Now is the time to get out those fresh, crisp pages of your 2018 Planner and dive into it! Where to start? Good question, we know it can be a little intimidating at first. We have some ideas/tips to set you up for success! There is NO wrong way to use your planner! We want to give you a SOLID foundation for you to effectively use your planner, and find your inner planner peace!

Time to get those dates that are in your head or in your phone onto paper and into your planner. Here are some examples of where to start:
• Holidays and Birthdays
• Trips and Vacations
• Health and Fitness
• Appointments: Doctor, Dentist, Specialist, Hair, etc.
• Social Events and Church Events
• Membership Schedules: Clubs, Groups, etc.
• Nonprofit Events and Volunteer Schedules
• School Schedules (yours or your kids’) and Events
• Sports Schedules and other After-School Activities
• Work Schedule
• Spouse’s Schedule

Getting your favorite pens or pencils, Washi tape, or stickers can motivate you to dive into your new planner! This is a fun way to add some personality to your planner and make it your own! Check out our bling here. Also, if you are not part of our Facebook group come check it out, there are some amazing inspiring planners in there.

This is a huge part of helping yourself stay on track of your own life. Writing out your goals in your planner and some personal reflection help visualize what you want your year to look like, and is always there for a good reminder!
Ask yourself these questions to start the process of finding out what goals you are looking to achieve!
- Who do I want to be this time next year?
- How do I want to feel this coming year?
- What are the action steps I need to take to help me reach each one of my goals?
Goals should govern how you allocate your time and plan out your schedule. You must focus on different areas of your life to move it forward!
There are so many ways to get started with your new planner, find a way that works for you! Setting up your new planner is exciting and here at STARTplanner we are ready for you to see the change in focus, productivity and make time for the things in life that matter the most. And remember it doesn’t have to be pretty to be functional! Happy Planning!
from STARTplanner - News https://startplanner.com/blogs/news/making-those-first-couple-marks
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