Friday 30 November 2018

The Pros and Cons of Drinking Beer

Beer is one of the oldest and one of most popular alcoholic beverages in the world. Brewer’s yeast, one of the beer’s main components, is known to be a rich source of nutrients and this means that beer may have some health benefits. Does this mean beer is a healthy drink?

Let’s look at the pros and cons of beer drinking and decide after.

Pros of Drinking Beer

Beer is rich in many vitamins of the B group and minerals like magnesium. Barley and hops used in the production of beer are rich in flavonoids which have powerful antioxidant effects. 

If you don’t believe us, here’s what experts have to say:

“The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has completed an extensive review of current scientific knowledge about the health effects of moderate alcohol consumption. It found that the lowest death rate from all causes occurs at the level of one to two drinks per day. That is, moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity.”

Additionally, here are the other pros of the drink:

Aid against Coronary heart disease (CHD)

There is a quite strong evidence that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption has cardio-protective properties. Many research studies demonstrate a lower coronary heart disease incidence among moderate beer drinkers. These moderate drinkers are at lower risk of CHD-related mortality than both heavy drinkers and abstainers. The vitamin B6 in beer also seems to prevent the alcohol-induced rise in blood homocysteine, a probable heart disease risk factor. 


Moderate alcohol intake affects many processes in the body, one of which is the significant increase in HDL cholesterol – the good cholesterol. There is supporting evidence for beer’s cardio-protective effect and for its help in altering the ratio of beneficial HDL cholesterol to the LDL cholesterol. 

Kidney stones

Beer consumption may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones. Finnish researches found that there was a 40% lower risk of kidney stones in beer drinkers. 

Protection against radiation

Japan researchers found that beer helps reduce chromosomal damage from radiation exposure. 

Cons of drinking beer

As you will notice, most of these only apply to heavy beer guzzlers. A heavy drinker is considered to be someone that has 2 or more drinks per day. Is that you?

Beer belly

Heavy beer drinking may promote abdominal obesity in men, also known as “beer belly”. Drinking beer in moderation, however, will not cause obesity. 


Beer contains powerful stimulants of gastric acid secretion and may provoke gastroesophageal reflux and cause heartburn. According to studies:

“Alcohol consumption can increase the relaxation of the LES – the natural valve that keeps stomach acid in the stomach and out of the esophagus – allowing acid to reflux” – source 

Blood pressure

Daily beer consumption (approximately 40 g of alcohol) may increase blood pressure. 


Even low amounts of alcohol can adversely effects attention and motor skills. In fact, many serious accidents are alcohol-related. This obviously includes motor vehicles but can also include falling of your chair, down the stairs, out windows, etc. 

This can also include “Beer Muscles” (not to be confused with Beer Goggles) which can make the drinker believe they can physically take on any person in the room. Often times, the drinker is sadly mistaken and winds up sprawled on the floor with severe injuries.


Only 10% of what you drink is removed through urine and your liver needs water to get rid of the remaining 90%. To do so, the liver is forced to divert water from other organs including the brain which causes the throbbing headaches. Drinking a glass of water in between beers will help. 


Most of us know the pounding head, cotton mouth feeling attributed to a night of heavy drinking. For those that don’t, here is a very good and thorough explanation. For those that don’t heed this warning, here this is how you can get rid of your hangover.


So, in my opinion, drinking beer is actually probably good for you as long as it’s done in moderation. If you want to liven things up and suck down a 12-pack, do so at your own risk. Just make sure to drink a ton of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Although it goes without saying, this is just my opinion and you should not act on it without contacting your physician and doing your own independent homework.

Written by C. Simmons of with added commentary inserted by Jay White of

The post The Pros and Cons of Drinking Beer appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A More Positive and Happy Person

As we grow older and gain more wisdom through the years, we realize that money or popularity by themselves do not spell success. Rather, it is the presence of happiness in our lives that makes it all worthwhile. We may be the wealthiest person on our street but if we’re miserable, we are far from successful.

The problem most of us face is getting caught up in the daily grind of life and becoming worn out, overworked, and over-caffeinated. Of course, with all of life’s little and big stresses come the tendency to blame, criticize, and generally take a negative outlook on life.

And when we are too negative, there’s no way we can get near our fullest potential or even just be close to it. Generally speaking, negativity sucks the life from us and everyone around us.

Attitude is a decision

Everything that happens in our lives is just a series of events. It’s how we react to these events that shape how our lives turn out. We can choose to react positively or negatively to anything that happens to us.

Think about the following example:

We’re driving down the highway when we notice a car tailgating us. As we speed up, it speeds up as well. Now, most of us get angry and belligerent when this happens and will probably use a certain hand gesture when they eventually pass us.

This will usually put us in a sour mood and we might even let this episode ruin our entire day.

Being tailgated is not a positive event in and of itself but if we choose to look at it from a different viewpoint, it can be.

What if we instead chose to believe that the person tailgating us had a pregnant woman in the vehicle who was about to give birth and needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible? Or what if it was a father of a 6-year old girl who was rushing to see her because she had a tragic accident at school?

Would we still be upset at them? I think not. Instead, we would get out of their way as quickly as possible and be glad to do it.

This mentality can be used for virtually any event in our lives. Think about the power behind this for a moment.

We can literally change our outlook on life by choosing to view things in a positive light. And do you think this will lead to us being happier? Of course.

But getting to the point where we can shift our mindset from negative emotions like fear, anger, and frustration to positive ones like forgiveness and empathy takes time and takes work.

But it can be done through changing our habits.

5 Daily Habits That Can Make Us More Positive and Happy People

Reduce negativity

This is much easier said than done because negativity is literally everywhere. The evening news, reality T.V. shows, violent movies, aggressive drivers, coworkers complaining, listening to people waiting in line at Walmart.

The list goes on and on.

So, how do we reduce these things which are a large part of most people’s lives? Simple. Take a break from them.

Each day, we simply remove one negative influence from our daily routine.

Turn off the T.V. early, avoid talking to your friend who only wants to complain about their spouse or walk to the store instead of driving.

Give unconditionally

This can be one of the most powerful and emotionally uplifting things one person can do for another.

Consider the following actions:

Giving a homeless man your last $10 dollars because he needs it more than you do. Letting a person cut in front of you in line at the supermarket because they are clearly having a rough day. Or think about carrying an elderly person’s bags to his car because you see them struggling. Those are all examples of unconditional giving.

We should ask ourselves to give this way at least once each day and no doubt we will find our lives improving dramatically.


As much as we hear it already, exercise, particularly vigorous exercise, really is a cure all. Getting those muscles pumping and oxygen working through the body does wonders for our emotional and physical health.

daily exercise

If you aren’t exercising right now, you need to start. Exercise can be in the form of walking, jogging, cross training or playing tennis. The key is to start moving your body.

You will feel better and look better and when those things happen. Plus, you will feel more confident, positive, and happy. That’s just a plain and simple fact.

Talk to strangers

Many of us walk around leery of other people. We form snap judgments about them and tend to avoid direct eye contact and/or conversation. Why? Because our negative society has taught us not to trust people.

But the reality is that 99% of the people we see every day are good, decent people.

So, the next time you’re on an elevator with a stranger, say hello, and ask them how they are. Do it sincerely.

When you’re waiting in line at the grocery store, you can strike up a conversation with the person behind you. You’ll be amazed at how your whole being will change when you do this.


This sounds very cliché, but it’s so true. Most of us find it hard to form a sincere smile upon making eye contact with someone. Maybe we give a quick nod or “hello”, but there is a great deal of power in offering a genuine smile.

We just may make someone’s day and will surely feel better ourselves as well. Making someone happier, even if it’s temporary, will have a profound effect on our own happiness.

Make it a point to do this with at least five people each day.

Simple Versus Easy Decisions

Choosing to be positive is a simple decision, but it’s not easy. Most of us have many bad habits that make it difficult to be positive during stressful or difficult times.

We must form new habits to break the old ones and the only way to do this is a step at a time.

Trying to drop all of our old habits at once is a recipe for failure. Instead, try adopting a new positive habit each week.

Eventually, we will have many positive daily habits that will change the way we look at the world and will ultimately alter how happy we are.

Written by Steve Roy, a contributing writer for, a site dedicated to helping you eliminate bad habits, creating better ones and making major life changes. To learn more, check out the free report 77 Good Habits to Live a Better Life.

The post 5 Daily Habits That Will Make You A More Positive and Happy Person appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


How to Control Yourself From Overthinking


That’s probably the biggest reason why you’re feeling the way you are right now. The thinking here isn’t the issue at all. It’s the excessive thinking that’s the culprit.

We may not realize we’re doing it and believe that it’s not controllable, but it’s a total lie.
It was the only reason that made me believe happiness was very hard to reach. When really, happiness isn’t a feeling we need to reach or work for, but it’s one that we need to let in.

I don’t mean to say you need to stop thinking or caring about anything. These two things are fundamental in “the art of living.” They make us do what we feel, say what we feel, and ultimately make us human. And in the right proportion, give us a care-free, open mind to let happiness seep in through even those unwanted cracks in our supposedly “perfect” ideal way of life.

Here’s a simple example of what I’m trying to say:

You’re an avid TV show binge watcher. You finally finished a TV show like “Suits” and you’ve watched the entire 8 seasons in a week. Now, let’s be honest. Most of us would internally think, “Oh my god, no. It’s over. Now, what do I do with my life? Everything sucks!”

But what If I told you that thought could be replaced with this: “Oh, whoa! It’s actually over but I’m so glad my friends introduced me to it. I loved the part when Mike and Rachel got married. And Donna’s character, she’s such a strong, inspiring woman”.

I’m not going to delve into the difference between these thoughts because we have a lot still left to cover. But simply, the first is “negative” and the other “positive”.

About Negative Thinking

I’ll be honest.

I saw things negatively a lot, but being positive isn’t something that occurred to me in the moment. Even to you, it may not and it’s okay. That doesn’t mean it’ll never happen.
It will take time and effort but slowly, it will become habituated within you and eventually be a part of you.

It’s the same with over thinking.

It’s extremely difficult to change your thoughts and control what you think of and how much, but it’s not impossible.

See, I believe overthinking reflects our insecurities. I’m saying this because I realized this was happening to me. It wasn’t my insecurity towards people or things, but in myself.

Why wasn’t I finding satisfaction or self content in being alone with myself?

It’s because I wasn’t at peace with myself.

I’d constantly over think: “I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have said that. Well, I didn’t even mean it, what will they think now? You really messed up, why are you like this.”

Now, if I don’t even know why I’m like this, then I clearly haven’t spent enough time with myself.

I used to always be with people and my friends. And I thought that maybe because I’m extroverted, I enjoy the company of others. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

The exact definition of extrovert is ” an outgoing, socially confident person”. Yeah, that’s not what I was.

On Being Dependent

toxic friends

I used to rely on others, become dependent on them. At times, they would want their own space for themselves and I could never understand why. But anyway, I would finally leave their rooms after being with them for 23 hours, go upstairs to my room, make small talk with everyone who passes by before finally hitting my bed.

A few minutes later, staring up at the plain, white ceiling I would suddenly feel really strange. Was it unhappiness? I mean, I thought it was.

Surprise surprise, I was wrong.

That feeling wasn’t unhappiness; it was discontent. I would always rely on others, especially my friends to fill that void so that I didn’t feel it again.

That was a mistake. That discontent wasn’t because of a problem I had that day or because someone said something bad to me. It was because I may have spent time with myself for hours in a day physically but not mentally.

What I mean is that I didn’t have any clear priorities, any clear opinions or views or any goals. I spent so much time with others and worried about what they were doing or feeling that I neglected myself.

It may sound stupid but that’s genuinely how it felt. It made me feel insecure in myself and that wasn’t going to help me or anyone around me. And that same insecurity misguided me. Then, in no time at all *POOF* over thinking made an entrance.

On Knowing Yourself

We can only blame ourselves for anything that happens to us. If someone screams at me : “You’re a horrible and selfish person”, it would have driven me insane because it would make me think and think and think. But if I strongly believed that I was actually a selfless and generous person then, it wouldn’t affect me.

I should have a firm idea of what I think I am. With that, no matter what anyone says, it won’t drive me crazy, because that is basically doubting myself. Also, how you interpret what they say matters. We could all feel bad about it and mope around all day drowning in our self-pity- but don’t.

Instead, analyze what they’re trying to say and if it’s really true and even you realize how you’re behaving, then improve upon it. Take it as constructive criticism. If not, move on from it and enjoy the rest of your day regardless what people say or do to you. Do what makes you happy.

I realized that over thinking is something I kept doing because I always thought about myself. Here’s an example:

My close friend, who usually says hello to me and greets me did none of this one day. It’s normal for anyone to think “What the hell, what did I do to her for this to happen to me?”.

See, we need to open up our minds and think instead: “She maybe going through something else of her own and doesn’t feel like talking”.

It’s something I never did till recently, because I’d always think of myself and what I did to her instead of asking her what’s happening with her. That’s when you over think so much over one point that every other possibility is non-existent to you. That one point being myself and other possibility as her.

We’re not the only ones facing an issue, going through rough patches or having a bad day. Literally, everyone around us is probably feeling the same about whatever it maybe. That’s when I questioned myself “Why is it that I would become so upset that I could barely keep it in me? And how is it that they were pretty much fine when I saw them even though their professor cut 20% off their attendance for talking in class?”

It’s simple, I just never learnt to let go of things.

My mind was constantly in a state of thought and it subsumed me. Is it really worth your time, energy, and even well-being to obsess over these thoughts?

They’ll always be there no matter how much you push them away. That’s why I’m saying, don’t neglect them but don’t give them much attention either. Learn to live with them and find tranquility with them.

And happiness?

That’s always present all around you no matter what you are going through. It’s a constant, radiating beam that disappears from time to time. If we try hard to remove the hindrance occluding it, then it’ll come back to us again.

I’ll be frank about it- sadness is a trend in this generation. And I’m not ashamed to admit it but I was influenced by it. Although I may not have had a big reason to be sad about something, I’d create problems for myself about what I don’t have or blow up something that actually doesn’t matter.

Eventually, I end up crying about it. I used to push aside all those happy thoughts about everything that I should be grateful about and instead, put the spotlight on the negative thoughts.

The Thing About Social Media

* TING* “@overthinking101 liked your post”

Oh, look it’s social media. That’s an extremely huge contributor to how I felt. You’d be seeing the life of others and of course, become envious because it’s simply “not fair”. You’d want to have the same experiences as them, be where they are…and because you can’t *SPLASH* into the pool of self-pity and negativity we go.

The worse part was I’d gotten to the point where I’d only post for others, not for myself or my happiness. Just for the heck of it. You’re probably judging me for it but it’s fine, I’m not going to curl up into a ball of shame.

I hate to admit it but there’s a lot of us who do the same thing. We just don’t realize it. It’s not something to be ashamed of but social media influences us a lot. I mean they send us notifications twenty times a day constantly, whether we’re sleeping, eating or even if we have the app open for god’s sake,

Why do we care so much that we need to see what others are doing constantly. Just think about it.

Isn’t it nice when you’re both sitting down over a cup of coffee and listening to their story as if you were sharing that experience with them? It’s better than seeing a photo of them, double clicking to express your so-called “reaction”, and then scrolling down again, forgetting what you just saw two seconds later.

That’s why I decided to uninstall my social media for some time. I stopped taking photos of every single thing I eat whether it’s an extravagant three course meal or a bowl of stale cereal. It’s not important. Instead of the views or likes on your post giving happiness, be happy about that delicious food that you get to eat in that moment.

It’s hard to believe for some but there’s happiness in every little thing. It’s not something you have to look for.. Actually, it’s right in front of you and you just have to open your eyes to see it. I always thought I had to do things to feel happiness and if I didn’t or those things didn’t happen, I’d sit there sulking like a baby.

On Having No Expectations

ikigai japanese secret happy life

Having no expectations is the best thing to do. That way, if something you didn’t expect to happen does, you’ll be overwhelmed with joy. We need to make sure we know who we are, our priorities, and our morals before anything else. Take time for yourself and think, but just the right amount.

The rest of the time, enjoy what you’re doing and I know this is cheesy, but put yourself in this instance. Don’t think about what happened before or what will happen next because it’ll trigger the ‘over’ in over thinking.

The post How to Control Yourself From Overthinking appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Thursday 29 November 2018

Be More Creative: How To Make a Good Eye-Catching Design For Your Website

Creativity is difficult to measure, especially because it’s more of a spectrum than a binary thing that you either have or you don’t. Everyone is creative to a certain extent, and people tend to specialize in different types of creativity.

When it comes to designing a website, creativity is a must. After all, anyone can build a website. So, if you want to stand out, then you need something special.

And to help you with that, here’s how to be creative in web design:

Know your audience

Rule number one of marketing is to know your audience. Every decision that you make should be based upon what you know about them. This covers both the content that you create and the way that you present it.

Understand the content

Your website’s design should work with the content that’s on there to help highlight it. On top of that, the visuals that you choose to display alongside your content should support it without being overwhelming.

As well as understanding the content and the audience, you should also understand why that particular type of content is being created and what it aims to achieve. Then, use the right design to support that.


One study found that a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half. That means that all of the creative design in the world won’t do you any good if you forget to proofread.

Peter Hoffman from AssignmentMasters says, “A big proportion of our work comes from webmasters who’ve noticed a spelling mistake on one of their pages. Inevitably, there are always at least a dozen more when we start digging into them.”


The trick to being creative is to know when to show restraint. Sometimes, the simplest designs are the best and the greatest designers know when to pare the design down and let the content speak for itself. Remember, the goal of a good design is to support the user journey and to convert visitors into customers. Save the art for the evenings and the weekend.

Take your time

A lot of people make the mistake of trying to rush the web design and development process. It’s as though they hold back on making a decision until the last minute and, then when they decide it’s time to give the website a refresh, they expect it to be done overnight.

The best designs take time as well as multiple rounds of amends and refinements. No matter how tempting it might be to try to rush the process, stand by your guns and take your time with it. You’ll be rewarded for your patience when you see the end product.

Look elsewhere for inspiration

The best designers are good at what they do because they get their inspiration from everywhere. They go to art galleries, read books, and watch television shows with a critical eye. They try to learn what they like and what they don’t like as they go. Ultimately, the best designers never stop learning and go out of their way to introduce themselves to new influences.


The design of your website isn’t something that should be taken lightly. In fact, the design will impact everything from how well optimized the site is for a search to how likely it is that your visitors will convert into customers.

The best designers show some creativity by coming up with an eye-catching design that highlights the company’s values. After all, we’re all guilty of judging things based upon our first impressions. Make sure that your first impression is a good one.

See Also: Web Design Strategy: How To Give New Life To Your Site

The post Be More Creative: How To Make a Good Eye-Catching Design For Your Website appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


How To Know Which People Truly Care About You

A lot of people would brag about how many friends they have. However, once you start questioning them about how many of their friends really care about them, they start to wonder and become really uncomfortable.

If you think about it, the world is a big place. Everyone is busy in making sure that their needs are satisfied. With that, it’s only natural for your friends to not put you on top of their list of desires and wants.

However, as your friends, they should still care for you and support you. They should be there for you when you need them and you should be able to rely on them in times of troubles.

So, how do you know who your friends are?

Define What “Care” Means First

ex as friends

In order to know who cares about you, you actually have to define what caring about you means. This sounds obvious, but just as everyone has different wants and needs, everyone’s definition of care will differ.

Do you want friends who enjoy being in your company or friends who support you in your struggles? Do you want friends who are there for you when you are upset or friends who can always be counted on for help when you need it?

There’s no right or wrong answer for what a caring friend is. But if you never define what you’re looking for, no one is going to fit that definition and as a result, you won’t ever be satisfied.

See Also: The ABC of an Epic Friendship: 26 Simple Ways To Be the Best Friend Ever

Start By Talking To A Small Group Of Friends


With your definition, you can now start seeing which friends do care about you. Start small and talk to a few friends first.

Don’t start asking every single friend if they care about you. That’ll just worry them that you’re letting insecurity and paranoia affect your thought processes. Plan to talk to a few friends first so that you can establish a friend base for yourself and feel more confident.

Look At The Friends That Talk To You First

Out of all the friends that you know in the group, who are the friends that approach you for a conversation first?

This shouldn’t be taken lightly. Anyone that approaches you for a conversation on a consistent basis is doing their best to be a part of your life. This is someone making the effort to reach out to you, something people would not do unless they genuinely thought about you and your well being.

Look At The Conversations You Have

Now, it’s time to look at the main factors. Do you enjoy the conversations that you have with a friend? Are they extremely short and brief? Or does it look like one person doesn’t want your friendship, but wants something else from you?

This isn’t going to be easy, and you’re going to have to be as honest as you can. As much as you want to believe some people could be great friends, if you haven’t been having nice conversations with them or if you barely speak to each other, this isn’t a person who is likely to care.

What Have Your Friends Done For You?

People act for the people they care about. It’s that simple.

Think about the people who have talked with you when you were sad, about people who went out of their way to do something for you or people who invited you out to do something. If someone takes time out of their schedule to make time for you, that’s a sign that a person cares about you. After all, it’s easy to receive, but hard to give.

What Have Your Friends Asked Of You?

Good relationships are all about reciprocal giving. If you have felt the need to be kind to your friends and help them, that’s great.

How about things that friends have asked you to do for them? Have they been reasonable? Have your friends ever asked you to do something that made you feel uncomfortable, or something that was against your values? Did they respect you as a person or is their respect fragile?

There’s nothing wrong with friends asking favors from each other, and in fact, it’s good to help a friend out. The last thing you want however, is a friend making you do things that you’re not comfortable doing, or a friend whose respect is only earned if you do something for or with them.

Those aren’t people who care about you, they just want you to fit in or else they don’t care about you.

Have They Followed Through With Promises?

If you’ve made any agreements or promises, it’s good to think back to friends who have actually stayed true to their words and proved to be trustworthy individuals. After all, there are people who promise things, but since they don’t care much about a person, they care very little about actually fulfilling that promise. That’s not a sign of someone who cares about you.

Be strict with this here, because it’s easy for people to think “Well, something special happened”. That’s not to say there aren’t special cases where promises just couldn’t be kept, but events like that should be a rarity, rather than an occurring theme.

Sort Out Your Friends, Then Repeat

You should have a good idea about who cares about you, and who doesn’t. Put the people who care about you first, and the people who don’t care behind you.

Sort through all of your friends in the same manner. Go through all the criteria. Don’t be afraid to be harsh. Chances are, if they never cared much about you, they aren’t going to care that you don’t think of them as a friend.

It’s not about you viciously cutting away at friendships, but considering who are the most important people in your life, and who you are going to put first. After all, if you know who cares about you, you know who you can turn to, and not have to wonder who you can trust.

Enjoy The People Who Care About You


Once you’ve found people who care about you, you will have established a personal criteria for the people you are looking for. You have people who care about you, and you now know how to find out if someone really does have your best interests at heart.

See Also: Why You Need to Get Out and Meet Your Friends 

There’s nothing better than going home at night and knowing that you are surrounded by people who care about you. Life’s too long to not know who’s got your back, and if you know where to find people that care about you, your life is just going to get even better.

The post How To Know Which People Truly Care About You appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


9 Techniques to Delivering a Speech with Confidence

Recently, I attended TEDxSF, a communal, multidisciplinary event which aims to bring thinkers together so that they can share ideas they’re passionate about. While there, I had the pleasure of watching nearly a dozen different speakers talk to a packed auditorium.

Each person had his or her own unique technique for engaging the audience and holding us captive. A few had rehearsed presentations backed by visual aids while others seemed to be just making it up as they went. Others used a lot of self-deprecating humor along the way. Some were better than others but as a whole, everyone was confident and quite effective in grabbing the audience’s attention.

However, one speaker, a man who was reciting some poetry that he had written himself, was visibly petrified. At first, he tried to read from memory, but he repeatedly failed to remember the words.

Again and again, he would apologize, then start over. When he finally broke down and pulled his notes from his pocket, his hands were shaking wildly and his voice stuttered as he struggled every second to just get through to the end of his presentation. It was painful to see him suffer.

I just wanted to yell to him, “It’s going to be okay. You’re doing fine.” When he finished, a palpable sense of calm washed over the whole auditorium. Everyone was relieved it was over—for him.

Recognize a Common Fear

Before you embark on a self-taught path to becoming a more able presenter, it may be helpful to know that fear of public speaking is not uncommon. According to a 2001 Gallup Poll, 40% of Americans admit to being afraid to speak in front of an audience; in fact, this fear ranks second only to fear of snakes.

talking to yourself negatively

Gavin de Becker, a renowned expert on the prediction and management of violence, believes that fear of public speaking is really about being afraid of losing one’s identity. If we fail to successfully deliver a speech at a wedding or a presentation in a boardroom, we’re at risk of humiliating ourselves and losing our identity. This fear can be debilitating.

Take It from the Experts

Enter Toastmasters International, a nonprofit organization with a stated mission of “helping people become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience.”

At Toastmasters’ events, members meet for a few hours and hone their communication skills by role-playing and giving either planned or impromptu speeches in front of other members.

On November 5, 2007, NPR reported on filmmaker Keva Rosenfeld’s experience when he joined his local Toastmasters club to overcome his fear of public speaking. Rosenfeld came to the conclusion that public-speaking ability is not something we are born with, but rather something everyone can learn by following the Toastmasters’ proven techniques:

1. Know your material. Pick a topic you’re interested in. Know more about it than you include in your speech. Use humor, personal stories, and conversational language—that way, you won’t easily forget what to say.

2. Practice, practice, practice! Rehearse out loud with all the equipment you plan on using. Revise as necessary. Work to control filler words; practice, pause, and breathe. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.

3. Know the audience. Greet some of the audience members as they arrive. It’s easier to speak to a group of friends than it is to speak to strangers.

4. Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area, and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.

5. Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile, and count to three before saying anything. Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.

6. Visualize yourself giving your speech. Imagine yourself speaking with your voice loud, clear, and confident. Visualize the audience clapping and it will boost your confidence.


7. Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative, and entertaining. They’re rooting for you.

8. Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem. The audience probably never noticed it.

9. Concentrate on the message, not the medium. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.

Aside from Toastmasters, the late writer-lecturer Dale Carnegie is another longtime, trusted resource in the public-speaking arena. A few of his more popular books on the art include The Art of Public Speaking and The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking.

Unwind Your Mind

Even when you believe you’ve thoroughly prepared yourself for a public-speaking engagement, it never hurts to tap into your mind-body connection for extra courage. From a medical perspective, suggests massage, yoga, and meditation to calm frayed nerves before heading into a stressful situation.

Get a massage. Getting a massage, especially with lavender essential oil, can help improve your focus and reduce anxiety.

Practice savasana (corpse pose). Lie flat on your back, extend your arms away from your body with your palms facing upward, and separate and extend your legs. Breathe. Stay in this position for at least five to ten minutes.

Meditate. Sit in a quiet place and focus only on your breath. Practicing meditation will reduce anxiety and give you the ability to think more clearly and articulate your thoughts better.

Speak Up

Just as it can be distressing to watch someone struggle through a presentation, it can also be positively inspiring to watch someone nail one. No discussion of effective public speaking would be complete without mentioning Barack Obama.

Arguably one the most impactful speakers of our day, Obama not only possesses exceptional linguistic skills but also knows how to present himself and get people’s attention. He can leave an audience of thousands wondering what hit them.

So, the next time you find yourself standing beleaguered and besieged in front of a merciless crowd, remember that the words you use can be effective and meaningful, but the real strength lies in their delivery.

Written by DivineCaroline, a place where people come together to learn from experts in the fields of health, spending, and parenting. Come discover, read, learn, laugh, and connect at

The post 9 Techniques to Delivering a Speech with Confidence appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


Wednesday 28 November 2018

Smoking vs Eating Weed: Which Is Healthier?

To those with a sweet tooth, names like Mellow Handcrafted Marshmallows sound yummy. However, they shouldn’t be mistaken for ordinary treats. They’re actually marijuana edibles sold by pot dispensaries across the US. They’re also said to be the healthier choice than smoking weed.

Now, if you’re torn between eating and smoking weed, let’s discuss their key differences.


To avoid accidentally overdosing on cannabis, serving sizes are determined in dosing edibles. For example, 10 mg is the unit or serving size in Colorado.

So, if you have a cannabis-infused brownie containing 100 mg of THC, you should divide it into 10 and consume only a piece of it at a time. In this manner, it will be easier for you to know how much you’re consuming.

A dosage’s effects can be elevated when taken on an empty stomach. They can also be affected by body weight and tolerance.

However, it is much difficult to dose edibles than smoked weed is, either for recreational or medical use. And even dispensaries find it hard to capture the dose of their products.

In some cases, medical marijuana card users also overestimate the dose because of the delay between consumption and the onset of effects. But with inhaled weed, consumers are able to dose gradually as needed due to its instantaneous effects.

Metabolism and absorption

THC is absorbed differently in smoking and eating edibles.

Many reports noted stronger effects from edibles than from vaporized or smoked cannabis. The reason behind this is that the THC is metabolized by the liver before entering the bloodstream when cannabis is consumed as an edible.

In this process, the THC is converted to 11-hydroxy-THC. It’s an active metabolite that has the ability to cross the blood and brain barrier – and so the stronger high.

On the other hand, inhaled or smoked THC is metabolized in a different manner. In the inhaled method, the THC travels to the brain directly, so its effects kick in faster but disappear sooner, too.

Duration of the high

The effects of edibles kick in anywhere between 30 minutes to two hours from the time of consumption due to the manner they’re metabolized by the body. These effects, including euphoria, can last for several hours.

A stronger body effect and head high are what to expect when edibles are consumed in large doses. More comfortable, milder effects are what to get when they’re taken in small doses.

In all cases, start with one serving and be patient if you don’t want to have a bad trip.
The duration of smoked marijuana can last for about two hours.

Without even saying, there is a huge difference in the duration of effects between smoking and eating weed.

According to this source,  the effects of smoked marijuana can last up to four hours while edibles up to 10 hours, but then, they also vary based on the dose taken, your tolerance and the strain used.

Full body effect

When vaping or smoking, the full body effect is instantaneous after the hit. Its intensity depends on the strain and the amount smoked. A few notable effects include euphoria, creative thoughts, immediate relaxation, and energy.

However, the effects fade within the next hour. So, with smoking, you can literally feel how much of the THC you’re ingesting and when to have a break or stop. Without even saying, it is easier to dose and control THC when inhaled than eaten.

For edibles, the full body effect is a different story due to the longer processing time involved before the effects would start to kick in and be experienced usually between 30 minutes to two hours after ingestion. The effects can last for several hours after the onset.

With such action, you should be patient. Do not overdo with its use or else you will, again, have a bad experience that includes a borderline psychedelic experience — something you won’t be prepared for.

To reiterate, you should start off with a small dose (one unit). Do not push for more until you’re gauged with the effects of these edibles. Also, you must only take a dosage that you can handle. Wait for the full body effects before consuming more.

So, Which Is Healthier: Smoking Or Eating Weed?

Experiencing marijuana’s effects without smoking is healthier on the body and the lungs because it comes without the toxins, such as carbon monoxide, from the smoke.

On a drawback to edibles, though, it is harder to dose and limit/control the high because it takes a longer time for the body to metabolize and feel its full body effects. And if not getting edibles from a reliable source or trusted pot dispensaries, for instance, the effects can be stronger than you expected them to be because of the significantly varying dosages.

Nevertheless, know what you’re ingesting, how much you can handle, and when to stop for pleasant effects.

Author bio: Emily Wilson is a marketing specialist at Essence Cannabis Dispensary with a primary focus on development and implementation of marketing ideas. Her main talking points are medical and recreational marijuana, marijuana marketing and advertising.

The post Smoking vs Eating Weed: Which Is Healthier? appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within

“Know Thyself”

All of us have heard this aphorism. Most of us acknowledge that unless you know yourself first, you really can’t achieve much in life. We also realize that we each have immense potential to create amazing things and find lasting happiness.

And yet….

Most of us don’t even scratch the surface of knowing who we really are, let alone figuring out what we have the potential to become.

We are so confused that we keep oscillating between overconfidence and low self-esteem. One minute we are filled with a definite purpose for life and the next we are completely desolate.

How can anyone hope to find lasting happiness in this state?

In my quest for clarity, purpose and self growth, I’ve come to realize that asking the right questions is sometimes in itself the answer.

Here is a list of 20 questions to get to started on a journey of self-discovery:

Who Are You?

What is the one thing that makes you special and unique?

There is no other person on this planet quite exactly like you. For just a moment, quit focusing on what you are not, what you wish to be or what others expect from you. Instead, find out what is the one thing you already have that makes you special. Identify it, acknowledge it, respect it, and make it central to how you carry yourself.

How do people perceive you?

Do people see you for the special person that you are? Do they appreciate your unique abilities? If not, what is the reason? How can you change it?

Maybe a quote by Henry Longfellow — “We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” — has the answer? How can you bridge the gap between what you are uniquely capable of being and the person that you currently are?

If money was not a constraint, what would you be doing with your time?

Write a book? Become a singer? Grow a beautiful garden? Spend more time with your family?

Take your time. Feel free to daydream. Once you have the vision in your mind, think of what is the one thing you can do now to move just one step closer to that vision. When you have a vision and start taking action, the universe will conspire to make it a reality.

What do you do for a living?

There is nothing deep about this question. It really is as simple as it sounds. If your answer matches what you answered to the previous question, then you are on the right track. If you answered “Become a writer” above and “I am an engineer” to this one, you need to figure out how to bridge the two. Maybe you can start a tech blog or a series of (blockbuster) books about the adventurous engineer or the vampire engineer. Whatever. Figure it out.

What are you grateful for?

How long did you have to think to answer that question?

If you answer was not immediate, you should start looking into developing an attitude of gratitude. Remember the quote – “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”

If you die tomorrow, will you be happy with the life you’ve lived?

I don’t want to sound morbid, but it’s true — you really could die tomorrow.

Have you lived a good life? Have you left good memories to last your kids a lifetime? Or have you forgiven everyone who has wronged you? Have you asked for forgiveness from everyone you have wronged?

If you haven’t seen it yet, I would highly recommend watching the last lecture by Professor Randy Pausch.

What is the one movie you don’t mind watching over and over?

The human mind responds strongly to narratives. That means that the story that touches you the most is the one that can tell you a lot about yourself or the one that you aspire your life to be like.

What is the story that you don’t mind watching/reading over and over again? What is the underlying theme/premise of the story?

Take time to look back at your favorites. If you can’t recall them right away, it may help you get a pen and paper.

If someone made a movie out of your life, what will it be like?

Everybody has a story. What is yours? Would the story of your life be filled with melodrama, self-pity, hatred, anger or frustration? Would it be a story about inner peace, happiness, love, growth, joy and transcendence?

If you are happy with your answer, keep doing what you are doing. If not, a quote by Maria Robinson may be of help: “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Who Are Your friends and foes?

If you are in a sinking ship with everyone you know and you could only save 10 people, who would it be?

A lot of us don’t even realize who the most important people in our lives are. We constantly try to impress random people who hardly care about us. And we do it at the expense of neglecting those that matter the most to us. Are you aware of the handful of people that really mean something to you? Are you treating them right?

If you die today, who will miss you the most?

Now, flip that around.

Who are the people that have you on their list of most cherished people? You don’t have to have led a life that warrants a national holiday when you die, but are you leaving behind a legacy that at least a handful of people will cherish?

What will they say in your eulogy?

Why will these people miss you when you are gone? Will they read out your eulogy out of rote and move on with their lives? Or will they choke up unable to continue or will they smile all the way through because you showed them life is to be celebrated?

Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – this is just an exercise to get you to know yourself better.

If you had the power to make someone vanish, who would that be?

Again, look at all the people around you.

have fun with friends

Who do you wish was not there?

The people who surround you have the power to lift you up or pull you down. How many people can you afford to have around you that you cannot stand or that bring you down?

If tomorrow’s newspaper read “<Your name here> shot dead”, who would be the person holding the revolver?

Is there someone whose life is made sadder because of your presence? Life is too short – is it worth continuing to be a pain in someone’s life?

Who will you become?

Are you a better person today than you were last year at this same time? Or 10 years ago?

The source of a lot of misery in our lives is because we keep comparing our worst moments with the best of those around us. The only way to break out of this is to change your reference for comparison.

Are you a better person today than you were before? Are you on a path of growth? Or are you moving forward, standing still or slipping backwards?

What was your last random act of kindness?

When was the last time you helped someone carry groceries to their car or just smiled at a stranger who looked like he could use one? When did you last give something in spite of knowing that it’ll never be paid back?

helping others

What goes around does come around. What will come back to you? For some real stories of inspiring random acts of kindness, take a look at this.

How many hours of a day do you spend on unproductive activities?

Now, multiply that number with 2.5. That is the number of years of your life you are wasting away, assuming you live to be 80 and discounting the first 20 years of your life.

(X hours/day * 365 days/year * 60 years) / (24 hours/day * 365 days/year).

Agreed, we all need some time to unwind but, are you OK with the number you came up with or does it boggle your mind?

On the flip side, those of you with kids, how many hours a day do you actually spend with your kids without distractions like TV, phone etc.?

Multiply that with 0.75 and that is the number of years you actually spend with your child assuming that they live under your roof for 18 years. If your answer boggles you, come stop by and we’ll figure out a way to fix it.

What if you lose all you money?

Will you be so distraught that you will want to end your life? Will you be so angry and frustrated that you won’t be able to think straight? Or will you be sad but eventually recover?

how to manage money effectively

No doubt, you will always need money. But as long as you remember (and believe) that you are the master of your money, you will be able to roll with life’s punches and thrive in spite of them.

Who is making most of the decisions in your life – you, those around you or your circumstances?

On that note, you are the master of your life as well. But a lot of us find it much easier to give up that power and make circumstances or the people around us the masters of our lives.

Do you ever find yourself saying “I’m not happy because…”?

It does not matter what comes after the last word. Watch your thoughts, watch your words, and reclaim your power over your life.

What is the one thing you fear the most when you think of yourself as an old person?

Are you worried about looking old?

That’s like fearing sunsets. Why be scared of something that is guaranteed to happen and is very dignified if you just change your perspective?

Are you worried about not having money or close family? That’s like having a cow in your backyard and worrying about milk. Spend your time building up a bank balance and nurturing your relationships now.

The same goes for being sick and frail. As long as you take good care of your health and don’t abuse your body now, you will be able to hold a lot of diseases at bay when you are older. Stop being scared and live your life now in such a way that you can continue to celebrate your life right into a ripe old age.

Will you ever be invited to give a talk (eg., TED) or an interview (eg. Oprah) etc.?

Finally, what is your life all about? Are you just sleepwalking through life or are you marching forward with eyes wide open, filled with joy and vitality?

public speaking

When you choose the latter, irrespective of how “regular” or “boring” your life may seem at present, you will have opportunities to make little differences around you that can change the course of history!

Bonus Question

And before we wind up, I want to ask you a bonus question. You read incredibly powerful articles here regularly, but what do you do after reading these articles?

Do you just go on with your life treating it as a drudgery, whining and arguing your way around the people closest you? Or do you live each day as if it were a treasure, enjoying the little moments with those dearest to you as opportunities to make lasting memories?

It really is a choice, but what do you choose?

Written by Sumitha Bhandarkar, the creator of, a personal development blog for parents. If you are a parent and you’ve ever wondered how to learn and model patience, self-discipline, leadership, positive attitude, healthy lifestyle, good old-fashioned values, healthy relationship with money and so much more, Sumitha and a small group of fine parents are waiting for you to join them! Click here to see how you can be a fine parent too.

The post 20 Questions to Know Yourself Better and Unlock the Immense Potential Within appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


8 Good Reasons Why You Suck At Life

10 Myths About Making Money That Are Keeping You Back

When it comes to money myths, there are thousands floating around. But, did you know that these myths could be holding you back from actually earning more?

We’re going to debunk 10 different myths surrounding money and hopefully, they’ll help you be aware AND break any bad money habits you may have.

You Can’t Invest Unless You’re Rich

Investing is for the rich, right?

This is actually a myth and anyone can invest. You don’t need a lot of money to start investing, and there are even apps which do it for you. For example, you can hook the Acorns app up to your checking account. Each time you use your debit card, it’ll round up your purchase to the nearest dollar. It’ll stock these extra cents away until you reach $5 and then, it’ll invest in a portfolio for you.

Purchasing Your Home is Better than Renting Your Home

It seems like everyone is in a hurry to buy a home. Maybe, people mistakenly believe that buying saves money over renting. However, stop and think about it.

Who is responsible for the property taxes and repairs if you rent? Your landlord.

But if you buy your own house and become your own landlord, those things can really add up. Also, rent is usually cheaper than a mortgage, depending on where you live.

You Don’t Earn Enough to Save Money

Everyone wants an emergency fund or a healthy retirement or savings account, but only a few people have it. The myth that you don’t earn enough to save money is simply not true.

Maybe you don’t earn enough to have everything you want, but you do earn enough to save. Set up a direct deposit savings account and route $25 or $50 from each check in there. Leave it there and it’ll grow. You can’t miss the money that you never had. If you’re afraid that you’ll impulse spend, stick it in a secured account.

There’s No Way to Make Money Fast

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

If you’re not making enough money to support your lifestyle and you can’t or won’t cut back, look for side jobs. If you’re wondering how to make money fast, try selling your excess items, donating plasma, take on a second job or freelance. There are entire platforms dedicated to freelance work, you just have to put in the time and effort.

Don’t Pay off Your Credit Card Balance Each Month

This is one of the scary money myths that a lot of people believe in. The myth says that you have to carry a small balance on your credit card each month to improve your credit score. However, you’ll pay more for doing this because you’ll end up paying interest on said balance. This interest can be as high as 29.99-percent. Pay off your balance each month and avoid paying more for interest charges.

You Don’t Require Discipline to Keep Money

Many people confuse wants and needs and this leads to impulse spending. You have to have discipline to save money. You also have to be able to understand when you want something and when you need something.

For example, do you need that $2.50 cup of coffee each day or is that a want? If you spend that five days a week, that’s $50 per month gone that you could be saving instead.

You Don’t Need an Emergency Fund Because You Have Credit Cards

If you suddenly lose your job, do you have enough money to pay your expenses?

Most people mistakenly believe that they can rely on credit cards in a pinch. However, these credit cards have interest attached. You’ll end up paying so much more back than you would if you had an emergency fund. It’s also a slippery slope into debt. You want a minimum of four to six months’ salary stocked away to be safe.

It’s Embarrassing to Think or Talk About Money

Yes, finances can be an uncomfortable topic. But, if you don’t think or talk about your money situation, how will you know what you have to do in order to pursue your passions?

This money myth is especially damaging in households where one or both partners work. You should both know exactly where you are with your bills, savings, and money. If you don’t, you may miss bills, argue over misconceptions or have money problems in general.

Cash is the Safest Payment to Keep on Your Person

If someone steals your purse or wallet and all you have is cash, now what? You most likely won’t ever see that cash again, and now you’re in a bind.

If you had debit or credit cards and the same thing happened, you’d have a safety net. Banks and credit card manufacturers have systems in place to stop fraud and even reimburse you if your cards are lost or stolen. They’ll replace the money and give you a new card. You may even get emergency funding.

Two Incomes are Best

Unless you have a budget set with your partner, having two incomes can make you more careless when it comes to money. Also, this won’t matter if the money you’re both bringing in is less than your monthly expenses. You have to take a good long look at your monthly expenses and compare it to your income. Tracking everything you spend and physically putting it in a budget is one way to help you figure out where your money is going.

Bottom Line

These 10 money myths give you an excellent place to start when it comes to examining your own financial situation. The only thing holding you back from saving money is you. The faster you accept this, the faster you can change it and be on your way to a more stable financial future.

The post 10 Myths About Making Money That Are Keeping You Back appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to File Permissions and Data Security

Tuesday 27 November 2018

10 Ways For Freelance Writers To Earn Some Extra Money

Freelance writing can be a tough job at times. Finding clients and finishing tasks takes a lot of time. It’s a risky career and you’ll never know when the work will slow down.
That’s why it’s always good to know how else you can earn extra money by writing.

Here are some great tips you can try:

Start A Blog

start a blog

This is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Do you have a hobby? A passion? Are you skilled in a craft? Blog about it.

There are so many profitable niches out there that you could write about. For example, you could create a lifestyle blog and write about beauty, fitness or mental health. You could also give writing tips, share reviews, talk about parenting or even knitting.

It’s a great opportunity for you to build a platform and earn some extra money with affiliate marketing and Google ads. With a small investment, you could earn a great income.

See Also: Smart Tips On How to Become A More Productive Blogger

Edit and Proofread

Editing and proofreading are perfect tasks for any writer because you are already very good at editing your own articles and stories. Just implement those rules on your tasks and you’ll be good at your job. Look up these jobs online on JobRack or Upwork.

See Also: How to Start a Proofreading Business At Home

Guest Post

There are many websites that offer money in exchange for great blog posts. Look them up and create a good story that those websites will appreciate. You can find many new clients this way.

Write Resumes and Cover Letters

There is a huge market at the moment for CV and cover letter writers. Maybe you could change someone’s life with your resume. Look up available CV writer position or find these jobs on UpWork, Freelancer, and similar freelancing sites.

Write Cards

Birthday cards, wedding day cards, and new baby cards are always in high demand and you could be the perfect writer for them. As a bonus, if you know how to make them and illustrate them, you could be a huge success on Etsy, Shopify, and similar sites.

Minimalistic style is huge right now so you can learn to draw simple things and incorporate them with your best wishes. If not, pair up with someone who can draw and share the profit.


While copywriting can be demanding on a larger scale, you could probably get some copywriting gigs in your city or town. Small businesses or startups could use some copywriting talent and if you are skilled in this area, offer your help to those companies. While you can’t charge the same amounts you regularly would, it’s still a lot of money.

Be a Party Poet

party poet

Party poets are a fun novelty. People all around the world hire poets for their events — from galas and company events to small birthdays. Everyone wants a personalized poem typed on a typewriter. Offer your services on social media and you are surely going to get some great clients.

Write Video Game Content

This is an unconventional mean of earning an income but a lucrative one at the same time. Look up some game content writing jobs on UpWork and have fun being a part of an amazing thing. Just imagine downloading a game some day and finding that the text inside is yours.

Write Fun Listicles

Listicles are really popular right now, especially if they revolve around fun topics like bizarre facts or events. Pitch them to sites like ListVerse and earn money from them or share them on your blog and earn money that way. You can find many great topics to write about and sites like this are always interested in having more great content.

Self-Publish Your Work

Finally, you could make your dreams come true and become a great writer by self publishing a book. These sell wonderfully on Kindle and you could earn money and gather fans at the same time.

Choose some of the more popular topics like contemporary romance, mystery, thrillers, teen dystopian novels and so on. You could also create a picture book if you are good at illustrating or again, team up with someone who does and split the profits. You get all the money from all of the books you sell. This creates a great passive income.

Writers can earn income in various ways. One of the best things you could do is start a blog, but there are many other ways to earn extra money by writing. So, enjoy what you are doing, follow these tips, and watch your earnings grow.

The post 10 Ways For Freelance Writers To Earn Some Extra Money appeared first on Dumb Little Man.
