Monday 21 November 2016

Organizing More than Your Schedule by Using Tape

If you’ve spent any amount of time on our site, it should be pretty obvious just how much we love organization. Usually this manifests itself in articles and products that have been developed around the ideas of meeting goals and getting your schedule in order. However, those aren’t the only things that our products can help you with. For example, our STARTplanner tape is something that people who’ve used it love on a ton of levels but we often receive questions about from people who are not sure what it is actually for.

When it comes to your planner, our tape is great for highlighting sections, blocking off areas and setting up custom tabs - all without having to worry about doing damage to the paper itself as we use an adhesive that makes it easy to pull the tape off if needed. The thing is, though, that the tape can be used in all kinds of ways to help make your life more organized all around rather than just making sure you get something done on time.

For example, you can create your own tabs for books and pages you often reference, and you can make the tabs as small or as large as you want. One of our favorite uses as far as tabbing books is concerned is on cookbooks (really makes pulling up the crab cakes recipe a ton easier), which also makes putting together a big meal easier versus remembering page numbers or flipping back and forth blindly between recipes in the same book.

Our tapes and their easily-removed nature also means posting important notices and notes (or bills) on the fridge, by the front door or anywhere else in your home that’ll help keep those things in mind.

We know this doesn’t even come close to scratching the surface of the ways that organizing tape can be used outside of your planner (and we’ll absolutely be sharing more with you, too). Have you come up with or discovered an intriguing or effective way to use STARTplanner tape? Let us know in the comments below - we’d love to hear your take on our tape!

from STARTplanner - News


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