Tuesday 15 January 2019

Stick to Your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions with These Tech Gadgets

New Year is considered as the start of a whole new journey. It’s the time when all of us make new resolutions. But come February, these resolutions are forgotten and never thought of again. It is the same old cycle that repeats every single year.

However, you can change the trend this year and finally stick to your resolutions. All thanks to the amazing advancements in the world of technology.

There are a lot of tech gadgets, particularly wellness gadgets, that can help you accomplish your goals. Whether you want to start getting fitter, sleep better, eat healthier, read more, travel to new places or learn something new, there’s a gadget that can help you.

Wondering how that’s possible? Check out the gadgets below.

Stay Fit

The most common New Year’s resolution that people around the globe make is to become fit and healthy. Likewise, it is also the resolution that most people fail to accomplish.

If you want to exercise more and lose weight, then the ideal solution would be to make use of fitness bands. These bands will keep track of your everyday activities, including the number of steps walked, calories burned, distance walked and much more.

Most of the latest fitness bands will allow you to set goals and help you achieve them. For example, you can set a goal to walk 10,000 steps every day. Every few hours, your fitness band will prompt you to get up and walk around.

In addition to this, you can also keep a count on the calories that you burn. It is a great way to stay motivated to maintain a fit and healthy routine.

Read More

Reading more books and gaining knowledge is a resolution that a lot of people take up. Unfortunately, buying tons of books is an expensive affair and that causes most of us to easily give up on this resolution. However, instead of spending on every single book separately, you can invest in an e-reader.

E-readers are electronic devices that come with digital e-books, newspapers, and documents. These e-readers house thousands of books all under one roof. This makes it easier for you to get all your reading material as per your preferred genre. Plus, these e-books are frequently updated with new books. It’s a perfect solution to get into the habit of reading more!

Sleep Better

Without a good night’s sleep, we struggle through our everyday routine. Good and restful sleep is what all our bodies require.

If you are someone who spends most of the night staring at your smartphone or laptop screen, then you definitely need a better sleep routine. Sleep trackers are the perfect devices that can help you keep track of the hours of sleep you get each night as well as the quality of your sleep.

Most of the sleep trackers offer deep sleep analysis which includes calculating light, deep, and REM sleep. These trackers also take note on the number of times that the wearer wakes up during the night.

Plus, sleep trackers are lightweight and worn on the wrist. So, with a tracker on your wrist, you find encouragement to get a good night’s rest.

Eat Healthy

We tend to put on so much weight mainly because of all the junk food that we eat. When put in front of a plate of fries or a plate of fruits and vegetables, most of us would choose fries. But we do not realize the number of calories and cholesterol that we consume by doing so.

You have various apps like ‘My FitnessPal’ and ‘LoseIt’ that can track your calorie and food intake. Research has proven that when you keep a tab on the calories that you consume, you tend to eat healthier.

So, if your new resolution is to maintain a healthy diet and lose weight, download an app onto your smartphone that can help you out.

Travel More

This is something that most of us want to do– explore the world!

Unfortunately, because of our busy schedules and high expenses, we fail to accomplish this dream. Worry not!

If you have planned a big vacation for yourself this year, start planning ahead. Pick out the ideal date for your travel and start looking for flight tickets and hotel bookings beforehand. Planning ahead will help you find tickets and hotel rooms at an affordable price.

Additionally, with apps like MakeMyTrip and Trivago, you can set alerts when the price drops for flight tickets and hotel rooms. Once you see a drop in price that fits your budget, you can actually live your dream of travelling to new places.

See Also: 10 Wonderful Benefits of Traveling

The post Stick to Your 2019 New Year’s Resolutions with These Tech Gadgets appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


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