while I saw plenty of engagement on angry, political posts. That feeling was not helping me. Spending 45 to 60 minutes on Facebook per day was a huge time drain that could be spent improving my skills and life instead.

So, I replaced reading my Facebook feed with more positive things that stimulated my mind without causing emotional turmoil, like Futurism.

See Also: Social Media Causing Depression and Anxiety: Is It True?

Watching Football

Value your time. It’s so important that I have to mention it again.

I used football as an example because it was an excuse to day drink for me. Watching football was an excuse to be lazy all weekend. Fortunately, I was only burning one full day on it (Sunday), but if you add up all the time I spent reading about fantasy football, that was a whole day’s worth of work per week.

Maybe for you, it’s watching reality shows and keeping up with celebrity gossip. Maybe it’s binge-watching an entire Netflix series each weekend. The exact television program doesn’t matter. We Americans watch five hours of shows per day. Yet, we complain about a “lack of time” for things we say we want to do.

Don’t know how to spend your time in a more positive way?

Here are a few ideas:

  • Go on a hike
  • Take a yoga class
  • Hit the gym
  • Cook healthy meals
  • Read good books
  • Play board games with friends

Watching football or any sport, for a lot of people, is filling a void – the football team is part of an identity. That’s not a good route, my friend. Just be yourself and accept yourself for who you are and what you like. Love yourself and don’t tie your identity to anything other than you. You are enough.

Trust me, addressing that inner void feels much better than avoiding it forever. Then, you can enjoy watching a game without being invested in the outcome, which is freeing for your mind and spirit.

Drinking Alcohol Regularly

drinking alcohol

Value your money and your body.

I used to drink three or more nights per week. And, predictably, I did not stop at one drink. That was Thursday through Sunday of drinking and feeling less than my best. For what?

This past December, I did a 30-day challenge of zero alcohol. It felt amazing for my body and it also boosted my mental clarity. There were no sloppy nights and subsequent hungover mornings which meant better productivity.

If you want to find a bunch of extra time in your week – stop drinking.

Did I accomplish anything by drinking alcohol?

No. Alcohol consumption prevented me from accomplishing my goals, actually. Time and money were wasted on an activity that was not fulfilling me or helping me grow. Fortunately, I was saving money by hosting parties instead of spending $10+ per drink at a bar, but that did nothing for saving time.

After letting go of alcohol and my emotional baggage, I lost 18 pounds in less than two months. That was more than 10% of my body weight at the time (cut from 173 to 155). Drinking tons of water, like Tom Brady recommends, helps, too. I also changed my diet to be a dairy-free pescatarian, thanks to the guidance of my health coach, Laila Robins.

See Also: The Tell-Tale Signs You May Have Alcoholism

Consuming the News

Most of the news doesn’t actually affect us. The news is meant to stir emotions and keep us hooked to the platform.

The big media outlets push fear and we absorb that fear, causing us to turn against each other. How?

Fear becomes anger and anger becomes hate. It’s a horrible cycle we’re spinning.

The only way out is to disengage. Unplug from the sources of negativity and fear-mongering. Stop tuning into the voices trying to drive a wedge between you and your fellow humans. That wedge does zero good for humanity.

We need positivity and love pouring from people. Be one of the people making the world lighter, happier, and better. Love your neighbors and don’t stop showing love even when it’s tough.

Show love for people who disagree with you instead of getting mad at them. And definitely don’t look down on others – condescension is really bad energy.

Be positive. Be happy.


Eliminate the negativity in your life. You can start with complaining.

Negative emotions wreck our health and productivity. It spreads negativity from within ourselves to the world, too.

If we stop complaining about what we don’t have, we’ll be happier.

Tim Ferriss is brilliant and provides fantastic insight into this. He puts emphasis on the benefits of taking time for gratitude by challenging himself and others to go through 21 days without complaining.

This challenge will be a whole lot easier to accomplish if you let go of the aforementioned things.

Think about it: you won’t be able to complain about your “friends” having more than you because you won’t see posts about those things. No more complaining about your team or a celebrity making a dumb decision because you missed that, too. There won’t be any political talking head getting you to complain about other people with different views. You won’t be drunk or hungover, too.

Research shows how much we’re influenced by the people around us. This provides extra incentive to not stick with negative people. Let them go and cut them from your life. It may be painful at first, but you’ll be better after.

Who knows?

Maybe they’ll realize that being negative is costing them friendships and they’ll soon change their lives as well.


If you start eliminating those top things to let go, you may find yourself enjoying life more.

So, start today and give up something that isn’t serving you. Let that positive life energy flow through you and to the world!

The post 5 Things to Let Go If You Want to Be Happy appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Friday 18 May 2018

5 Tips for Creating A Wedding Budget

Are you nearing your wedding day and still have not figured out the best ways in creating a wedding budget? If yes, then you have to be smart while planning your budget and just go for the essentials that will not force you to break your bank.

If you are curious to know what those ways are, check out the following amazing tips you can start using now.

Make Your Reception Private Yet Grand

One of the most common things that bother couples the most during their wedding planning is the guest list.

Cut down the guest list and only include your close friends and relatives. That way, you won’t have to spend too much on your reception.

Also, watch out for off-peak seasons as that can help you save more. Don’t forget to consider holding your wedding ceremony and reception at the same venue, too.

Focus on Greenery More than Flowers

wedding budget

Although most people will go for flowers, choosing for greenery instead will give you a great chance to create a reasonable budget. This does not mean you have to completely eliminate flowers from your list. You just need to focus more on non-floral elements.

If you are adamant about flowers, then make sure you invest in floral products that are in season and comes at a discounted price.

See Also: Make Your Celebratory Table Special With Minimum Effort

Wedding Bands

wedding bands

This one is an important consideration, especially if you are on the bride’s side. A wedding band is mostly the only jewelry that a groom will wear throughout his life.

To make things easier for you, shop for wedding bands online from credible sources and get wedding bands at great prices. Also, make sure to research on certain metals before purchasing the wedding ring.

For instance, if you cannot afford to buy platinum wedding rings, look for alternatives.  Palladium, for example, offers the same luxurious feel yet it comes at a budget-friendly price.

Opt for the Services of a Budding Music Group

Needless to say, music is an integral part of any and all traditional wedding. It helps create the right ambiance and mood for the guests and the couple.

Resist your urge to book a live band at your wedding event. Instead, find amateur music groups with refreshing and untapped music talents. Conduct a short audition or ask for their videos to examine how well they can set everyone’s mood at the event.

Consider Web Designers for Printing Invitations

In case you are unable to stretch your budget to get a professional wedding invitation designer, look for web designers who know how to design and print wedding invitations.

You can also buy software packages that provide classic layouts and creative graphics along with fun fonts for making your invitation card stand out.

Final Thoughts

Creating a wedding budget is now easy with the aforementioned tips. They are a great help for making things smooth for couples who want to save their funds for the future. Cut all the unnecessary costs by adhering to these tips and have a budget-friendly yet great wedding.

The post 5 Tips for Creating A Wedding Budget appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


A Quick Look at Motorcycle History

Thursday 17 May 2018

10 Awesome Kitchen Safety Tips for Seniors

Let’s face it. No matter how much you prepare, there will be a time when your parents or your grandparents will become old and unable to perform basic tasks.

With most working families, it is difficult to keep an eye on their elderlies at every moment but there are a few ways in which you can ensure your seniors’ safety.

Here, we have listed down 10 amazing kitchen safety tips for seniors you can start implementing today.

Make Your Kitchen Doorways and Hallways Wider

wide kitchen doors

Make your kitchen more accessible to your senior family members by making your kitchen doorways and hallways wider.

This will make it easier for people who use wheelchairs or crutches to move around. It will also reduce injuries and accidents.

Apart from that, your kitchen will look more spacious, too. It will provide you with more space to cook conveniently and peacefully.

Install Easy-to-Hold Handles on Cabinets and Doors

While the previous design would need a little remodeling, this next kitchen design can be easily implemented without any major remodeling.

Senior members often find it hard to grab door knobs or cabinet knobs due to weak muscles or arthritis. You can simply install new door knobs and handles that are non-slippery and convenient to use.

If handles are too much work, then you can simply remove the cabinet and hallway doors to make it easier for the seniors to access the kitchen.

Place Your Dishwasher at an Adequate Height

Another effective way to make your kitchen senior-friendly is by ensuring that you place your dishwasher at a counter which won’t require too much bending. Many seniors have back problems which make it tough for them to bend and use the dishwasher.

Also, keep it at a height so that it is easily accessible to those who are in a wheelchair. You don’t want your senior family members to have a hard time using a basic dishwasher for their utensils.

Get Rid of Rugs or Carpets to Allow Easy Movement

Rugs and carpets can be a recipe for disaster if you have elderly members in your house who use a wheelchair or have a walking problem. They can end up tripping on the carpets or the rugs or might find their wheelchair stuck.

So, get rid of your rugs/carpets and let the floor be obstacle-free. It’ll make it easier for them to move around at their own pace.

Add Bright Lights to Make the Kitchen More Visible

When you get old, your eyes become slightly weaker and you start having trouble seeing things clearly.

This is why it is important that you install enough bright lights in your kitchen and surrounding areas to make it easier for seniors to move around. These lights will help them find their way around the kitchen and will make it easier for them to use it without any accidents.

Also Read: 5 Reasons To Get Over Your Kitchen Insecurities

Install Automatic Turn-Off Appliances in Your Kitchen

Instead of worrying about seniors burning the house down or leaving appliances turned on, find ones that have an automatic turn-off feature. This way, you won’t keep worrying about their safety.

And like your appliances, even your faucet can automatically turn-off considering you use a touchless faucet. These faucets are not just top picks because of their stylish looks and designs but utility as well.

Make Your Countertops Easily Accessible

kitchen countertops

A lot of homes have countertops which are too high for people in a wheelchair to access. This can pose a problem for you if you live with seniors using one.

So, to make it easier for them to access the countertop, ensure that you install it at the right height.

Also, remember to make your countertops easily distinguishable by adding a different color to its edges. This differentiation will make it easier for weak and tired eyes to spot the kitchen things.

Non-Skid Floors Can Minimize Injuries

Do you have marble flooring in your kitchen? If yes, then you have to find a way to make it non-skid so that it doesn’t cause any injuries to your seniors.

Marble and tiled floors are often slippery and can be dangerous for seniors who have a walking disability.

If you don’t wish to come home and see your family sprawled out on the kitchen floor, get skid-resistant flooring in your kitchen. Another way could be to add rugs to the floor which are anti-skid so that your seniors won’t accidentally fall down.

Place Railings and Hand Bars Wherever Possible

Now, this might feel like a hindrance to you but this discomfort is a small price to pay for your family’s safety. You can add a few hand bars and railings to your kitchen hallways or the stairways near your kitchen to make it easier for your elderly family members to move.

You can also add these hand bars near the kitchen island. Sometimes, counters can be slippery which is where these railings and handlebars can come handy.

Purchase Built-In Appliances for Safe Use

Who doesn’t like to save some space and make their kitchen more convenient and useful? I certainly do and if you agree with me, then you are definitely going to like this kitchen design idea.

Instead of storing appliances on your countertop, get built-in appliances to save space and make your kitchen safer for use. You can get several built-in appliances like ovens and microwaves with easy-to-use buttons. Install them at a height which is accessible to your seniors.

The post 10 Awesome Kitchen Safety Tips for Seniors appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Wednesday 16 May 2018

Data Security Tips for the Remote Workforce

As technology advances at a rapid pace, hackers and cybercriminals are finding it easier to hack into a company’s system to steal data. According to the SMB cybersecurity report, almost 43% of all small businesses in the United States suffered through a data breach and were victims of cybercrime in 2016.

Therefore, it is important for you to develop and implement the best cyber data security tips to prevent such attacks from taking place.

What Are the Threats?

Data Loss and Device Failure

Forgetting to back up your data and not updating your device on a regular basis can cause huge problems. You could lose data due to human error, experience file corruption or even overheating of your device. This makes it important that you keep a backup of your data in your Cloud accounts so you can easily access the information that you need.

Stolen Devices

Another threat that can harm your business operations is when your device gets stolen and the criminals get access to your company’s information. People often steal devices in order to sell them for cash.


cyber crime

Cybercrime is a virtual crime which happens online. It includes stealing of personal and financial information.

There are rules and laws that are created to stop such illegal activities. Whenever you see any illegal activity on online platforms, you should report it to the authorities right away.

How Can You Enhance the Security for Remote Employees?

Create Backups and Recovery Plans

Having backups and recovery plans are the best strategies you can implement. You should also have regularly scheduled system cleanings and updates to maintain the security of your company’s system.

Backing up information is extremely important because it helps restore the original data in case you lose your device or it gets compromised by hackers or intruders.

Spread Knowledge

The rules and regulations regarding security tend to change quite frequently because technology is advancing. This is why you need to update your security strategies to cope with the changing threats.

You need to research threats that can be harmful to your company so that you can educate your workforce for more effective security. Your employees play a vital role in the security of your company. They have crucial information, which can be extremely dangerous if leaked outside.

Update your employees regularly and get them the latest tools to fight the threats and defend against the attacks.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

In order to enhance the security of your company, you should use a Two-Factor Authentication as it makes it more difficult for hackers to operate. The Two-Factor Authentication system will lock your account and require a password along with a code to unlock it. This is a strong type of system that keeps unauthorized people away from your accounts.

Update Your Software Automatically

When running a business, you need to update it on a regular basis. Waiting for an installation of the latest update is not an option. You need to have the latest version installed to serve your customers.

In addition to this, the latest versions allow for better performance because they include solutions that weren’t available previously.

Use VPN for Secure Networks

There are many employers that offer remote employees access to the secure network so that they can work without any obstacles. An encrypted connection will allow employees to safely and securely browse the internet while preventing third party interception.

Off-site employees should never use open or public Wi-Fi connections. They might get intercepted by hackers and the company information can get leaked. Employees should be provided a VPN so that they can easily work in a safe environment with no issues.

See Also: How to Set Up a VPN

Security Protocol and Access Controls

You should keep a constant check on the security protocol and access controls of your network because employees might not be using the information correctly. You need to keep an eye on the information that’s flowing in and out of your company in order to check for fraudulent activities.

Protect Smart Devices

protect smart devices

You should protect the mobile devices of your organization at all times. This is to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information.

You can do that with strong passwords, photo recognition, thumb impressions, and pattern unlocking systems. In addition to those, you can use a two-factor authentication to enhance the security of your devices.

See Also: 8 Easy Steps To Your Browser Security And Privacy

Security is of utmost importance and should not be taken for granted. You cannot compromise your organization’s security because hackers and cybercriminals are always looking for opportunities to hack into your system. That is why you need to implement these data security tips and strategies to ensure a safe working environment.

The post Data Security Tips for the Remote Workforce appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Social Media Causing Depression and Anxiety: Is It True?

Social media was designed to make interaction a lot easier. But today, when we look closely, we are socially awkward. This is why social media causing depression and anxiety isn’t surprising.

We are gradually getting so addicted to proving ourselves to the rest of the world that we fail to realize our real self-worth. Social media is silently taking away our happiness without us realizing it.

Breaking Connection to Reality

social media negative impact

Social media enables us to portray what we want others to think of us. That means that what other people make out of our message isn’t always similar to what we really mean.

We usually post about the good things that are happening in our lives. It could be pictures of foreign trips, a newborn child or a really happy experience.

The viewer on the other side might not take it as happily as you intended it to be. It makes them start reflecting over the negativity in their monotonous lives.

What people fail to realize is that while other people’s pictures depict happiness, they could be far from reality. No one actually knows about the number of sleepless nights as parents or the hard work you go through to save up for a trip.

Last month, I was out celebrating a friend’s anniversary. I had imagined they are a very happy couple celebrating their 6th anniversary. I had always admired the tourist locations they went to, the places they dined at, and all the romantic quotes they put on social media.

At times, I felt uncomfortable being around such happy people. This was very far from the truth. I realized this after I spent two days with them. They were both influencers on social media, with thousands of people watching them.

In reality, they had more fights than any other couple I knew. They spent their anniversary taking picture-perfect images instead of celebrating their relationship. I understood the hypocrisy of this virtual platform that very moment.

Reality is not always picture perfect. That is why most people do not post reality on social media.


In the rush to stay connected with people from around the world, we have missed noticing the people around us. Our addiction to social media has made us distant from our loved ones, the ones who truly value us.

Lack of communication is one of the major reasons why relationships go downhill. Aversion to social media leads to most breakups today. Real relationships need effort and time. They require patience and a lot of hard work to go through phases.

It’s high time we realize that our aversion to social media is leading us to a very delusional land. It’s a land where we might have a thousand friends virtually but absolutely no one in real life. We are real human beings that crave for real human emotions at the end of the day.

Youth Narcissism Increases

social media impact on youth

A study on students showed that social media has a direct relation with increasing narcissism among teenagers. A classic example of being a narcissist is just being obsessed with one’s self.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram take up most of the time in a youngster’s life today. They get their sense of accomplishment from the number of likes and the response they get on social media. There’s a constant rush to prove their worth in the virtual world.

While the sense of competitiveness is good, they fail to look at the bigger picture. They don’t realize that they are ignoring their real worth. They fail to make appropriate human connections or networks during the most crucial phase of their lives.

Social media platforms certainly make their lives more meaningful and enable them to have a broader outlook. But, at the same time, social media platforms keep them away from making human connections and having real-life experiences.

Smoking, Drinking… Next Social Media

Addiction refers to compulsive behavior resulting in some severe negative effects. Addiction to anything is said to be bad, even to the best of habits. Be it just drinking water or eating vitamins.

Social media addiction is characterized by the urge to constantly check platforms to make updates or look up others. There exists a very thin line between being fond of something and being addicted to it.

Researchers claim social media addiction could be stronger than alcohol or cigarette addiction. To prove that, they hooked people to MRI machines while they spoke highly of themselves, which is what most people do on social media platforms. They noticed that it stimulated pleasure centers of the brain like good food and sex do.

The Toxic Mirror

Social media has now become a toxic mirror. It creates your virtual image. What it shows is what defines you in front of other people.

Our severe addiction to social media has blinded us to see the difference between real and virtual.

We stick to topics that are trending and we follow them blindly without questioning their reality or logic. We show our interest in topics only when we see people interested in them and not when they need attention.

That has made us overlook the importance of connection with our real-world friends.

There is much more to life beyond those blue screens. So, go out, meet people, and make real connections. Life has too much to offer. It can’t all be restricted to a small screen.

Learn to find happiness in the smallest of things. That’s the secret to unending happiness.

The post Social Media Causing Depression and Anxiety: Is It True? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


What to Give On Anniversary: Gift Giving Tips To Make It That Extra Special

So, your ninth year anniversary is happening next month. You’ve really considered anniversaries as an event worth celebrating for because not everyone get to spend this much time with their loved ones.

Sure, you’ve given amazing anniversary gifts in the past but you want this year to be a stand-out. You want to give your partner something that she will rave about to her friends for days and something that she will never forget.

As early as now, you started asking your friends for their suggestions and browsed through the internet for special gifts ideas like this here. But there’s so much to take in that you don’t know which to pick.

Worry no more as we share with you the best ideas on what to give on anniversary.

Make it personal

anniversary gift

You can buy any piece of jewelry or the latest gadget for your partner but have you thought that anyone could do this? The more people that can do it for her, the less likely she’ll consider it something special. To guarantee that your gift will be special, make it personal.

  • You can buy items which you can engrave, like a watch or a tag. You can engrave your message to your partner, your anniversary date, and even your pictures! Go ahead and start looking for companies offering this service around your area.
  • You don’t want to give generic gifts because that’s too predictable and boring. If your partner loves having scented baths every weekend, give her a basket full of essential oils, soaps, lotions, and scented candles (better if you know her favorite scent). This will surely make her weekend special and relaxing!
  • If you have the time and the resources, you can also go for DIY gifts. Not only can you get to personalize it, but your partner will undoubtedly appreciate all the efforts you’ve put in for her gift. The internet can give you unlimited ideas on how to do anniversary projects, so make use of that. There are also instructional videos on how you can do these projects, so don’t worry if this is your first time.
  • Make it unique. You don’t have to follow everything the internet says or what your friends recommend. For example, you can get her an eternity rose. You can have a real rose glazed in gold, silver or platinum depending on what you think she’ll like. The roses are robust and strong which means they can last a long time and would make a wonderful memento.

Experience, not gifts

Your partner’s closet must be full of items from your previous anniversaries (imagine the collection of everything you’ve given from the past nine years!), and it might not hold one more. For you to make this anniversary special, think out of the box and avoid giving intangible items. Instead of purchasing an item, why not give an experience?

  • Plan a vacation for two in your partner’s preferred travel destination. Clear out your schedule to make sure that you allot time for this travel. Arrange everything – from the plane tickets, itinerary, accommodation and side trips – to ensure that both of you will have a stress-free trip. Change of scenery is always a good idea and you’ll also get to de-stress from work.
  • Is your partner’s favorite artist having a concert in town? Get the VIP tickets and surprise her with these. She’ll be ecstatic once she knows that both of you will be sitting in the front row!

Your special place

You had a first date or proposed to your partner in a luscious garden in your area. This garden allows you to have a clear view of the night sky and is filled with barn lights – everything that can make a place romantic.

Since this place holds fond memories for the two of you, use this to set-up a gift to your partner. Arrange the place for a romantic dinner for two. Fill the pathway with rose petals, cook her favorite dish, and hire a violinist to play for you.

Bonus tip: You can use romantic flicks as a reference for your set-up. These can give you excellent ideas on how to prepare this kind of romantic gesture.

Stay at home

romantic anniversary gift giving

You and your partner’s schedule might not allow you to spend too much time celebrating your ninth year together. You might have other commitments aside from the relationship, but this should not stop you from making your anniversary extra special.

  • Fill your partner’s room with balloons and everything that she likes, such as her favorite food and bouquet of her favorite flowers. She’ll be surprised once she opens that door!
  • Spend the weekend at home by watching your favorite Netflix series. Your partner might need this after a stressful week. Pair that up with a pint of her favorite ice cream and some fancy wine.

In Conclusion

There are a lot of things suggested in this article. Some might entail cost from you and some are free. Some might require days of preparation and some, you can just do right then and there. But among all of these things, you should be able to give one thing to your partner: your time.

Yes, your gift will be essential to make your anniversary special but the time you’ll spend with your partner can make a big difference. Anniversaries are special because it’s a celebration of your long-term commitment to each other and a preparation for what lies ahead in the coming years. However, keep in mind that no one is pressuring you to come up with the most extravagant gift. Give what you can based on what you have and spend time with your partner. These are the ingredients that’ll make that anniversary extra special!

The post What to Give On Anniversary: Gift Giving Tips To Make It That Extra Special appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
