Monday 25 February 2019

8 Methods to Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Huge credit card debt can feel like a crushing, impossible burden that you need to carry for months, years, or even a lifetime – but it doesn’t have to be.

With a few simple steps and a good deal of discipline, credit card debt can be whittled down, paid off, and eventually eliminated for good. Just imagine how good it’ll feel to not owe your hard-earned money to a credit card company. Instead, you’re free to save it or even spend it however you want.

Here’s how to eliminate credit card debt:

Cut Up or Cancel the Cards

credit card tips

The absolute first step to eliminating debt is to avoid accruing more debt!

For those who have fallen into excessive spending habits in the past, an absolute spending freeze on credit cards is generally the best remedy. Rather than just telling yourself not to spend, go further – eliminate the ability to use credit cards by rendering them useless.

While calling your provider and cancelling the card can work, many providers will offer extra rewards to entice cancelling customers to keep the card. To avoid this, a great option is to simply cut up the card and throw it in the trash. Just be sure that it is also removed as a payment option from any online stores and recurring subscriptions.

Negotiate with Providers

While the word “negotiate” makes most people automatically cringe, this vital skill can save those in extreme credit card debt.

When a credit customer has high outstanding debt and hasn’t been making payments, the credit card company may start to assume that they will never get their money back. Your angle for negotiation is promising that they can at least get some of the money back if they are willing to offer you more favorable terms or a balance reduction.

If your card has an extremely high-interest rate, start with negotiating that down, as this can often prevent the need for a balance transfer. Negotiate with the company’s representatives over the phone and try multiple calls if needed. Just be sure to get any agreement in writing or many companies will claim they have no record of the deal you worked hard to make.

Note: There are debt reduction companies that will offer to negotiate for you, but beware of scams and hidden fees if you pursue that option.

Consider a Balance Transfer

For customers with very high credit card balances, a balance transfer to another card may do the trick if the original card’s terms aren’t favorable. This method involves finding a new credit card with a lower interest rate and paying off your existing balance with the new card.

Those who signed up for their original cards due to a reward offer are often in a great place for a balance transfer, because high-reward cards often also have high-interest rates and high annual fees. One important thing to note is that most cards have separate terms and conditions for balance transfers, so be sure to read the fine print before making this move!

Highest Interest First

Now that you know the exact balance and terms you will need to pay off, it’s time to make a plan.

If there are multiple cards making up your debt, plan to pay off the highest interest rate first. Then, keep moving to the next-highest until all the debt has disappeared. This will decrease the total amount you have to pay over the lifetime of the debt.

However, to save your credit score from additional negative remarks, be sure to pay the minimum payments on all your cards while focusing any extra payments at the card with the highest interest rate. Consider paying your online loans immediately.

Get On a Budget

credit card budget

If your household is not currently on a budget, this is the most important step on this entire list.

List all your income and all expenses and see what’s left over at the end of the month. Be sure to fill in honest estimates for necessities like groceries and leave a little spending money to avoid blowing the rest of the budget on small luxuries.

Additionally, make sure to include budget lines for infrequent but expected expenses – like yearly insurance fees, back to school expenses, and Christmas gifts. There is an incredible variety of budgeting advice available online, as well as apps like Mint or EveryDollar to automate the process. Of course, your budget needs a category for credit card payments!

See Also: How to Stick to your Financial New Year’s Resolution

Look Critically at “Necessities”

This step is essentially Budget 2.0.

Once you’ve worked with a budget for two or three months, it’s time to take a closer look at the extra categories you budgeted for. See what money can be moved to paying off credit card debt.

As you look critically, consider whether you would rather have each “necessity” or you would rather be free from debt. Perhaps your weekly yoga class can switch to an at-home practice until you’re debt free. Maybe you can sacrifice Saturday night restaurant dinners to try a new recipe at home.

One extra tip for this step is to pick a target monthly payment on your credit cards and challenge yourself to reduce other categories to meet the goal – instead of starting with other expenses and putting whatever’s left over into your card category.

Pick Up Extra Work

A budget has two sides – income and expenses.

While you’ve hopefully decreased your expenses already, you can also increase your income and put the increase towards paying off credit card debt. Extra work doesn’t just have to be bagging groceries or delivering pizzas, either.

Overtime at a full-time job, if available, is generally the best option. Outside of overtime, consider your skills.

Someone with a truck can make money helping people move, someone with a college degree could tutor students in their field or a stay-at-home mom could volunteer to babysit while she watches her own kids. Choosing work according to personal qualifications can generally earn a much higher hourly rate than going for the first “now hiring” sign you see.

Sell Your Junk

This final step is pretty simple – sell anything extra at a yard sale, on the curb, or online. Some things that sell might even be things that were purchased with credit cards in the first place!

While selling extra possessions certainly won’t eliminate your debt alone, it can be extremely helpful as a boost when you’re close to the finish line, or as a kickstart when you first commit to paying off debt. As a side bonus, you’re decluttering your home at the same time.

See Also: 30 Easy Ways to Save Money You Probably Aren’t Doing Yet

The post 8 Methods to Eliminate Credit Card Debt appeared first on Dumb Little Man.


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