Tuesday 31 July 2018

Inspiring Journaling Prompts To Help Re-Shape Your Life

I’ve always had massive aspirations, dreams, and desires my entire life. With hard work, commitment, and a lot of journaling, I’m now living the life I’ve always dreamed of and wanted to create.

Journaling has been a massive part of my success. I personally journal daily as I believe that mindset is the key to everything!

Everything in my life, I have created through asking for it and it helped to first know what it was I was asking for. What was it that I wanted? Who did I want to be? What did I want to do? What was deep in my soul that I wanted to share with the world?

That’s where journaling came in!

There are a number of ways you can journal and you’ve probably come across a few.

What I want to share with you are a few basic and powerful questions you can ask yourself to get you focused, clear, and feeling empowered in any and every area of your life.

Below, I’ve put together some powerful journal prompts about life you can use to create what you truly desire. You can use them as much or as little as you need.

How This Works

Read the questions below then answer them in your journal. Write as little or as much as you feel. Don’t hold back. This is between you and yourself.

Deep down, you know the answer to everything you need to know. So, take your time and let it surface. If any question makes you feel like you do not want to answer it, I’d be seriously looking for a reason why.

journal writing

Let’s get to it!

  • What do I REALLY want?
  • What do I want to have?
  • How can I wake up every morning and feel amazing?
  • What do I want to do?
  • What do I want to be?
  • How can I re-frame or change this?
  • What would I need to believe in order to be and have and do all of that?
  • What action can I take right now to make this happen?
  • How do I know what’s preventing me from taking this action?

The next set of journaling prompts is what I use daily to describe and become super clear on creating what I considered to be my perfect day.

  • On your perfect day, where do you wake up?
  • Who is around you?
  • What is the first thing you see – describe your environment in detail.
  • Where do you go?
  • What is your ideal morning routine – describe in detail.
  • What do you eat?
  • How does the day feel to you?

The Crucial Part

life journal

I want you to list 5 to 10 powerful statements or beliefs that can support what you have just written down. Remember, it’s your beliefs that drive your choices and decisions. You must establish a set of powerful beliefs that support what you’re wanting to create and have in your life!

I’ll give you a few of mine so you have an example:

  • I allow myself always, to access my deepest intuitive powers.
  • I am guided by deep wisdom from within.
  • Everything always works out perfectly for me.
  • I have everything I need to know inside of me.
  • I FULLY trust my soul.
  • Every day, I choose to wake up and trust, that everything is taken care of.
  • I am safe to express myself always.

Through your journaling, you might discover you have a dream you want to work on. Instead of it feeling completely daunting and like it’s never going to happen, your powerful beliefs will be in place to support you in making it happen. It is possible if you decide for it to be.

Reiterating powerful beliefs will give you more energy and a drive which comes from within you. Use these journal prompts about life as regularly as you need.

Whatever it is you dream, no matter how grandiose or out of reach it may seem right now, for somebody somewhere in the world, it’s normal to live like that and be like that.

It’s just how life is and you can make it happen to you as well.

See Also: 5 Benefits of Journaling To Inspire and Motivate You

The post Inspiring Journaling Prompts To Help Re-Shape Your Life appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Monday 30 July 2018

Don’t Make Them Wait: How to Improve Customer Response Time for Business

People do not like to wait. They don’t like being put on hold. They don’t like when a website takes forever to load. They don’t like waiting for a call or an email that they doubt will ever come at all. And generally, people don’t like being told to wait for anything. Anything at all. Understandable because there’s really nothing more precious than time. In fact, there are so many distractions these days that people need to evaluate what they do with their time, which is the one single thing you can’t bring back. Once it is spent, it is gone forever.

This is also what businesses need to understand. If you want to keep your customers happy, get to their concerns quickly. A study on customer response time revealed that for 43.4% of customers, one business day is still an acceptable response time for emails. However, 43.9% want a response within four hours or less. It’s a whole different story on social media. In a virtual world, more people want it extra fast. A related survey showed that a whopping 84 percent of customers prefer getting an instant response – that means within 24 hours after a post has been posted on social media.

Don’t worry because all the efforts and the hassles pay off in the end. A study from Autodeal about car dealership response time showed that dealers who respond to a customer in six hours or less have a better conversion rate. If the response time is reduced to under an hour, the conversion rate can increase by an additional 37%. People want it fast, and they associate good customer service with a quick response from the business’ end.

Now that we have pretty much settled on the importance of quick response times, let’s see how you can improve your brand’s or business’ quickness in customer response in a time of impatient and easily-irked customers in a highly competitive and fast-paced landscape.

Sweeten your automated replies

improve customer response

A customer needs to know if his inquiry, feedback or complaint has reached the right people. This is important because only then will a customer know that he is valued, and that his concerns matter to you.

A lot of companies now use automatic response emails to serve several purposes. Among them is to reach out to a customer, improve customer relationships, as well as give the company some time to sort things out, and craft an appropriate reply. You can have autoresponders via email or text.

But since everyone is doing it, you might want to make your messages more personal and less bland. For example, use their first names and not just some sir/ma’am. Draft your automatic responses in a way that sounds like it is an actual human being — warm, sincere, and genuine. You might also want to consider adding a summary of their complaint, and a number of days when they could expect an action. But please be true to your word and stick to it.

Use a response software

It is not advisable to keep everything in your shared company email or to have someone manually print out everything and file them accordingly. It is best to invest in customer service software to improve your workflow and to make everyone’s life easier.

This type of software acts like your obsessive-compulsive secretary. It stores, sorts, tracks, and backs up everything. It can also be linked to your email to send those autoresponders, and to your social media pages as well. A reference case number or a ticket can be issued for better tracking of concerns.

The good thing about this is it keeps everything centralized. Apart from that, the company can also keep messages and conversations that they might find helpful in the future. On the back-end, you can store and sort messages, monitor response time of staff, and keep all the information and data that are very valuable these days. Through this, you will know what the top complaint about a product or a service is, and work on it. You’ll also have a clearer picture as to the demographics of your market that will allow you to target messages more effectively.

Direct them to FAQs


By this time, you probably already have an idea of the frequently asked questions. In your website, app or social media page, you may categorize these questions so that customers can be directed to your FAQ page. For all you know, customers don’t even need to contact you anymore and they can solve their problem on their own. This is called being proactive, something that customers always appreciate. In your automated emails or text messages, you may also add a link to your FAQs and let your customers know that such a section exists.

Engage your employees

Improving customer response time can be a very mechanical thing, but since you are dealing with real people with real concerns, you need actual people responding to them. Companies need to engage their employees in the whole process — from setting an objective to the strategies. Remember that any software can only be as good as the people using them. You cannot set a 3-day response time if your company receives hundreds of inquiries and feedback a day and you only have five customer service officers.

Companies must also enhance employees’ soft skills such as communication techniques that involve listening, empathy, and exercising responsibility. At the same time, brush up on everyone’s technology skills to increase productivity and improve delivery.

See Also: Know Your Customers In The Digital Age

Speed is an essential component in improving customer relationships. However, it shouldn’t be achieved at the expense of quality. Any company must learn how to balance speed and quality of responses. While there are tools you can use such as automated emails and customer service apps and software, don’t underestimate soft skills that can only come from employees who have the heart for customer service.

The post Don’t Make Them Wait: How to Improve Customer Response Time for Business appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Friday 27 July 2018

A Quick List of Adventure Activities You Must Try

Whenever you find that you are losing focus on your mundane activities and daily chores, it merely implies that you need to relax and take it easy. There is no better way to break free from the monotony of everyday life than to set off on a short holiday. Whatever the case may be, make sure you enjoy each moment to the fullest. In this write-up, we’ll share with you a list of adventure activities you’ll definitely find appealing.

Let’s take a look at them:


skiing vacation

With dusty mountains and soft snow around, you will undoubtedly be lured to try out the skiing facilities available at the resorts. Few of the best destinations for this sport include Austria, Switzerland, France, Quebec, Japan, and Dubai.

White shark cage diving

Some places in South Africa offer tourists the opportunity to dive with sharks. Yes, that is right!

Gansbaai, located on the southern side of Cape Town, is the place. You can also try and explore Mossel Bay. In fact, Cape Town is often referred to as the capital for white sharks.


Can you imagine jumping out of a plane and allowing yourself to fall freely while gradually embracing gravity? Usually meant for the strong hearted, skydiving will put even the bravest to the test.

Of course, you can always enjoy seeing someone else perform this stance. You will find spots in almost every country including Israel, Egypt, Malaysia, France, Spain, Norway, and Germany to name a few.


Some exotic places where you can explore or try surfing are the Hawaiian Islands, South Africa, the Indonesian Archipelago, and French Polynesia.

Horse Riding

Horse riding is perhaps one adventurous activity you can indulge in. There are many places around the globe where horse riding is offered.

Whether you are a die-hard fan of Gulf stream horse track races or you want to just try out for your leisure, the most prominent places that you will find this sport include Western Riding (USA), South Africa, Iceland, AndalucĂ­a in Spain, Macedonia, Botswana, and Machu Picchu in Peru.

Paddle Boarding

paddle boarding vacation

There are many reasons for indulging in this sport. It not only relaxes you, but it is an excellent form of exercise as well.

So, if you are not able to hit the gym while you are on holiday, this activity will perhaps keep you on your toes and keep your weight in check.


Regardless of the type of adventure sports you indulge in, just make sure that you ponder over a few critical points to ensure your safety and that you make your trip a memorable one.

These include the following:

  • Make sure you are ready to take on the sport as far as health is concerned
  • Find out the rules and get acquainted with the guidelines
  • Seek assistance from a professional
  • Keep your medical kit handy

If your thrill-seeking heart is craving for a vacation, you can consider this list of adventurous activities that’ll give you the experience of a lifetime!

The post A Quick List of Adventure Activities You Must Try appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Choosing the Best Mattress For Side, Back, and Stomach Sleepers

Everybody has a preferred way of sleeping. Ask a family member or a spouse how you sleep and they’ll surely be able to tell you if you’re a side, back, or stomach sleeper. Some are even combination sleepers.

If you’re choosing the best mattress for your next purchase, don’t just consider the price and the brand. Also take into account your preferred sleep position.

Side Sleeping

side sleeping

If you prefer to sleep on your side, you’re not alone. Over 41% of adults admit that this is their preferred sleeping position. Additionally, most side sleepers curl into a fetal position with their arms and legs gently curled toward their body and their spine slightly curved forward. Sleeping on your side with your arms and legs straight is also another popular way to sleep on your side.

Unfortunately, this position can put a lot of strain on your upper back, hips, shoulders, and neck if you don’t have the right support. It can also restrict your breathing while you sleep. Again, you can help to alleviate these common problems by investing in a high-quality mattress that is suited to support side sleepers.

Side Sleeper Mattresses

When you sleep on your side, your weight is going to drill your hip and your shoulder into the mattress. This can create uncomfortable pressure points that can make you feel stiff and sore when you wake up. Ideally, your mattress should form pockets around these areas to help distribute your weight more evenly.

You need a thicker and softer layer to achieve this, and you should look for a mattress with at least a one to three-inch-thick comfort layer. This will take the pressure off of your shoulder and hip, and it’ll also help to keep your spine straight and in alignment. In turn, you won’t toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable.

Back Sleeping

back sleeping

Around 18% of the population likes to sleep on their backs either sprawled out or with their arms and legs straight down to their sides. Most people who find themselves falling asleep in this position may claim that they do it for the medical benefits because doctors have been recommending this position for years.

While sleeping in this position doesn’t create the sharp pressure points that you can get with side sleeping, you’re more prone to snoring because your tongue falls to the back of your mouth. Additionally, having support for your lower back is critical because this position can put a lot of strain on this area of your body.

Back Sleeper Mattress

When you sleep on your back, you get a gap between your lower back and the mattress. A firm mattress will usually contour to your body, and this is why many people who prefer this position like a firm mattress. You want a comfort layer on your mattress, but thinner is usually a better choice.

Usually, back sleepers like a comfort layer that is around two inches thick and no thicker. This thinner comfort layer will help contour to your back’s natural curves and provide adequate support. A mattress that is too firm will press uncomfortably against your back, and a mattress that is too soft will cause your spine to curve as you sleep.

Stomach Sleeping

stomach sleeping

Roughly 16% of the population sleeps on their stomachs, and this is the position that most physicians recommend that you avoid. The only benefit to sleeping in this position is that you may see your snoring decrease. Whether you sleep sprawled out or with your arms curved underneath you, support is key.

Stomach sleeping won’t give you the pressure points that you get with other positions. However, this position can strain your neck, and many people who sleep on their stomachs report lower back pain because their spine curves forward. It’s more challenging to find a mattress to suit a stomach sleeper.

Stomach Sleeper Mattress

As we mentioned, when you sleep on your stomach, your spine is slightly curved, and your neck is usually bent one direction or the other to allow you to breathe. This puts added pressure on these areas of your body. This is especially true if you don’t have the support from your mattress that you need.

Stomach sleepers go both ways in terms of support. Some like a firm mattress that will keep their back and legs straight as they sleep. Others like a four to five-inch comfort layer that will envelop them when they lay down. However, you ideally want a firm and thin comfort layer. Aim for an inch thick comfort layer with a medium firm mattress.

Combination Sleeping

combination sleeping

The last category of sleeper is the combination sleeper. You don’t really have one preferred way of sleeping, and this presents an entirely new challenge when it comes to your mattress. A lot of the population are actually combination sleepers who will switch positions from night to night.

Because you sleep in a variety of positions, finding a mattress to suit all of them seems impossible. You want to start by finding the position where you sleep the deepest and wake up feeling the most refreshed. This will give you a starting point and a general idea on which type of mattress will suit you the best.

Combination Sleeper Mattress

You don’t want to go too far in one direction to cater to one specific sleeping position. So, if you consider that a side sleeper needs around a three-inch comfort layer and a stomach sleeper needs around a one-inch comfort layer, meet in the middle and look for a mattress with a two-inch comfort layer.

The mattress in a box is an excellent choice for combination sleepers or sleepers of any type because it gives you enough support without being too firm. You can also customize it to suit your preferred sleeping style if you favor one sleeping position over the other.

In Conclusion

Before you go out and purchase a new mattress, think of how you sleep the deepest. Your sleep position will play a big roll in the mattress that you pick out. Your goal is to start choosing the best mattress that offers enough support so that you wake up feeling refreshed. Sweet dreams!

See Also: Do You Have The Right Mattress For Your Body Type?

The post Choosing the Best Mattress For Side, Back, and Stomach Sleepers appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Thursday 26 July 2018

Replacing Windows? Demand The Best Service

Knowing how to choose replacement windows and who should do it in your Colorado home can be a daunting task.

To start with, you have to figure out what kind of windows will work best for you and since you’re an expert in something other than windows, this can be a chore all by itself. You’ll get quotes from different replacement window firms, and each might come back with a different recommendation.

Wood? Aluminum?

And is the company recommending these windows because they’re really the best choice for you or is there some other motivation for the recommendation? Might they be recommending the windows for which they will get the highest markup, for instance?

(Here’s a hint: In Colorado, you want locally-made vinyl windows built and designed with our unique Rocky Mountain climate and altitude in mind.)

Then, there’s price to consider.

One homeowner recently received quotes from three replacement window installers – including a well-known “big box” retailer whose name you’d instantly recognize – and was shocked to see that the costs ran from “x” to “2x!”

How can one firm charge twice as much as another for the same job?

Another hint: Don’t pay 2x! The lowest bid isn’t always the best overall deal.

So, suppose you find two or three firms who come back with comparable bids and recommendations for high-quality vinyl replacement window installation. How do you choose among them?

Ask about service.

The best firms hold themselves to the highest standards of service quality. Go with the firm you think really aims to delight their customers.

Time Is Money

call replacement window company

If you call a replacement window company and they tell you they can have someone out to give you an estimate sometime between Thursday and April, that will tell you something about their service.

Maybe that example is a bit of an exaggeration but if the company doesn’t handle your job in a timely manner, it does say a lot about how much they value their customers.

Every business gets busy. A professional window installer’s time is valuable and so is your time.

You can sometimes tell, early in the process, whether a firm holds itself to a high service standard simply by evaluating how long it takes them to respond to your request for an estimate.

If the firm sends someone out to look at your job right away (within a few hours, or a couple of days, at most) and if the person who shows up is efficient, knowledgeable, and professional, that also sends you a message.

They care about their service levels. They care about you.

Cleanliness Is Good, Too

Say you have to choose between two firms who sent a prompt professional to estimate your job. You’ll ask each of them when they could start the work and how long the job will take.

Some jobs can be completed in a day. Others are completed over a period of two days or more.

If your job is one that will take more than a day, ask the installation firms what you can expect at the end of each shift. If they’re surprised by the question, that’s part of your answer!

The best firms not only anticipate the question but they have a procedure in place to keep things neat and tidy while they’re away from your property.

To the installation firm, maybe it’s a “job site” but the best firms think of it more as your home or place of business. And they have systems in place to ensure that they treat the place accordingly.

It’s About Respect

check reviews

Look at the testimonials and online reviews for the replacement window companies you’re considering. You’ll probably be able to tell a lot about the level of respect each firm has for its customers.

The best firms have glowing reviews from happy customers who received great products at a great price and excellent service as well.

The installers are friendly and courteous. The “job site” is kept clean and tidy during and after each shift. And the company do what they promise to do.

And if some tricky problem comes up during the installation, the firm should be able to handle it like a professional.

More than one company will say they want your replacement-window business. But if you ask a couple of questions and check out some online reviews, you’ll be able to tell which firms really do value you. They’re the ones who hold themselves to high standards of customer service.

See Also: What Would a Home Economist, an Environmentalist, an Allergist, and Your Mother Say About Your Home Windows?

The post Replacing Windows? Demand The Best Service appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


5 Amazing Ways Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Well-Being

Each day, you go through numerous episodes of physical and mental stress. And why not?

There are a ton of responsibilities on your shoulders which tend to weigh you down and wear you out. Your life revolves around preparing quick meals, dropping the kids off at school, worrying about their grades, getting to work on time, dealing with work issues, coming back home to kids fighting, and then falling on the bed defeated and done.

And the worst thing is that it doesn’t end. This routine keeps on going and crushing your spirit.

You know what? It’s about time you take a break.

Spare a few hours from your super busy week and attend a massage therapy. This simple exercise is highly effective in helping you regain your lost energies.

Massage is an ancient technique, which involves kneading the tensed sections of the body using thumbs, elbows, palms, and feet while changing the pressure accordingly. Ambiance also plays an important role in this activity. It can be created using soft tunes and aromatic candles. The result is an incredible physical and metaphysical relief.

In the same sense, check out the positive effects of massage therapy.

Reduces Stress

massage therapy reduces stress

Stress is like that stubborn glitch which brings a whole system down. Unfortunately, it is the most prevalent disorder, which adults seem to suffer from these days. It results from strenuous circumstances, causing strain and tension in an individual.

You can try and fight it off by extracting yourself from your demanding routine and taking a break. Massage therapy would be ideal in this case as it relieves the pent-up stress in the ligaments or joints and produces a pleasant effect on the senses.

See Also: 12 Stressful Things To Let Go Of If You Want To Live A Calm Life

Reduces Pain

Whether it is a muscular pain or an emotional trauma, massage helps you ease through it and allows you to heal quickly.

You could be suffering from those sharp back pains, which set your body on fire during pregnancy or you could have internal bruises from an accident. They can also happen with pulled muscles after an intense exercise session or you could simply be enduring those tension-induced headaches.

Whatever it may be, going to a masseuse can treat you in ways you never imagined. With the right pressure, those expert hands will press around the distressed points and throw you into a sense-calming trance.

Opens Knots

A muscle is like an elastic band. Once stretched beyond its limit, it will end up breaking or recoiling to form a knot. These knots result from a sedentary or a hyperactive lifestyle where muscles are used too little or too much.

A masseuse will open these knots by rubbing the points in a circular or an up and down motion, depending on the damage done. Once the muscle is liberated, it’ll get back in shape and make you feel like you’re on cloud 9.

Improves Circulation

Imagine being stuck in a traffic jam with the afternoon sun beaming down on you.

Can you feel the frustration? Obviously.

We are suckers for smooth regularities. However, it’s not always what we get. Tension and undue stress, out of many causes, block the blood flow in the body and that causes pains and aches.

To restart the blood circulation and remove the nasty hurdles, you should attend massage therapies. Massage reinforces oxygen supply to each cell and helps the nutrients reach every corner of the body.

Deepens Sleep

massage therapy deepen sleep

When was the last time you had an uninterrupted and a truly fulfilling night’s sleep? You don’t remember, do you?

Then, this means that you need to make a visit to a massage parlor. The soft music and dimmed lights will help you shove off any sticky worries and relax every corner of your body. With your senses renewed, you’ll drift off much better.

With those effects of massage therapy in mind, expect to have a better well-being.

See Also: Are You Sleep Deprived? 8 Health Risks Of Poor Sleep

The post 5 Amazing Ways Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Well-Being appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


13 Ways to Get More Reading Done (Even If You Don’t Have the Time)

Are you valiantly seeking new ways to get more reading done? No matter how busy your schedule is, making more time to read and improving at it is simpler than you think. Discover this detailed list to help you make more time to explore the world of words in a variety of ways.

Dive into the Audiobook Experience

try audiobooks

Audiobooks are an often overlooked, yet excellent way to get more reading time in by having a book read to you. You can listen to an audiobook while jogging through the local park, or on your commute to and from work. You may be surprised to see how quickly you can learn from, appreciate, and absorb more literary material when using audiobooks on the move. For a good audiobook app, you can try Audible by Amazon. Check this Audible review out.

Read Book Summaries

Book summaries are a smart way to learn quickly about a popular book or concept that you may be interested in, without having to read the entire book yourself. There are summaries available online, and in book format, that range in length from a few minutes to an hour or so to consume. If you truly enjoy a book’s summary, take it a step further and grab the whole book!

Learn Speed Reading

The faster your eyes move and recognize words, the more quickly you can read any type of material. Training your eyes to move quickly across words on a page or screen by following them with a writing utensil (or a ruler) is one technique to sharpen your speed reading skills. You can also look at small groups of words at a time instead of reading word-by-word, but explore other speed reading methods and programs to find different ways to boost your skills.

Reduce Subvocalization

Subvocalization is the tendency to verbalize the words you are reading in your head, which can lead to saying words aloud. Although reading this way is fun if you want to plunge into a deep or entertaining text, it often causes you to read slower than you can with your eyes alone. One way to fight against it is to try holding your breath while focusing on reading the words faster than usual with your eyes and battle the urge to say the words aloud.

Set Small Reading Goals

Incorporate more reading time into your schedule by setting small reading goals for yourself. You can start by reading 25 pages a day, or focus on finishing a single chapter of a book. This technique can help you get in the groove of reading while you grow into it at your own pace.

Check out Goodreads’ Reading Challenge, too.

Use a Timer

To make it easier to reach your reading objectives, consider using a timer. Telling yourself that you are going to read for at least 15-30 minutes is a simple way to increase your reading time. You can use a small hand timer to keep track of the minutes or opt for a digital one on your smartphone.

Visit the Library and Borrow Physical Books

borrow books at the library

Visiting your local library and borrowing a bunch of books to read may be the motivation that gets you to read more. In a digitally driven world, you may be surprised to discover that having physical books in your presence encourages you to read throughout the day. Checking out more books than you plan to read can also light up your passion for reading.

Switch TV Time for Reading Time

Nielsen suggests that viewers spend up to five hours watching television each day, and this includes watching their favorite television shows and surfing through random stations to pass the time. Instead of prowling the channels in your living room or online, take out 15 minutes or more a day to do some reading. You can start by reading articles or books on your favorite subjects, or those of interest.

Download a Reading App

Studies done by Counterpoint Research and others suggest that the majority of smartphone users have their devices in hand for 5 hours a day or more! Why not download a reading app, or grab one sponsored by your local library to fuel your digital desire with books, magazines, and audiobooks? After all, if you are like the rest of us, your hand is on your smartphone already.

Take Advantage of Breaks

read during breaktime

Many times a day, we end up taking a break from our routine task, and we may sit and daydream, or twiddle with our phones. Start to utilize your breaks and transform them into great reading moments.

Making it a habit of reading during your lunch break (or any intermission) is an excellent way to use free time to educate and entertain yourself on an intellectual level.

Read What You Want

One of the reasons why many people don’t get started reading is that they are worried about what they should be reading. Remember that it is your choice to read whatever you want. You don’t have to go with what is most popular; you can try exploring old literature classics or even plunging into an instructional book about your favorite hobby or subject of study.

Join a Community of Readers

If you join a local book club or an online reading community, you will find yourself surrounded by people who love to read all kinds of materials. Jump into the tidal wave with fellow readers who are interested in the same authors and subjects as you. Not only will interacting with other determined readers inspire you to read more, but you can have interesting exchanges and discussions with like-minded people over good books.

Reward Yourself For Progress

One of the simplest ways to motivate yourself to read more is to reward yourself for progress. If you don’t usually read much, treating yourself to a small token, or a delicious lunch as a reward can motivate you to finish more books this month. This technique also works well if you want members of your household to read as well, so encourage everyone to participate in reading challenges for rewards.

Reading more is a habit that you must cultivate like any other skill, and you will develop the ability to read more often and faster as you practice. Reading just a little each day can unexpectedly turn into an hour or more when you are enjoying what you read, and this tally adds up handsomely over the course of a year. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start reading more to educate yourself, stay sharp, and explore new terrains when you can try these tips today and thrive.

See Also: 7 Reasons To Start Reading Books? Here’s why!

The post 13 Ways to Get More Reading Done (Even If You Don’t Have the Time) appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Let’s Talk About Trust And Perfectionism

Trust is knowing that you tend to do this, this, and this and that you’re probably always going to do that. In order to trust you, you have to be willing to perceive, know, be, and receive you. You don’t have to change you to fit somebody else’s point of view. It’s not about having blind faith in yourself that you’ll get it all right one day and that you understand every idea on being perfect.


*dramatic sigh*

Let’s talk about that.

Perfectionism is what has always kept me a step away from truly trusting myself. The idea of being perfect is almost as disappointing as the bubbles on a bubble wrap that won’t pop. You are so ready to go for it but it won’t freakin’ pop!

It won’t pop because there is nothing as perfect. We have made this hypothetical thing in our mind so that we always have something to achieve and disappoint us. Cause disappointment leads to agony and we love it!

Don’t we? I mean, I did.

Can I interest you in a new perspective that I got introduced to a few days back?

While I was on what people would call as an ultimate journey of soul searching(or what I would simply call as vegging on the bed completely engrossed in a book), I stumbled on something which totally changed my view about perfectionism.

In her book, Elizabeth Gilbert said:

“I think perfectionism is just a high-end, haute couture version of fear. I think perfectionism is just fear in fancy shoes and a mink coat, pretending to be elegant when actually it’s just terrified. Because underneath that shiny veneer, perfectionism is nothing more than a deep existential angst that says, again and again, “I am not good enough and I will never be good enough.”

Perfectionism is just fear

What? Perfectionism is just fear? It’s just a distraction that keeps me from creating whatever I desire? Wow!

So, those who think that there is even a tiny chance that it’s perfectionism that sneaks up on you and pulls you back whenever you are ready to show, I would love for you to read further.

Going back to the month of December, I had a farewell in my school which is more popularly known as prom. Me, being the junior, had to give a farewell performance to the seniors and I was given three options.

First, I could take part in Art which meant devoting about seven hours of my time stuck inside the art room, listening to four besties talk my ears off and at the same time working my ass off creating invitations and banners for the event. As much as I love art, not my scene!

taking up art

Second, I could take part in music with my friends which would have been great and lots of fun. But, to be honest, it would have been listening to a crow in midst of all the cuckoos. As much as it would have been fun for me, it’s my seniors’ farewell. I can’t do that to them.

Third, I could have taken part in the dance. I am not talking about just simple grooving and a few steps here and there dance. I am talking about full Bollywood and Bhangra mixed with western kind of dance.

Let me tell you about my history with dancing.

I attended a 3-month dance class which was a nightmare! The 3-minute final video of the dance at the end of three months showed every emotion one can have related to struggle and fear and whatnot! And considering I am or was a perfectionist, you can imagine what a horror it was for me.

taking up dance

But I still chose to take part in dancing. I don’t think anyone in their entire life had as much fun as I did in those fifteen days! And the only thing that was kind of holding me back from having the time of my life was my need for perfectionism.

So, let’s call this need perfy.

Perfy, my frenemy, was trying everything in its power to make me believe that if I can’t do it perfectly, then there is no need to do it. There is no need for me to go on that stage and make a complete fool of myself. That I should only go on that stage when I have perfected the art of dancing.

And Perfy knows that this moment won’t come because there’s nothing as perfect but perfy was still trying to convince me.

I had enough of perfy. I decided to part ways with it! Perfy cried. Not really actually, she already went on the next hunt.

And me?

Safe to say, I finally gave that performance and enjoyed the hell out of it!

What is it that stops you from truly trusting yourself? Will you please let it go now?

If you truly trusted yourself, what would you choose and create?

Are you ready to break up with your perfy?

What magic can you be?

Breaking up with perfy gave me a sense of freedom, joy, and trust. It was a sense of trust in myself that it didn’t matter that I messed one step because of the spotlight in my eye.

Trust in me and the freedom from the all or none law. Trust that I can do anything I would like to and trust that everything is for the fun of it. Last but not the least, trust that the universe always has my back!

See Also: The Dark Side of Perfectionism

The post Let’s Talk About Trust And Perfectionism appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Wednesday 25 July 2018

Piping Ain’t Easy! 5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Hiring A Local Plumber

Whether it’s a residential or commercial set up, plumbing emergencies can happen anytime and without any warning.

The plumbing maintenance in homes and offices is unique in that most people don’t see it as something truly dangerous or important. When a pipe bursts or some other piece of plumbing malfunctions, many homeowners try to fix the plumbing issue by themselves.

Why You Need A Plumber

What people often fail to realize is that tackling plumbing problems requires the right knowledge and skill. Not only will the issue be harder to fix if left unaddressed, the problem could cost a fortune. Besides, leaks and drips can turn into major headaches and that’s why you need a good plumber.

Professional local plumbers have the skills, expertise, and needed equipment to properly repair any plumbing problems. They can also identify problems that require your utmost attention right away.

With that said, hiring a local plumber may sound easy but it’s actually more complicated. Considering the fact that there are a plethora of plumbing companies flooding the market today, you need to be extra careful.

If you have to hire one in a pinch, oftentimes they are not as savvy as expected. To make sure you end up with the best one, here are some really great tips for hiring a plumber.

Experience is key


Experience in any type of craft is a vital tool that an individual and business should possess and plumbing is no exception. Besides, there are obvious benefits to hiring a professional who has been in the plumbing industry for long. Not only have they handled different plumbing jobs, but they also have been able to come across different challenges and problems to solve.

By hiring an experienced plumber, you can rest assured that the work will be done with utmost perfection and care.

Check credentials

While there is a slew of plumbing companies, most of them operate without all the necessary credentials. The sheer fact that a plumber is not licensed says a lot about his professionalism.

Unlicensed plumbers are not accountable to regulators. Most of the time, they are not available whenever things go amiss.

Needless to say, make sure you check whether the plumber is licensed and insured before making the final decision. You can ask about this over the phone before you even make an appointment. If the plumber or his representative on the phone can’t provide the master plumbing license number quickly and easily, that’s your cue to move on.

Don’t break the bank

Plumbing repairs and replacement can get expensive. Make sure you have a written estimate in hand before any work begins. Furthermore, professional plumbers are able to carry out a quick survey of the job and tell how much equipment, manpower and time is needed for completing a particular task. From this survey, they are then able to provide a breakdown for what you’ll be charged.

Be sure to ask if the total at the bottom of your estimate bill is all that you will need to pay. Take it as a chance to clarify if there will be no extra charges to the service. In addition to this, check the warranty being offered by different plumbers so that you can make the right choice.

Word of mouth

It goes without saying that no marketing strategy is as powerful or as influential as word of mouth. From online searches to a quick conversation with your family and friends, you’ll be able to get an honest opinion as to who you should hire.

In addition, make sure you visit the plumbing company’s website and go through their past customers’ reviews and testimonials. As with any review and testimonial, the odds of someone taking the time to write a positive review is a lot slimmer than a competitor or a vindictive customer posting a negative review. Besides, you will almost always find occasional negative reviews and testimonials about most companies. Just beware if you find too many of them!

Ask for references

local plumber

When it comes to hiring a local plumber, make sure you ask for references. Better yet, wait to see if they offer up the information first. Generally, any reputable plumbing company will have a list of happy customers and the jobs they have done.


At the end of the day, the plumbing system in your home or office is incredibly essential to your health and safety. This is why it needs to be properly maintained.

Any plumbing work, no matter how big or small, should always take priority. This is because even the most ordinary job can quickly become a major and very expensive project if not attended right away.

Whether it’s a leaking pipe or dripping faucet repair, make sure you use the tips above when hiring a plumber.

The post Piping Ain’t Easy! 5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Hiring A Local Plumber appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Can You Benefit From Eastern Medicine?

Traditional Eastern medicine is practiced by 60% of people around the world. Yet, most of Western medicine still looks down on these ancient practices as “unscientific”.

A new scientific discovery, however, may soon show a scientific explanation for the effectiveness of traditional therapies.

Does Eastern Medicine Work?


Many traditional therapies have been practiced for centuries and have proven results. If you haven’t tried them yet, then consider these therapies to help you feel better.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture practitioners place tiny needles through the skin at specific points to relieve pain. It is effective in treating chronic muscle and joint pain. It works well in alleviating headaches and arthritis, too.

Moxibustion: This treatment involves burning herbs and applying heat to specific pressure points. It is great for treating arthritis pain, digestive issues, and cold/flu symptoms.

Herbal medicine: Many cultures have traditions that use medicinal plants to treat illnesses. Herbal remedies from traditional Chinese medicine are commonly used to treat migraines, arthritis, and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Tu nai (twee-naw): Tu nai is a form of therapeutic massage from traditional Chinese medicine. Like Western massage, it is effective in managing muscle and joint pain from aging, overuse or injury.

Dietary therapy: In Eastern medicine, diet therapies include avoiding foods that could make your medical conditions worse while eating foods to improve your health instead. Diet is effective in managing high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and excessive consumption of saturated fats.

Tai chi, Qigong, and Yoga: Tai chi is a form of exercise that combines martial arts movement and stretching. Qigong, on the other hand, combines movement and meditation to relax and focus the body and mind. Yoga, meanwhile, combines gentle exercise with mindfulness practices. Each of these forms of exercise focuses on breathing and has been shown to treat back pain and asthma symptoms.

See Also: Yoga and Health: From Better Mental Health To Improved Sleep Quality

The Interstitium: A New Organ

In March 2018, Dr. Neil Theise and his researchers at New York University discovered a network of fluid-filled spaces lining tissues throughout the body. The discovery used a new microscope technology that enabled a magnified view of connective tissues without destroying their cellular structure.

Theise named this discovery the interstitium and while its status as an organ is up for debate, the significance of this discovery is not in doubt. Before the interstitium, experts believed that the human organs and the layer beneath the skin consisted of dense collagen walls. It turns out that those tissues lined with a network of fluid-filled spaces were a route for lymphatic fluids to move.

The interstitium lines our:

  • Skin
  • Digestive tract
  • Lungs
  • Urinary systems
  • Muscles

What Does It Mean?

More than half the human body is made of water, much of it is in the interstitial spaces as part of the lymphatic and extracellular fluid. Water and lymph fluid are essential to the body’s functions.

Lymph fluid has infection-fighting immune cells which happen to be the same route cancer cells take to spread throughout the body.

Interstitial lymphatic fluid flows throughout our bodies’ tissues, affecting their function. These fluid networks may play a role in:

  • Wrinkling and skin aging
  • Fibrosis (scarring)
  • Edema (swelling)

When viewed through the lens of Eastern medicine, the interstitium could explain the efficacy of traditional medicine. Acupuncture may work by aligning the interstitial pathways to maximize lymphatic fluid in the affected area. Similarly, it could explain how targeted therapies like traditional massage, Tai Chi, and yoga, produce systemic effects by stimulating certain areas.

The Best of Both Worlds

While traditional Chinese medicine focuses on the flow of energies and a person’s overall well-being, Western medicine analyzed ailments on a purely physical level. When used together, these approaches produce maximum effect.

Eastern and Western Medicine Work Together

Traditional Chinese medicine can help relieve the side effects of prescription painkillers.
Acupuncture, meanwhile, works with medication to better treat seasonal illnesses and allergies. Finally, Qigong and herbal therapies lessen insomnia and night sweats from cancer treatment.

Giving Eastern medicine a try could produce the results you’ve been hoping for. You don’t have to give up on science to see its effectiveness. Learn more in this infographic:

Infographic courtesy of urbanmonknutrition.com

Interstitium Infographic

The post Can You Benefit From Eastern Medicine? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Telltale Signs Your Loved One Needs Intervention for Addiction

If your loved one is showing signs of using and abusing alcohol or drugs, they might have an addiction. Failure to do any intervention for addiction can cause more problems.

Back then, addicts take themselves to rock bottom before they can get help. Now that addiction is recognized as a disease, the protocol has been revised to reflect that and promote prevention as much as possible.

An intervention is a process where a patient’s family, friends, and professional counselors work to show the person the effects of his destructive behaviors. Together, they set the affected person on a better, healthier path.

There are numerous signs you should look for in your loved one to figure out if they are in need of an intervention.

It Affects the Rest of Their Lives


Alcohol becomes a problem when it starts to prevent people from achieving their goals and they start to experience lots of negative side effects.

Studies have shown that over 31,000 people die each year from liver disease of which alcohol plays a large part. There is also the high incidence of cancer and other diseases that are caused by drugs and alcohol.

See Also: Can You Curb Alcohol Addiction In Its Early Stage?

Tolerance Starts to Develop

When addicts no longer experience the same effect they felt in the beginning, they are forced to consume drugs or alcohol in changing doses. As a result, their behavior and way of thinking changes. And if no intervention is done, they will continue to do it until something goes terribly wrong.

Lying and Deception Begin

Deception can manifest in a lot of different ways but it happens for one reason: the addict wants to conceal their addiction so that no one will call them out or stop them.

This can start with lying about how intoxicated they are. They may even start hiding bottles. This is where things become dangerous because they have internalized their addiction and are now actively resisting any chance of getting better.

Mood Swings and Isolation

alcoholism signs

Irrational behavior is the hallmark of an addict but you’ll still see a whole other range of behaviors. Usually, this results in fast switches between depression and anger. This can make it even harder for people to face them and talk about their addiction. The scary thing is that their entire mood can become dictated by when they last took the substance. This makes them very unpredictable and hard to control.

As the perceived judgment of them starts to put them on edge, they will likely take steps to isolate themselves and protect themselves from any chance at being called out for their addiction.

This isn’t limited to physical isolation. It can mean getting in fights and cutting people out of their lives if they think that they are getting in the way of their addiction.

This can be very hard to deal with because you are being told not to help when that means they need your help more than ever.

The Addiction is Affecting Others’ Safety

There are lots of other ways this can manifest. From violence due to intoxication to emotional abuse, addicts can be very harmful to others.

This might be the clearest signal that an intervention is necessary. If not addressed right away, an addict can end up hurting more than one person and that’s scary.

Taking Action

Interventions may sound scary but they are really necessary, particularly when brief conversations no longer work.

The big thing to remember is that your loved one means well and has been led astray. By setting up a structured intervention that gets the message across, it becomes much more likely that you’ll be able to help that person.

See Also: Where to Find Friends and Support During Addiction Recovery

Confrontation is hard but it’s harder to watch a loved one get hurt. The feelings of anger and resentment you feel towards the addict will go away once you start to help. By helping them, you can help everyone in your family and even in your circle of friends.

The post Telltale Signs Your Loved One Needs Intervention for Addiction appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Tuesday 24 July 2018

How to Write The Perfect Content for Each Stage of Your Sales Funnel

Bringing in new customers and converting them can sometimes be challenging. With so many brands and products on the market, differentiating from the competition is near impossible. However, the AIDA sales funnel methodology can contribute to the cause more than you think.

Implementing the time-old sales model into the content creation strategy set by the marketing team will ensure organic growth and sales outreach more than most methods would. With that said, let’s take a look at how we can use AIDA to separate our content marketing funnel strategy from the rest.

Basics of AIDA

In short, AIDA stands for “Attraction, Interest, Desire, and Action.” These are the cornerstones of your typical sales funnel in which certain content is distributed to the market at even intervals. As the name suggests, AIDA stages aim to gradually introduce a product or a brand to the market. It raises awareness of it before promoting a direct purchase.

This methodology alone is what separates AIDA from typical content strategies that rely on scheduling and audience profiling. AIDA can effectively lead individual users from a passerby to a loyal customer if the content reflects the aim to gradually convert someone into a recurring customer.

Now that we have a clearer understanding of what AIDA represents, let’s take a look at how we can implement it into our existing content creation strategies.

  • Brand Awareness

brand awareness

The first stage of content marketing through AIDA aims to collect customer information for future reference. This means that every marketing campaign should start with content designed to achieve outreach and interaction.

The more emails, phone numbers and contact information you collect, the more successful your first stage of AIDA will be. The content created for this purpose usually comes in the form of email marketing and calls to action. These factors ask the readers for some upfront trust and patience. Products and services should not be promoted in this stage but only hinted at. We are aiming to raise awareness of our presence on the market and not sell anything outright.

See Also: 5 Smart Ways to Boost Brand Awareness

  • Product Interest

Creating interest in your products might just be the toughest stage of AIDA. You need to ensure that people are interested and curious about your products to a point where they will want to know more about it.

You can achieve this by creating demonstration video content, write testimonials or product reviews through influencers. Also, you can employ some of the largest translation companies on the market. They can translate your content into other languages for international marketing purposes.

In other words, the Interest phase of your sales funnel focuses on building hype and anticipation for a product that the customers absolutely need to possess. This mindset is what you should aim for when creating content for the second stage of the sales funnel.

  • Purchase Desire

If you played your cards right, your future customers should be knocking at your door by now with questions about your products. However, there is one more stage of the sales funnels to focus on before creating direct sales marketing content.

Your customers’ desire to buy, use and promote your products and services is the true indicator of successful marketing. You should focus on creating a need and a desire to purchase your brand’s products through calls to action that offer discounts, loyalty benefits, extra goodies for early adopters, etc. Desire can also be raised by emphasizing the benefits of using your products in the household environment, during family activities, friendly hangouts, etc.

Add as much value, examples and advantages to your product as possible while still maintaining the aura of professionalism. The more value you add to your product, the better it will sell on the market once your launch window approaches.

See Also: 12 Tips That Build Customer Loyalty And Boost Sales

  • Customer Action

customer action

Your customers’ action or the purchase of your product should be the final stage of your sales funnel. If all previous stages were done correctly, Action bookends the campaign and brings a few final customers before the purchase window opens officially.

Content that focuses on action should include calls-to-action that emphasize direct purchase. You can include how-to guides, examples of use, tips for product enjoyment and other customer-centric content in your final sales funnel stage.

The interest and performance of your product peaks with Action and gradually drops over time. It’s important to monetize the buzz created around your brand before the customers’ interest shifts to some other marketing campaign.

A Step-by-Step Approach (Conclusion)

Implementing AIDA or any other sales funnel method might seem like an overcomplicated risk. Every stage of a sales funnel needs to be as effective and impactful as the one that came before. While that may be true, AIDA provides the perfect model for filtering and segmenting our customer base.

This is especially useful with expensive and niche products that simply don’t work for every customer. Use your best judgment when implementing AIDA into your content strategy. Don’t be afraid to segment your own marketing campaign into separate steps.

The post How to Write The Perfect Content for Each Stage of Your Sales Funnel appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Is Where You Live Sacrificing Your Happiness?

The average American moves 11.4 times in their life. Some move when they are young, while others chase jobs, loved ones or environments that better suit their needs. Whatever the reason, Americans are moving more than ever before, aided by mobile lifestyles and broadening opportunities to work from home.

Despite this trend, many people still live in environments that make them miserable. Young people can find themselves stuck living with their parents and desperately trying to pay off their student debts.

Others find themselves locked in good jobs in the city while their souls cry out for nature. Taking a step back and evaluating your environment if it’s the perfect place to live can do a world of good.


Living in an area that is either too cold or too hot for your liking can do tremendous damage to your health and well-being. In a 2014 study, researchers found an association between cold temperatures and an increased mortality rate.

While it is already known that extreme temperatures on either end of the spectrum can increase stress on the human system, this study hammers home a significant point. Not only are extreme temperatures uncomfortable, but they can be deadly as well.

Which isn’t to say we should all move to Florida. Some people find themselves naturally drawn to extreme temperatures and for these people, areas of the Northeast and Midwest are still prime territories.

However, being unable to go outside during extreme temperature events does have a negative effect on most people’s demeanors. It can lead to cabin fever, depression or other undesirable conditions.

Urban Life

suburban life

City life isn’t for everyone. When you’re sharing a metropolitan area with more than a million others, some undesirable side effects follow. Overcrowding in public places, for instance, can cause stress on your system. Having to crush against strangers during long subway rides, stuffed into overpriced apartment buildings alongside 600 other people and getting shoulder-checked every time you walk down the street can feel suffocating at times.

Studies suggest that people living in urban settings are unhappier than those in suburbia. To be fair, this could also be an income-based association as those living in suburban settings are, on average, better off than those in the city.

Still, other environmental factors related to city life — pollution, constant noise, etc. — can all stress your system. They should go into your evaluation of where you live. Some of us can’t live without the bustle of the city but for others, a move may be in order.

See Also: How to Reduce Expenses When You Live In An Expensive City


Based on the study mentioned above, a county near Denver is the happiest place in America. Is it any coincidence that this area of Colorado experiences roughly 300 days of sun a year?

Studies have already suggested that exposure to sunlight corresponds inversely with depression levels. The more vitamin D you’re getting, the less depressed you will be. This is terrible news for those living in the Pacific Northwest and upstate New York as these areas are the most overcast in the entire U.S.

Moving somewhere with a little more sun, especially during the winter and fall when the days grow shorter, can do a world of good for those already suffering from weather-related depression. Both upstate N.Y. and the Pacific Northwest are lovely areas during the summer, with warm temperatures and plenty of sun. But months of unbroken clouds can have a mental toll on anyone.


Living with your family later in life can be a mixed bag. Currently, millennials are living with their parents at higher levels than any other generation to date. Many do so citing a weak job market, fear of the unknown, and overwhelming student loans.

And while living at home can be financially wise, it often comes with complications to your health and well-being. Those who are hoping to be economically independent experience depression and heightened anxiety.

Much of this comes down to our cultural perceptions. Americans have always prided themselves on being independent — including both finances and living arrangements.

Living with our parents and being unable to find a high-paying job feels like failure and causes an abundance of negative emotions. However, Eastern cultures often expect children to move back in with their parents after school and start their adult lives surrounded by family.

Your Happiness

baseline happiness

Where you live affects your baseline happiness and evaluating the factors above can help you decide if you’ve chosen the perfect place to live for you. For many, moving is not an option at this time. We have found ourselves temporarily stuck or financially unable to move out of an unhappy situation.

However, picking a destination based on these factors is the first step and planning your escape can follow shortly after that. Your happiness is essential and you should not neglect it.

See Also: Tops Tips In Choosing A Place to Live

The post Is Where You Live Sacrificing Your Happiness? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Monday 23 July 2018

How to Begin Celebrating Small Wins to Start A New Life

Starting a new life is not easy. You have to get rid of any bad, old habits. However, letting go of any habit or behavior is not easy, either. That’s why you have to set the goal you want to accomplish.

On this journey, you need to identify the small wins that indicate that you are accomplishing something. These accomplishments motivate you to keep moving in the right direction.

If we focused only on the big wins, we would never feel like we will ever get any achievements. A new behavior is not formed overnight. You have to work for it.

Here’s how you can start celebrating small wins every day.

Start small

start small habits

Many people make the mistake of doing too much at once while trying to achieve a given goal.

Maybe you want to start an exercise program or any other new habit. If that’s the case, you have to start small and progress gradually.

For instance, if you are used to waking up at 10 a.m and want to change to waking up at 6 a.m, then you need to make the transition slowly since this is a huge change. You could start by waking up at 9 a.m for a while, then 8 a.m, until you become comfortable waking up at 6 a.m.

Also, try to create a ritual by doing the same things at the same time each day. Doing this helps your body adjust and adapt to the new routine.

Change one habit at a time

You made a grand plan to start leading a healthy lifestyle when the year started and want to start working on it. You are filled with enthusiasm to get started. You want to start a new diet, exercise daily or any other new habit right away.

With such a huge goal, you feel tempted to do all of them at once. However, this is similar to multitasking and you will end up failing.

To avoid this, focus on working on one habit at a time and only move on to the next when you have gotten used to the previous one.

See Also: 4 Bad Online Habits That Are Killing Your Work Productivity

Group your big habits into chunks

As you continue gradually adjusting to your new habits, you will find yourself swamped with things you need to do at some point. For instance, if you decide to start exercising and gradually increase its level of difficulty, a time will come when you can’t increase it any higher.

You should divide big habits into smaller sections and do them continuously throughout the day. For instance, if you need to do 60 squats a day, you can divide them into 3 sessions and do 20 squats in each.

Remove your barriers

When starting new habits, it is easy for you to change directions when the initial plan doesn’t go as expected. However, if you really want to achieve your goal, you need to keep them close for ease of access. You have no excuse for not doing it.

For instance, if you want to start reading a few pages of a book before going to sleep every day, you could keep your Kindle or hardcover book on your nightstand. Change is uncomfortable but it has to happen.

change habit

See Also: 5 Barriers That You Need To Cross To Achieve Success This Year

Get back on the horse

It is not easy to go through a change in behavior. There are times you will slip and go back to those practices that were not good for you. The problem is if and how you bounce back from it.

If you are set on changing, you should get back on track quickly whenever you trip to avoid dropping off altogether. You should never make the same mistake twice.

For instance, if you miss a workout once, don’t miss it the next day. The aim is not for you to be perfect but to be consistent.

Stack habits on existing ones

It is easy to stick to a habit if it is added onto one that already exists. Thus, doing one habit leads to you doing the other. For example, if you always brush your teeth after eating, it is easy for you to start a flossing routine. Whenever you are brushing your teeth, you will always remember to floss.


Developing a new habit is not easy. Start by making small changes and gradually progress to bigger ones. You can’t change your habits in one day. The time it takes to form a long-lasting one varies.

Accomplishing it and getting it to stick is a big win for you. Remember that just because you were able to form the habit does not mean it can’t fall apart. You need to be patient and consistent to achieve your goal. Keep in mind that new habits result in a new life.

So, start celebrating small wins and you’ll be starting on the right track.

The post How to Begin Celebrating Small Wins to Start A New Life appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


5 Habits Of Successful People You Should Be Following Today

Ever wonder how successful people are so successful?

Habits play a crucial role in shaping our lives. According to a psychology study at Duke University, 45% of everything we do on a daily basis factors in daily habits.

We all know that bad habits can be detrimental to your mental and physical well-being. They can hinder your road to achievement and success. Good habits, on the other hand, can help you rise above others and be at your best.

The concept of success differs with each person. To some, it may mean earning more money. To others, it can mean happy relationships or a simple sense of achievement.

So, what are the common habits of successful persons that set them apart from the rest of us?

Let’s try to dig deeper to find the answers.

Reading as a habit
reading habit

Billionaire investment guru Warren Buffett reportedly once said that reading is the most important habit he’s picked up.

Tom Corley works as a financial planner and accountant. He conducted a survey that involved 233 participants with most of them being self-made millionaires. The results of the survey depicted interesting patterns.

Among the participants, 88% claimed to spend half an hour or more each day to reading. Most of them prefer reading non-fiction pieces that include history, self-help books, and biographies.

P.J. Worsfold, head of product for FTSY (“footsy”), an artificial intelligence platform for matching people to shoes, claims to read one hour mostly about his industry and other events related to his niche. Plus, whenever possible, he shares useful articles and a small piece of his opinion.

That helps him remember the significant sections of a piece and gives him the opportunity to explore and use them to view other things.

See Also: Best Business Books: The First-Time Entrepreneur’s Reading List

Be an early bird

About 50% of the participants Corly interviewed stated that they get up around 3 hours before their actual workday starts. It gives them ample time to get additional things done, which may include finishing side projects, working out, or just planning ahead.

Other examples of early risers include Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who is known for getting into the office at 7 a.m. Anna Wintour, Vogue Editor-in-Chief heads out to playing an hour-long tennis match on a daily basis as early as 5:45 a.m.

This shows that although getting enough sleep is very important, you might want to schedule your sleep cycle so you don’t have to keep hitting snooze until the last minute.

After all, the early bird catches the worm.

Work out and stay fit

We have all grown up knowing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, especially working out and staying physically fit.

James Parrelly is the managing partner of Paw Pods that provide eco-friendly pet caskets and urns made from 100% biodegradable materials. According to Parrelly, successful entrepreneurs require mental and physical fitness. He further adds that clearing your mind and challenging yourself physically with a tough workout daily helps you stay ready for the daily challenges of a business.

To sum it up, a strong body carries a strong mind.

Work on communication skills

communication skills

Communication plays a key role in building constructive interpersonal relationships on a personal as well as on a professional level. Working with data, facts, and figures is important. However, if you are unable to convey the right information and message in a timely manner, you are less likely to achieve your objectives.

As Richard Branson, one of the most successful entrepreneurs and leaders states: “Communication is the most important skill any leader can possess.

As with other skills, it is important to continuously work on improving communication to help you stay more efficient while interacting with anyone on any level. Emphasizing the value of proper communication further, Branson once shared a quote from the popular author Brian Tracy who said this:

“If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.”

Use technology

Whether you are a professional just starting a career or a CEO, it is important to keep yourself organized especially when it comes to daily tasks. Especially for people who have a lot on their plate, be it running multiple businesses or trying to balance work-life routine, a to-do list is highly mandatory.

Kris Snyder is the CEO of Vox Mobile, a Cleveland-based organization that provides enterprise mobility solutions. The company has an annual growth that trends above 30% and enjoys consistent inclusion in Gartner’s MMS Magic Quadrant. Snyder also happens to be the founder of the Global Enterprise Mobility Alliance (GEMA).

Snyder advocates for using technology to attain strategic objectives and initiatives. For instance, scheduling a weekly agenda with important clients through a PRM tool. This allows for real-time prioritization of relationships and interactions on a daily basis.

See Also: 5 Top Technology Trends That Will Shape 2018

What’s your take on success and how do you manage to achieve it? Share your ideas in the comments below.

The post 5 Habits Of Successful People You Should Be Following Today appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
